Agent of Heaven

Chapter 8 Suppressing Corpse Demons

Chapter 8 Suppressing Corpse Demons ([-])

"I am the boy who serves the sword under the Emperor Zhenwu Dangmo, and I am here to capture the thousand-year-old corpse demon." Dao Yan put the sword behind his back and stared at Yang Bin.

Yang Bin was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he laughed loudly: "Emperor Zhenwu? I'm still the Jade Emperor! Haha."

Mu Feng said: "What if he doesn't believe you?"

Dao Yan was puzzled: "Now cultivators don't believe in gods anymore?"

Mu Feng thought for a moment and said, "How long has it been since your Heavenly Court recruited newcomers?"

Dao Yan said: "After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, there are basically no recruits, and the establishment of the Heavenly Court is numerous."

Mu Feng asked: "Then where did all these cultivators go?"

Dao Yan said: "It should be that they are all old and dead, they will never become immortals if they practice like this!"

Yang Bin roared: "Don't play tricks with me! Regardless of whether you are a god or not, you will die here today." He chanted a mantra, and the surrounding wind was strong, and the smell of blood became stronger and stronger.

The soles of Dao Yan's feet were suddenly held by a pair of small black hands, and the surrounding walls were covered with densely packed babies, but their skin was dry and dull, their pupils were dark red, and there was a chilling smile on the corner of their mouths.

Mu Feng said: "What are these things? There is such a strong bloody smell, I choked to death!"

Dao Yan looked ugly and said: "These are the resentful souls of babies who died unjustly. They were refined to death by sorcery, and they all have great resentment."

Yang Bin said proudly: "That's right, these babies are all sacrificed to this large formation by me using blood refinement techniques, and there are a total of 99 babies. Otherwise, how could I arrange such an infinitely powerful giant?" Array?"

Mu Feng said coldly: "With so many children, you can do this kind of thing?"

Yang Bin did not reply to his words, pointing at Dao Yan and said: "Children, go and eat him."

The mysterious baby's resentful soul rushed towards Dao Yan, burying Dao Yan's whole body.

"Dao Yan! How are you?" Mu Feng asked anxiously.

Dao Yan said: "These children are too pitiful, I want to save them all, you find a way to help me delay the time, don't let him take the corpse demon's body, or it will be a big trouble."

The place where Dao Yan was located began to emit clear lights, and his low-pitched chant began to echo in the entire cave:

The supreme decree supers your lonely ghosts and ghosts, all four lives are blessed
A headed person surpasses a headless person with a gun and a sword to kill the diving suspension rope
Death in the open, death in the dark
Kneeling in front of my stage, the gossip shines brightly, stands on the threshold and emerges beyond the other side
Being a man or a woman, you are responsible for the rich and the poor, you choose for yourself
Rescue and other emergency superstudents

Under this chanting, the densely packed baby's resentful souls gradually calmed down, and each of them gradually recovered their human baby appearance, and their figures began to fade gradually.

Yang Bin secretly thought that it was not good, this little Taoist boy was a little bit more powerful than he imagined, thousands of resentful souls were originally Yang Bin's last trump card, but people said they would save them.Could it be that he is really a god descending to earth?

However, Yang Bin didn't have the time to think too much at this time, because he had reached the final stage of absorbing mana with Asura's magic power, and it was also the most critical stage.The skins of all the bigwigs in the cultivation world standing around began to shrivel up, and some of them looked like they were dying.As long as he persists for a while, he can erase the wisdom of the thousand-year-old corpse demon!At that time, with the corpse demon's physical body and the massive magic power, even if this child is really a god, Yang Bin will not be afraid of him.

Mu Feng was on the side, but he was a little dumbfounded. Dao Yan asked himself to stop Yang Bin, but how could he stop him with his own strength?Turn into a tiger to bite him?If he pounces on him like that, he will slap him flying!It's okay for me to deal with mortals these two times, but he is a cultivator with great supernatural powers!
Seeing the big bosses in the cultivation world who were gradually falling to the ground around him, Mu Feng became very anxious. Seeing that Yang Bin was about to absorb all of their skills, what should he do?
At this critical moment, Mu Feng suddenly had an idea, because he remembered Laozhu's elder brother, which is the most common trick of Brother Hou!As soon as he jumped, he turned into a small insect and flew towards Yang Bin buzzing.

Yang Bin absorbed his energy with his eyes closed, but his vigilance did not decrease at all. He listened to the movement around him, and as soon as the boy named Mu Feng approached, he would kill him with a palm!I heard that the kid is like a naturalist in the West, he will turn into some beasts.But in his eyes, this is nothing more than a small trick.

Unexpectedly, he didn't wait for the imaginary beast to pounce, but after hearing a buzzing sound, a mosquito went straight into his ear!This feeling made him feel instantly broken.

Mu Feng actually wanted to get into his stomach to make trouble like the Great Sage, but this guy had no reason to open his mouth at all, so he made the best of the next best thing and got into his ear.In the ear canal, Mu Feng turned back into his real body, but his body was much smaller. He plucked out a vellus hair, and then turned into an electric welder!Then he showed a sinister smirk.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Bin, who had been performing Asura's magic skills with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes wide, covered his ears and began to roll on the ground, with tears and snot flowing all over the floor.The mana that was originally sucked by Asura's magic power became messy in an instant, and poured it all over Yang Bin.Yang Bin's eyes were red, veins popped on his forehead, and he suddenly let out a scream: "God will not help me, it is not a crime of war!" Then, with a loud noise that shook the world, Yang Bin's body exploded with a bang, Turned into a broken limb.

As for Mu Feng, he fell on the place where Yang Bin was standing, and he was already unconscious.

At this moment, Dao Yan also finished saving the last baby in the cave, and flew to Mu Feng's face, with a nervous expression on his face, he felt his finger for his pulse.

As a result, Mu Feng suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and asked in a wailing voice, "How am I? It feels like my body is not my own anymore, and it hurts everywhere!"

"A very huge force! That is, the mana that Yang Bin could not absorb just now has been injected into your body in one go! It stands to reason that you should also end up in pieces, but there is another peaceful mana. All the mixed and violent mana has been suppressed, so your meridians are only slightly damaged at present."

Mu Feng endured the pain, and panting, he opened his skirt, and there was a golden "*" drawn on his left chest.

"Last night, the old pig suddenly came to me and said that I would have a catastrophe tomorrow, so he drew this thing on my body. He said that this thing will not only help me get through this end, but also bring me great opportunities."

Dao Yan nodded when he heard the words: "It turns out that this is the source of that peaceful mana, so it's no wonder. He was right. This seal has indeed brought you great opportunities. There is an extremely huge skill in your body now. You will gradually refine it for your own use in the future, and your strength will probably not be weaker than that of an immortal."

Mu Feng also sighed and said: "Unexpectedly, Yang Bin's tricks were exhausted, and in the end he took advantage of me. You also hurry up and collect that corpse demon, so you can go back to do business."

Dao Yan nodded, and before coming to the body of the long-haired zombie, he took out a gourd and pointed it at the zombie.

But at this moment, the corpse demon suddenly opened his eyes, shot out a burst of red light, and directly hit the unsuspecting Dao Yan's chest with his palm!
(End of this chapter)

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