Agent of Heaven

Chapter 7 Suppressing Corpse Demons

Chapter 7 Suppressing Corpse Demons ([-])

"What was that just now?" Mu Feng asked Yan.

Dao Yan said: "Illusion, Wanku Mountain is actually a huge illusion array. You are the first to wake up! Other people are still trapped inside."

Mu Feng raised his head and looked around, and it turned out to be foggy, and he couldn't see clearly: "What about you? You didn't enter the illusion?"

"Of course this phantom array is useless to me, I'm a god."

Mu Feng sighed: "Being a fairy is just like hanging out, but the illusion array just now is really powerful, it shows what I dreamed in my heart, I almost couldn't resist staying in it!"

At this moment, a long laugh suddenly came from a distance, and an old Taoist came out of the mist with a sword in hand, and he was dressed as Daoist Qingyang of the Shushan School.He saw the two of Mu Feng and said in surprise: "Huh? There are two little friends here who broke through the magic formation one step at a time. It's really a hero out of a young man, I admire it!"

Mu Feng said embarrassingly: "Actually, this junior just came here for a while."

Dao Yan said: "I really didn't expect that other than the two of us, there are other people who can walk out of this illusion."

Daoist Qingyang sized up Dao Yan when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "Before the poor Taoist came, he had already calculated that he would be here for a lifetime, and he had sealed his three souls of desire and desire into the sect's inner lock demon tower earlier. So this illusion has little effect on Pindao."

Mu Feng said: "I don't know if there is anyone else who can break this illusion?"

Daoist Qingyang frowned and sighed: "I'm afraid it's difficult. People in the cultivation world appear to be dignified and superior, but in fact they are all selfish and greedy. They will do anything to achieve their goals, and their sinister desires are a hundred times stronger than ordinary people. The power of this phantom formation Huge, after seducing people's desires, the illusion created is too realistic. I'm afraid no one will be able to come out again."

At this moment, another person stumbled out of the mist. He was covered in injuries, but he looked exactly like Zhao Yong'an!

"Daoist Qingyang, we have met..." Zhao Yongan fell to the ground before finishing his sentence.

Daoist Qingyang stepped forward, stretched out two fingers and put them on Zhao Yongan's wrist, a clear light kept flowing between his fingers, but Zhao Yongan's injury began to gradually improve.

Mu Feng stepped forward and said, "What did you encounter? Take your time!"

Zhao Yong'an, who seemed to have regained some physical strength, grabbed Qingyang Daoist's sleeve and said, "We met..." Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly became grim, and he shot suddenly, punching through Qingyang. Daoist Yang's dantian!
Daoist Qingyang spat out blood, waved his hand and saw a sword qi shoot out, splitting Zhao Yongan's body in two!
But Zhao Yongan still didn't notice that only the upper body was left, and he struck out with another palm, bringing up thunderbolts, blasting Daoist Qingyang's body to pieces, turning it into a bloody mist!
A ray of light emerged from the blood mist and retreated to Mu Feng and Dao Yan. He turned out to be a baby-sized person, and his appearance was the same as that of Qingyang Daoist.

"Hahaha! As expected, he is the great elder of the Shushan sect, and he was able to escape the Nascent Soul under such circumstances." Zhao Yong'an, who only had his upper body left, laughed wildly.

Daoist Qingyang's Nascent Soul was obviously also severely injured, and he would be speechless for a while, but just looked at Zhao Yong'an in disbelief.

Mu Feng had just recovered from the stunned state, he poked Dao Yan who was still stunned, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Dao Yan stared at his big black and white eyes and said, "I don't know either."

Mu Feng looked at Zhao Yongan and said, "Aren't you going to explain?"

Zhao Yongan smiled strangely: "Okay, let me explain to you." Come on, his waist began to grow a lot of crazily wriggling granulation, and those granulation moved faster and faster, and within a few breaths, his lower body had recovered to its original state!
Dao Yan frowned and said: "This evil spirit is exactly the same as Lei Dafu's!"

Zhao Yong'an smiled and said, "You're not as stupid as you think. Lei Dafu is actually one of us, but he's just a dog that collects money for us!"

Mu Feng rubbed his forehead and said, "Even if you want to be a villain now, put on your pants first."

Zhao Yong'an ignored him, but continued: "Daoist Qingyang should also be very puzzled now, so I will give you an answer." With a wave of his hand, the surrounding fog gradually dissipated.

Mu Feng found that they were standing on a large circular platform, and the other people who came with them were also standing not far away, but they were all delirious, with expressions of enjoyment or complacency on their faces.Most of them are still sitting in the illusion, dreaming, and some people who like to talk in sleep are shouting "I am the number one master in the cultivation world, those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish!" and so on.

But for those people who are still lost in the illusion, their life and mana have become red lines, which are sent to a person in the center of the platform far away.

And that person is Yang Bin!He was suspended in the air, spreading his hands to absorb the mana, showing an expression of enjoyment.And under him, sat a long-haired zombie.

Daoist Yuanying of Qingyang, who had been speechless for a long time, suddenly said, "It's Asura's magic art! Yang Bin, you actually practice such an evil art!" After saying this, his complexion became even uglier. .

But Dao Yan's focus was on the long-haired zombie: "The thousand-year-old corpse!"

"That's right, what you said is correct, Director Yang has indeed practiced Asura Demon Art, and that is also the Thousand Year Corpse Demon." Zhao Yong'an clapped his hands and said.There were already a few more people standing behind him at this time, they were all the members of the Ninth Bureau that Mu Feng had seen, and they all looked at Mu Feng and the other three with mocking faces.

Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "Actually, I've been confused until now. Can any of you explain it to me?"

Daoist Qingyang said with difficulty: "Asura Demon Art is a magic power that has been lost for 500 years. Practicing this art can absorb other people's mana for his own use. He tricked us here because he wanted to borrow The phantom array confuses us and uses it to suck our mana!"

Yang Bin, who was suspended in the air, suddenly opened his eyes: "That's right, that's exactly the case, but what I didn't expect was that you and those two juniors could not be controlled by the 'Thousand Illusions and Desires'. After some twists and turns, Zhao Yongan was sent to attack you."

Dao Yan looked at Zhao Yong'an and the others standing aside and said, "These people are not human anymore! But why can't you see the evil spirit in them?"

Zhao Yong'an said with a smile: "Little baby, that's because we accidentally discovered that as long as we eat the blood of this thousand-year-old corpse demon, we can instantly increase our skill and have a nearly immortal zombie body. Unlike being bitten by a zombie, we all We can maintain our sanity, as long as we don’t use demon power, no one will be able to notice the difference between us and ordinary people.”

Mu Feng smiled and said: "The explanation is quite attentive, but did you cooperate with the thousand-year-old corpse demon? Otherwise, why would they just let you drink blood? No matter what, I still have to admire your courage to drink zombie blood!"

Pointing to the zombie under him, Yang Bin said: "Is this bastard worthy of cooperating with us? It's just a demon power. When we met him, we lost many hands and failed to take him down. Even I almost died. Later, I We found that his spiritual intelligence was extremely low, introduced it into this formation, and got trapped, and since then, it has become a plaything in our hands."

Daoist Qingyang suddenly showed a terrified look and said: "I understand!"

Mu Feng said: "What do you understand?"

"I was thinking just now that although Asura's magic power can absorb mana for his own use, the people here are all top-notch masters in the cultivation world. Even if you can barely absorb all their mana, they will end up with a self-destructive end. Seeing this thousand-year-old corpse under your control, I understand that you want to receive the mana of all the masters in the cultivation world present, help you erase the wisdom of this thousand-year-old corpse, and then take its body!" Daoist Qingyang The Nascent Soul trembled.

Yang Bin said: "That's right, Daoist Qingyang really deserves to be the Great Elder of Shushan, he is really a person with deep wisdom. In order to show respect to you, when I take the body of this corpse demon, I will be the first to destroy Shushan! "

Daoist Qingyang roared angrily: "I won't let you, the devil, succeed!" Say it, and then turned into a sword light and rushed towards Yang Bin!

"Hmph, overestimate your own strength!" Yang Bin snorted coldly, and waved a huge and mixed mana, knocking out the sword light.Daoist Qingyang's Nascent Soul fell to the ground and instantly became illusory.

Zhao Yong'an came to this group of minions of the Ninth Bureau and laughed grimly: "Daoist Qingyang is not far from death. We want to keep his Nascent Soul for refining to increase his skills, so let's kill you two juniors first." As soon as the words were finished, a lot of demonic aura rose from their bodies.

Mu Feng said to Dao Yan: "I didn't expect to catch a corpse demon to be able to have such twists and turns. I just watched a scene by the way."

Dao Yan said: "Oh, the world of mortals is so complicated that I don't have enough brains to see it."

Mu Feng said: "Then get rid of them all quickly, and go back to work. I'm tired after working so long."

Dao Yan nodded and said: "Okay, I'll hurry up, maybe I can catch up and go back for lunch."

Zhao Yongan said angrily: "Two bastards who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, are you..." Before he finished speaking, he saw a purple fairy sword flying out of Dao Yan's hand and pierced into his chest. Yongan lost consciousness forever like this.

Dao Yan's body turned into an afterimage, and he slapped the other members of the Ninth Bureau.Then he returned to Mu Feng's side and shouted: "Nanming Lihuo, burn!" The flames were everywhere, and all the evil people in front of them were turned into flying ashes.

"This is impossible! These subordinates of mine are already close to immortality. Even in the heyday of Daoist Qingyang, it is impossible to kill them all in a blink of an eye. You are just a junior with low cultivation! Even if you are It is impossible for a god to be reincarnated with such a cultivation level!"

Mu Feng teased: "The immortal guessed it right, but it was not reincarnated, but came down to earth in person!"

(End of this chapter)

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