Agent of Heaven

Chapter 6 Suppressing Corpse Demons

Chapter 6 Suppressing Corpse Demons ([-])

Zhao Yongan is the captain of the action team of the special department in Jiangdong City, and he has the natural ability to manipulate lightning.And this department is not called the Dragon Group as Mu Feng imagined, but the Ninth Investigation Bureau of National Security Special Events.Commonly known as the Nine Bureau.

Zhao Yong'an explained to Mu Feng and the others that the Corpse Demon had a fight with the Ninth Bureau before. As a result, the Ninth Bureau suffered heavy losses and the Corpse Demon was also seriously injured.Later, the corpse demon disappeared and did not show up for about half a year.But not long ago, many zombies like Lei Dafu began to appear in the city.Fortunately, Bureau Nine responded in a timely manner, and has recently eliminated and captured many zombies.

Mu Feng patted Dao Yan's shoulder secretly: "Didn't you just sleep for a day? According to them, this corpse demon seems to have been in the world for a long time."

Before Dao Yan answered, the old pig who had just woken up gasped and said, "One day in the sky, one year on the ground."

Mu Feng said: "It's been a year since I co-authored that corpse demon! I said why I couldn't speak English last year."

Dao Yan blushed: "Does it matter?"

Mu Feng said: "It must be related."

Zhao Yongan over there commanded a few people to collect Lei Dafu's body, then turned his head to Mu Feng and said: "You guys just said that the corpse demon has a lot to do with your sect. Came to capture the corpse demon?"

Dao Yan replied: "As for the corpse demon, we are duty-bound. If you have its whereabouts, please let me know quickly, so that I can go and catch it!"

Zhao Yong'an was stunned: "That corpse demon has great magic power. It can slaughter thousands of people with a wave of its hand. I'm afraid it cannot be matched by one person."

Dao Yan said: "It doesn't matter, I am..."

But Mu Feng hurriedly said: "You said that you would invite us to deal with the corpse demon together, but what strategy do you have?" He couldn't let Dao Yan go everywhere and say that he is a fairy.

Zhao Yong'an smiled and said: "Yes, yes. If you don't dislike it, how about going to the Ninth Bureau with me. There are also many senior masters in the cultivation world who were invited by our director. Everyone work together, No matter how powerful that corpse demon is, it still has the power to fight!"

After saying that, Mu Feng nodded his head in agreement.Pulling Lao Zhu and Dao Yan, followed Zhao Yongan and left this place.

On the way, Dao Yan secretly asked Mu Feng again: "Why didn't you let me talk just now?"

The old pig smiled and said, "Sometimes you can't go anywhere and say you are a fairy."

Dao Yan said: "Why? I am obviously a god."

The old pig said: "There is no reason, even if it is true, you can't say it."

Mu Feng explained: "The main reason is that the fairy's words are too shocking to the world, anyway, you just don't say it."

Dao Yan nodded his head.

It has to be said that the people of the country are very aggressive, and there is an armored car with a luxurious interior parked not far away. Even with Mu Feng and three more people sitting in it, the interior is still a little spacious.Mu Feng also took the opportunity to get to know several other men in Chinese tunic suits who were sitting during the period.They are all characters with supernatural powers, some can burst into flames all over their bodies, and some can become invisible.Some are even disciples of certain sects of self-cultivation.

After about two hours of driving, Mu Feng and others got off the car in a military camp lined with guards.A soldier saw that the three of Mu Feng were unfamiliar faces and wanted to interrogate them, but was stopped by Zhao Yong'an.

"These are special people who are not under your jurisdiction."

The guard nodded when he heard the words, and looked at Mu Feng and the others with envy and yearning in their eyes.

"I'll take you to meet our boss in a while, and the boss will be very happy when we get help from experts like you."

Following Zhao Yong'an into a solemn office, he saw an old man with white hair sitting on a plain desk reviewing documents.

"Director! The task of eliminating zombies has been completed, and Zhao Yong'an has come to report to you."

The white-haired old man raised his head, adjusted the glasses on his face and said, "Very good." He looked at Mu Feng and the others behind Zhao Yong'an again, showing a questioning look.

"These people are all people I met when I was clearing the zombies. They were hunting down the zombies at that time, and they were all very skilled. So I brought them back, hoping that they can join us in dealing with the thousand-year-old corpse demon " After that, Zhao Yong'an said again that the corpse demon escaped from Daoyan's sect.

The old man nodded, and said to Mu Feng: "Old man Yang Bin is the main person in charge of the Ninth Bureau in Jiangdong City. The little brothers came to deal with the corpse demon. I am very grateful."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It should, it should, serve the people, besides, it was our mistake that the corpse was born, but we should say sorry to you."

Yang Bin said: "Little comrades don't need to apologize. The most important thing is that we plan to eliminate the corpse demon as soon as possible. I also invited experts from various sects in the cultivation world. We will discuss it together tomorrow. You can go down and rest first. "After that, he called out: "Secretary Huang, take these distinguished guests down for a rest."

After Mu Feng and the three of them went down to rest with Secretary Huang, who had big breasts and fat buttocks.The atmosphere in the office suddenly became much quieter.

Yang Bin asked Zhao Yongan: "How are these people's strength?"

Zhao Yong'an said: "That kid is extremely strong. Seeing that he can seriously injure Lei Dafu with a single strike, he is probably not inferior to me. That young man can transform into all kinds of ferocious beasts to fight, so he should be considered not weak in combat power. As for that fat man, he seems to be very ordinary, so even if he has strength, he probably won't be too strong."

Yang Bin nodded and said, "Then add the three of them, and the others will follow the original plan."

"Yes, Director!"

Early the next morning, Zhao Yongan brought Mu Feng and Dao Yan to a conference room for a meeting. The old pig was lazy on the bed and refused to get up, but Zhao Yongan didn't force it.Even before leaving, he gave Lao Zhu a disdainful look.

There are already quite a few people sitting in this conference room, most of them are old men with white hair and childlike faces.A few young men and women stood behind many people, serving tea and serving them.Yang Bin was standing there presiding over the meeting.

"The two little friends are here?" Yang Bin and Mu Feng greeted each other, but they didn't care when they saw that the old pig was not here.

Mu Feng smiled at Yang Bin: "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Yang Bin said: "It's okay, come on, let me introduce you to the seniors here."

"This is Taoist Priest Zixu of the Songyang Sect"

"Hello, senior Zixu."

"En." That Taoist Zixu looked at his nose with his long eyes and his heart with his nose, and gave a expressionless expression of grace.

"This is Master Ding'an of the Blue Lantern Sect."

"I have seen the master."


Yang Bin introduced several big brothers in the cultivation world to Mu Feng one after another, but they all just said "En" expressionlessly.

"Could it be that I'm too ugly? That's why they don't want to talk to me?" Mu Feng asked Dao Yan through sound transmission with his power.

Dao Yan said via voice transmission: "Just now they have scanned us many times with their spiritual sense, just to observe our cultivation. But we are not at the same level as them, so they can't see our cultivation. , thought we were mortals."

Mu Feng said: "It turns out that dogs look down on people. This kind of thing really happens everywhere. By the way, what level is my cultivation?"

Dao Yan said: "You are a half-immortal, no matter how powerful you are in combat, your cultivation will always be higher than these mortals!"

At this time, Yang Bin began to talk to everyone present: "We have already investigated the corpse demon's lair, and it is three hundred miles away at Wanku Mountain. This time, it is all thanks to the help of fellow Taoists."

"Brother Yang, what's the matter, you and I have been friends for many years, not to mention that you said that after the matter is completed, you will show us the hidden magic tome in the ninth round." Daoist Zixu said to Yang Bin expressionlessly.

Yang Bin said with a smile: "Yang's promise will naturally be fulfilled. After killing the corpse demon, you can choose one of the secret codes of various exercises hidden in the ninth round."

At this time, an old voice like a bell suddenly came from all around: "The corpse demon has come to the world, and the people have been devastated. The poor Taoist is here to help eliminate the demon."

Yang Bin bowed to the surroundings and said, "If you dare to ask, who is the master?"

"Shushan Qingyang is also!" As soon as the words fell, a thin old man came with a smile on his face.

"It's actually Daoist Qingyang!" Live in amazement.

Even Dao Yan also sent a voice transmission to Mu Feng: "This Daoist Qingyang is quite powerful, his aura has reached the peak of a mortal."

This extremely powerful Daoist Qingyang took the first seat, and Yang Bin shouted to everyone present: "Even Daoist Qingyang has come, God help me! This is so, then there is no need to delay, fellow Taoists!" Let's set off towards Ten Thousand Skull Mountain together to destroy the corpse demons!"

(End of this chapter)

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