Agent of Heaven

Chapter 102 Infiltrating into Efang Palace

Chapter 102 Infiltrating into Efang Palace

The middle-aged Japanese man in a kimono was slapped twice by Mu Feng, his face flushed with anger, he yelled angrily: "Baga!" Then he pulled out the samurai sword from his waist.

But!His knife was only half drawn out, but was pushed back by Mu Feng with one hand. "Slap!" With a sound, Mu Feng slapped the Wa native on the face again.

This slap directly hit the Japanese people dizzy, with stars in their eyes.But it also woke him up, he drew back and pointed at Mu Feng, "Who are you?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "My name is Mu Feng."

The Japanese said: "I am the Ise Shrine Guard, the captain of the [-]th Division, Kojiro Kameda. I will definitely avenge your revenge!" After speaking, he threw an iron ball on the ground, and a burst of smoke rose, and then To escape.

It's too late, but it's fast.A huge flying sword suddenly descended from the sky, and directly slashed at Kameda Kojiro.

"Nani!" Kameda Kojiro exclaimed, drew out the samurai sword from his waist, and faced the giant sword.But there seemed to be a mighty force on the giant sword, and the high platform under Kameda Kojiro's feet was shattered inch by inch, and he himself fell to the ground.

"Ju Que, come back!" A little girl wearing a pink hello kitty_ patterned T-shirt appeared in front of Kameda Kojiro, and the terrifying giant sword was suspended behind her.

Kameda Kojiro said in horror: "It's the Juque Sword!" What was even more horrifying in his heart was that the Juque Sword, one of the legendary treasures of the Shushan School, would be controlled by such a little girl who looked less than ten years old freely.

Kameda Kojiro raised his head and looked around, showing a desperate expression. The Japanese warriors around him had all been subdued by the Ninth Bureau personnel who had arrived, and thousands of girls who were originally intended to be used as sacrifices had also been driven away. The special police came to protect him.My mission this time failed completely!
Mu Feng stepped forward, looked at Kameda Kojiro lying on the ground and asked, "Where are your other accomplices?"

Kameda Kojiro said with ashen face: "I won't tell you, the first moment I set foot on the land of Huaxia, I was already ready to be loyal to Emperor Jimmu."

Mu Feng stretched out a finger, pointed at Kojiro Kameda's forehead and said, "Okay, if that's the case, then I will help you!"

At this moment, pieces of pink cherry blossoms suddenly fell in front of Mu Feng.How can there be cherry blossoms?It is still some time before the season of cherry blossoms blooms, and there are no cherry blossom trees here.

"Where did the cherry blossoms come from?" Jiang Xiaoyue stretched out her hand to catch a piece of cherry blossoms.

"Don't!" Xiao Qingsu at the side stopped Jiang Xiaoyue's actions, and shot a sword energy between her fingers and collided with the cherry blossom.

The sword energy and the cherry blossoms dissipated at the same time!

"Sister Xiaoyue, don't touch them, these cherry blossoms are transformed by the saber energy of a master!" Xiao Qingsu looked at the falling cherry blossoms all over the sky, with a warlike light in her eyes.

Suddenly, a gust of wind surged, and the cherry blossoms all over the sky condensed into a ball, wrapping Mu Feng in it.

"A country of barbarians, dare to show off!" Mu Feng shouted loudly, the Black Iron Overlord Spear appeared in his hand, and with a sweep of the spear, an aura of contempt for the world emanated, and the cherry blossoms around him all disappeared.

But!Kameda Kojiro, who was waiting to die at his feet, disappeared!

"Huaxia is worthy of being a kingdom of heaven. It really has outstanding people and talented people." A gentle female voice came from the sky.

Mu Feng looked up, under the moonlight, there was a plump beauty in a pink kimono floating in the air, Kameda Kojiro was caught in her hand.

"Who is your Excellency?" Mu Feng asked.

The woman smiled and said: "My name is Yue Jihua. Ise Shrine Guards, captain of the third division, we will see you later." After speaking, her figure flashed and disappeared under the moonlight.

Mu Feng looked at the moon and said with a sneer, "We will see you soon!"

Let's say that Tsukihime Flower grabbed Kameda Kojiro and flew all the way, suddenly the two of them came to a place full of palaces.But see here:
The pressure is more than three hundred miles, and the sun is isolated.Lishan is constructed from the north and turns west, going straight to Xianyang.The two rivers melted and flowed into the palace wall.Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to a pavilion;Panpanyan, 囷囷yan, hive water vortex, there are almost tens of millions of drops!The long bridge lies on the waves, what is the cloud and the dragon?Repeating the Tao and walking in the sky, don't Ji He Hong?High and low obsessed, I don't know east and west.The song stage is warm, and the spring is melting; the dance hall is cold, and the wind and rain are miserable.Within a day, between a house, and the climate is uneven.It was the Efang Palace!
The two flew to the luxurious palace where they wrote "Wangyi Palace", and walked in together kneeling three times and knocking nine times.

There is a dragon chair standing above the Wangyi Hall, and an old man who is completely illusory is sitting in the dragon chair. He is wearing a Taoist robe, and his eyes reveal a bloodthirsty light.

"Kameda, how did you do what I told you to do?" the old man said slowly.

Kameda knelt on the ground, beads of sweat the size of beans remained on his forehead, his eyes were full of horror: "Old ancestor, please forgive me..."

It turned out that the old man was Xu Fu, a sorcerer of the Qin Dynasty, and also the founding emperor of Japan, Emperor Jimmu.

Xu Fu said: "When I asked you, you begged for mercy before you answered. It seems that you have messed up."

Kameda prostrated and kowtowed: "Old Ancestor, I've already prepared all the sacrificial rituals, but who knew that the people from the Ninth Bureau would suddenly kill me..."

Xu Fu interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "Enough!" He asked a young man with a samurai sword on his waist, "Muramasa, what do you think should be done?"

The young man bowed and said, "Without the sacrifice, you cannot be fully resurrected, the ancestor. Therefore, it is more important to find the sacrifice again. It is better to give Guitian a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds." This young man is obviously of a higher status than Guitian few.There were three people in the palace besides Xu Fu, but he was the one standing closest to Xu Fu, and he was not seen kneeling down.

Xu Fu nodded and said, "Then do as you said."

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from around Afang Palace: "Hahaha! I don't know where Qin Zhixu Fuke is here? I'm going to Mu Feng, come and see me!" The voice was getting closer and closer. Thousands of miles away, but when he uttered the two words, he seemed to have arrived at the gate of Wangyi Hall.

Xu Fu looked indifferently and said: "Mu Feng? What a strange name, Huaxia really has a lot of talents. I have only stayed in this Efang Palace for thousands of years, and this young hero appeared again."

The villager bowed to Xu Fu and said, "Old Ancestor, let us go and deal with the coming people."

Xu Fu nodded: "Go, the three of you go together."

The three of them took orders, and together they raised their knives to the outside of Wangyi Hall.

There happened to be three people standing outside the hall, Mu Feng, Jiang Xiaoyue, and Qing Su.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

Yue Jihua's expression became a little ugly: "Are you following us? You let us go on purpose!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Otherwise, you think you can escape from my hands with your strength? I have already left a mark on Kameda Kojiro, and I am waiting for you all to gather and catch them all in one go."

The village looked at Mu Feng and said, "You are very strong, you are qualified to die by my knife."

Mu Feng sneered: "Who are you?"

Muramasa said: "Muramasa Kono, Ise Shrine guard team, captain of the second team."

(End of this chapter)

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