Agent of Heaven

Chapter 4 Liu Feifei's Godfather

Chapter 4 Liu Feifei's Godfather
"Is your car good? When did you buy it?" In a high-end neighborhood, Liu Feifei saw Mu Feng standing next to the "Lincoln mkx", showing a surprised expression.

Mu Feng smiled awkwardly: "Hey, I bought it recently."

"This car is not cheap, at least hundreds of thousands."

"It's okay, it's okay." Mu Feng could only hesitate, because he changed the car randomly after seeing pictures on the Internet, and he really didn't know the price, so he hurriedly said, "Hurry up and get in the car. "

Liu Feifei smiled slightly, charming and charming, opened the car door, but saw a young lady sitting inside.

"This is my younger brother." Mu Feng quickly pointed to Dao Yan and explained.

Liu Feifei pinched Dao Yan's chubby face and sat on the co-pilot.

Dao Yan frowned, rubbing the face that Liu Feifei pinched, and said to Mu Feng with magic power: "There is no problem with her place of residence, and the evil spirit is not too strong. Let's take her back first."

Mu Feng didn't know advanced skills such as mana sound transmission, so he could only nod slightly and drove the car out.

Liu Feifei suddenly asked suspiciously: "Hey, what's your car?"

"What's wrong?" Mu Feng felt a little nervous. Could it be that this woman saw some flaws?
"Why didn't I see you start it?"

Mu Feng sweated profusely: "The newly installed intelligent driving system is very high-end." In fact, the car he transformed through magic is not a real car in essence, so it is directly driven by his magic power, and there is no need to send it to the car at all. Drive like other people drive.

Liu Feifei is also a proud master. Even if she doesn't understand what it is, she still pretends to understand it, and then gently replied: "Oh, I know, my Korean friend also uses this smart driving system. fashionable."

"Haha, isn't it, what a coincidence." Mu Feng replied like this, but his heart had already started to complain: "So your Korean friend can also change Tiangang 36? But it might be, maybe Zhu Bajie is also Korean. ! Anyway, Korea is the birthplace of the Milky Way.”

Along the way, Mu Feng chatted with Liu Feifei all the time. In fact, Mu Feng was listening to Liu Feifei bragging about what celebrity party she went to with her friends, bragging about which high-end resort she went to.After an hour and a half of long endurance, I finally arrived at the destination, the suburban villa.

"It's here, get out of the car." Mu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and finally arrived.

After Liu Feifei looked at the villa with a good view by the lake, she had a disappointed expression on her face. He originally thought that his little-known old classmate might be an invisible rich man living in a luxury complex.Unexpectedly, an earthen villa was built in a deserted countryside.

"Come in, Miss Liu." Mu Feng stretched out his hand to invite Liu Feifei.

The three of them entered the house together and saw Laozhu sitting and eating instant noodles.

Liu Feifei said displeased: "Is this your relative?" She thought that this Mu Feng must be a countryman, otherwise there would be so many messy relatives.

Mu Feng ignored her displeasure: "This is my cousin, please sit down."

Just as he sat down, Mu Feng received a voice transmission from Dao Yan: "I leave it to you, gain her trust, let her lead us to investigate the corpse demon's trace."

Mu Feng: "Why me?" His original intention was to bring Liu Feifei here and leave him alone.

Liu Feifei: "What are you? What's wrong?"

Mu Feng said: "It's nothing." Dao Yan was already looking at him with a look of pleading for help, and he was completely inexperienced in dealing with the little boy Dao Yan, a mortal woman.

"Then Liu Feifei, I have something to say." Mu Feng took a deep breath and said.He didn't plan to play around with Liu Feifei anymore.

Liu Feifei was startled and said, "What do you want to say?"

Mu Feng said: "Whether you believe it or not, I will tell you that you have evil spirits! This is the fundamental reason why I brought you here."

Liu Feifei looked at Mu Feng with a dumbfounded expression.

Mu Feng continued: "Actually, my family is a Taoist priest passed down from generation to generation, so please trust me."

Liu Feifei's expression has changed from astonishment to playfulness, and then to contempt: "You are the lowest way of teasing girls I have ever seen."

"I'm serious, and I have no other thoughts about you." The so-called non-speculative words are more than half a sentence, in fact, Mu Feng doesn't like green tea very much.

Liu Feifei sneered: "Really? Then I don't feel that I have any evil spirit on me, so I'm leaving now. Taoist students should go to other female benefactors for consecration."

Mu Feng said: "I know you don't believe me, so watch it." He winked at Dao Yan.

Dao Yan nodded knowingly, then waved his hand, and a fairy sword with rising purple energy floated in front of everyone.

Liu Feifei looked in front of her with a look of astonishment: "This..."

Mu Feng asked according to the voice transmission Dao Yan sent to him: "Have you felt your back itchy recently?"

Liu Feifei anxiously asked: "How do you know?" At this time, she had already believed Mu Feng a little bit: "Not only is it itchy, but also the skin is covered with blood-red spots."

Dao Yan said: "Has it reached this point? Show me."

Mu Feng said to Liu Feifei who was slightly hesitant: "Follow the matter urgently, it will not do you any harm if you show us."

Liu Feifei lifted the back of her clothes, and saw blood-red spots the size of a fingernail were densely covered on it, and granulation buds that would constantly wriggle grew on each spot.It made Mu Feng almost vomit.It feels like I took a small video with my mobile phone and put it in front of Liu Feifei.

Liu Feifei's face turned pale when she saw it, and she grabbed Mu Feng's arm and said in horror: "Woo, what should I do? You must save me, we are classmates."

Mu Feng looked at Dao Yan: "What do you think?"

Dao Yan said: "It's infected with the spirit of sexual intercourse of the corpse demon. I can use my magic power to remove it for her and she will be fine."

Mu Feng said: "The spirit of sex? Could it be that she and that corpse demon..."

Dao Yan said: "No, corpse demons don't have intercourse with mortals, it should look like after intercourse with mortals who have been bitten by corpse demons, but..."

Mu Feng said: "But what?"

Dao Yan said: "It is reasonable to say that mortals who have been bitten by corpse demons should all be reduced to walking corpses, it is impossible to have abilities and women..."

Mu Feng asked Liu Feifei: "Who have you been with recently?"

Liu Feifei cried and said, "No, I've been living a good life recently, and there is no other man except my godfather."

Mu Feng said: "Your godfather? That bald fat man who drove a BMW yesterday?"

Liu Feifei said with red and swollen eyes: "Yes."

The old pig who was eating noodles finally couldn't help but interjected: "And godfather? I really don't understand the world today."

Mu Feng said to Dao Yan: "The car you left behind to track Zhihe yesterday also belonged to him. It seems that the problem lies with that bald man."

Dao Yan nodded and said: "Okay, I'll get rid of the evil spirit for this girl first, and then we'll go find that person to find out."

The old pig interjected, "Do you want me to go with you?"

Dao Yan thought for a while and said: "You should go with us, after all, that monster is no small matter, in case something happens, you can guarantee that nothing will go wrong."

Mu Feng said to Liu Feifei: "Tell me all the information about your godfather, and if there is anything strange about him recently."

(End of this chapter)

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