Agent of Heaven

Chapter 5 Are you a dragon group?

Chapter 5 Are you a dragon group?

Liu Feifei's godfather was named Lei Dafu, and he held a rich and important position in the city, the director of the demolition office.In private, he hoarded a large amount of wealth relying on real estate speculation, and with his huge financial resources, he was inextricably linked with the local underworld.In the entire Jiangdong City, he is the number one figure in the ranking. It is said that even the mayor wants to give him three points.

However, today seems to be the end of Lei Dafu's luck, because Dao Yan has already appeared in front of his mansion with Mu Feng.

"Break in directly? Or sneak in?" Mu Feng asked.

Dao Yan said: "Let me think twice."

At this time, a few bodyguards in black appeared in front of the gate with their hounds on their hands, and shouted at Mu Feng and the others, "Those two boys! What are you doing sneakily? This is not a place for you to stay, get out!"

Mu Feng said: "I think it's better to call in."

Dao Yan said: "Okay, you do it."

Mu Feng said, "Why me?"

Dao Yan said: "Because there are regulations above, I can't shoot mortals."

Mu Feng said: "Then how can I attack mortals?"

Dao Yan said: "Because you are still a mortal at heart."

Seeing that Mu Feng and Dao Yan were still whining and refusing to leave, they let the hounds bite them.

If it was Mu Feng a few days ago, seeing the vicious dogs flying towards him, he would definitely run away in a panic, but now, everything is different.Mu Feng lay on the ground, only to hear a tiger howl that shook the heavens and earth.Mu Feng has transformed into a huge colorful tiger.But see: the hair stands upright like steel needles, and the eyes shine like copper bells.With a loud shout Qianshanfu, the majestic and majestic king of beasts.

The bodyguards in this mansion are also mortals, and it's okay to show off in front of the common people, but when they meet Mu Feng who directly turns into a tiger if he disagrees with him, he is just stunned.They all yelled and ran away without a trace.Those vicious dogs that were aggressive before were all lying on the ground trembling under Mu Feng's majesty.

"What's so noisy?" With a thick middle-aged voice, Lei Dafu opened the door of the mansion in his pajamas, but was stunned by the scene in front of him, he grabbed a bodyguard who was running past and asked, "How can there be such a thing here?" There's a tiger."

The bodyguard replied: "People become!"

Lei Dafu said with black lines all over his head, "Do you think I believe it or not?"

Dao Yan sent a voice transmission to Mu Feng: "I can't get the slightest evil spirit from this person in front of me! What do you think, Mu Feng?"

Mu Feng said: "I thought there must be something strange about this person, let me test his truth first." Say it, and saw the fierce tiger roaring, and rushed towards Lei Dafu who was wearing pajamas.

Lei Dafu looked at the tiger that was approaching constantly, but showed a look of fearlessness, and even stretched out his hands to meet the tiger.

Mu Feng's sharp claws hit Lei Dafu's chest, but it was like hitting a rock, unable to penetrate an inch.And Lei Dafu's hands had indeed grasped his front paws, and a huge force poured out like a mountain and river breaking an embankment, throwing Mu Feng far away.

Lei Dafu poured great power into this blow, if Mu Feng really fell from the sky like this, he would definitely be crushed to pieces.It was too late, it was so fast, Mu Feng unexpectedly had an idea at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a huge goshawk again, and followed Lei Dafu's power to glide in the air.

A golden light flashed above Dao Yan's eyes at this time, he clearly saw that when Lei Dafu used that inhuman power just now.A large patch of black skin spread over his body.Lei Dafu, whose aura was just that of a mortal, also became a monster at this time.

"Monster dare!" Dao Yan yelled, even though it was a child's voice, the power was like a thunderbolt that was startled from the flat ground, Lei Dafu trembled so much that he almost didn't kneel down.The Devil-Breaking Sword flew over with purple energy, and it radiated brilliantly. In a blink of an eye, it chopped off one of Lei Dafu's arms.

Lei Dafu covered the wound cut by the Devil-Breaking Sword, strangely, there was no blood on it, and there was no blood at the part where the skin and flesh were separated, like a mummy that had been sealed for a long time.

"Sure enough, it's also a zombie! Tell me, what does the thousand-year-old corpse have to do with you? I can feel its fluctuations from you." Dao Yan asked with a severe expression on his broken sword.

"You... who the hell are you?" Lei Dafu looked at Mu Feng who had turned into an eagle and was circling in the air again.

"The Emperor Zhenwu Destroys Demons sits down and the boy Daoyan is here, the evildoer is still quick to confer the head!"

"Conferring the head? Hahaha." Lei Dafu suddenly took out a ball from behind, pulled off the ring and threw it over, while he himself turned around and ran away at this moment.

An extremely intense white light flashed, and both Dao Yan and Mu Feng couldn't help closing their eyes.When it was opened again, Lei Dafu had long since disappeared.

"Damn it, this zombie is dead, why is it still using flash bombs?"

"Hurry up!" Dao Yan shouted with red and swollen eyes, and then took the lead in chasing towards the south.And people, or one person and one eagle are more suitable, and after a while, they saw Lei Dafu's obese body passing through the ground like a gust of wind.

"Monster, where are you running!" Dao Yan yelled, and was about to hold the Devil-Breaking Sword to kill the monster completely.

But at this moment, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and the charred pieces that Lei Dafu slashed fell to the ground, and there was no life left.

Mu Feng flew down, landed on Dao Yan's shoulder and said with a smile, "He was struck to death by lightning?"

Dao Yan bowed to the surroundings and said, "I don't know where the Taoist friend made the move, please show up and tell."

In the darkness, four men in Chinese tunic suits came out. The leading man still had a flashing electric arc in his hand. It seemed that he was undoubtedly the one who made the move just now.

"Who are you?" Mu Feng flapped his wings and fell to the ground, transforming back into human form.

The four men in Chinese tunic suits were all surprised when they saw the eagle transform into a human.However, the man in the lead regained his composure the quickest and said, "We are members of the national special security department. Hello, I think Zhao Yong'an!" After finishing speaking, he pointed at the charred corpse Lei Dafu on the ground with one hand and said. : "It is our mission to eliminate this monster."

"National special security department? I know! You are the Dragon Group!"

Zhao Yong'an said with black lines all over his head: "Let me just say it again, we are not the dragon group, and there is no such organization as the dragon group, and the special department of our country will never be called such a stupid name."

Mu Feng said: "I'm really disappointed that you are not called the Dragon Group. But you are actually in a special department, so we should be able to help each other."

Zhao Yong'an bowed and said: "The cooperation between the state and the folk is a strategy that the organization has been using since its establishment. If you need any help, just ask."

Mu Feng then told the story about a thousand-year-old corpse demon from Master Daoyan's sect, and the clues on Lei Dafu's body.However, Dao Yan's identity was concealed, and he was only said to be a disciple of a hermit sect.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yong'an said that the thousand-year-old corpse demon appeared in Jiangdong City many times recently, and even fought against them several times, causing them heavy losses.So the two hit it off and planned to deal with the corpse demon together after exchanging clues.

"Are you two the only ones coming from your master this time?" Zhao Yongan asked.

"There is one more, hey, Dao Yan, where's the old pig?"

"Sleeping in the nearby woods, I have been sleeping until now." Dao Yan spread his hands helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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