Agent of Heaven

Chapter 101 We Are Not from China

Chapter 101 We Are Not from China

In a desolate place far away from the bustling area of ​​Xianyang, Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue were detained here along with more than a hundred women, and a day passed.

What relieved Mu Feng was that the Japanese warriors who performed the task of watching over the pressure did not further bully or do anything else to these girls present, but directly allocated rooms for each of them to be detained separately, intimidating After a few words, he swaggered away.

If these Japanese people really wanted to do something to the imprisoned young girl, Mu Feng would have to act first.In any case, he would not watch his compatriots being humiliated by the Japanese.

It was only then that Mu Feng discovered that the place where they were detained was not small, because when they entered, they saw that many cells were full of people, and they should all be young women who were deceived before them and then imprisoned. .

Jiang Xiaoyue was imprisoned next door to Mu Feng. After waiting for the guards to leave, Mu Feng plucked out a vellus hair and turned it into his own fake body. After that, he turned into a bug and flew into Jiang Xiaoyue's room.

"Xiaoyue!" Mu Fengfei yelled in Jiang Xiaoyue's ear.

Jiang Xiaoyue was taken aback, and when she saw the insects flying in the air, she knew that Mu Feng had changed, so she said, "You just come here like this, aren't you afraid of being discovered by those Japanese people?"

Mu Feng said: "Don't worry, I've already left a clone in my room, they won't be able to find it."

Jiang Xiaoyue envied: "This ever-changing supernatural power is really easy to use."

Mu Feng said: "It's easy to use. I want to change into a clone and I have to pluck my hair! I'm not a monkey, my whole body is covered with hair. If I pluck it like this, I will be bald sooner or later."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled when she heard the words: "Speaking of business, have you found anything?"

Mu Feng said: "The cement on the wall here is very new. It should be built not long ago to imprison these women."

Jiang Xiaoyue: "Damn it, it looks like it's been planned for a long time, but they cheated so many women and imprisoned them collectively, what is the purpose?"

Mu Feng said: "It's nothing more than wanting to get something from these mortals. By the way, they didn't take away our belongings when we came in. Take out your mobile phone and try to contact the outside world."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I tried it a long time ago, but I can't get in touch. There should be some equipment here that can block the signal."

Mu Feng said: "Then have we also lost contact with the outside world?"

Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head, took out a jade token, and said, "The communication jade token within Bureau Nine has not been affected."

Mu Feng said: "Okay, then contact the Ninth Bureau, report our location to them, and formulate a plan for internal and external cooperation. Our primary goal is to ensure the safety of those innocent mortals who were deceived here."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "No problem."

At this time, a Japanese man came over with a plate, and put a food box in through the iron fence.Without saying a word, he quickly left.

Jiang Xiaoyue took the food box and opened it.There are four or five delicate side dishes, as well as fruits and snacks.

Mu Feng said: "Hey, the food is good."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Let me see if it's poisonous." After she finished speaking, her pupils became as clear as lake water, and she carefully looked at the food in the food box.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Xiaoyue raised her head and said, "There is no toxin in these foods." She picked up a snack and took a bite: "It tastes very good."

At this time, several people in white coats walked in, and we opened the door directly and entered Jiang Xiaoyue's room.Also holding various medical equipment.

Something even more strange happened, they just checked Jiang Xiaoyue as a routine.After confirming that Jiang Xiaoyue was not infected with any disease, she packed her things and went out to the next room.

Mu Feng said: "These doctors are not ordinary people, they have all practiced."

Jiang Xiaoyue lowered her head and pondered, "What are these Japanese people trying to do?"

Mu Feng said: "Nutritionally balanced delicate food, as well as targeted health checks. The more they do this, the more terrifying I feel."

Jiang Xiaoyue was surprised: "They don't want to use us for experiments, do they? That's why they try their best to ensure our health. Develop some kind of bacterial weapon?"

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "Probably not... Now it's not the period of the Anti-Japanese War, and they don't have the conditions to do bacterial experiments in China." He touched his chin and said, "I guess this matter is related to their 'old man'. Ancestor 'Xu Fu' related."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "No matter what they want to do, we must not let them succeed this time."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "Naturally! After so many years, these Japanese people are still thinking about our Huaxia. I'm afraid we have to teach them a lesson this time."

Two days passed like this, new people would come in every day in the cell, and some people would try to escape, but they all failed without exception.

At night, the moon is full, and the sky is covered by dark clouds.

Nearly a hundred Japanese people suddenly came to the cell. They released all the young women who were imprisoned, tied them up one by one, and brought them out of the cell to the wilderness outside the cell.

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue also pretended to be powerless to resist and were tied up, and followed the crowd obediently, preparing to see what the Japanese people wanted to do.

A huge pool was actually built outside the cell, and there was a high platform beside the pool.A middle-aged man in a kimono with a samurai sword hanging from his waist stood on the high platform: "Chinese women, you should be honored for what happened to you today." He said condescendingly.

Mu Feng walked out from the crowd, and smiled at the middle-aged man in kimono: "You tied us here, and what did you say to us that we should be honored?"

The middle-aged man in the kimono lowered his head and glanced at Mu Feng: "People from China, you are about to become the sacrifices for the resurrection of our great founding Emperor Shenmu! Isn't this an honor for you?" He said to the nearly [-] Japanese people around him: "Kill killed these Chinese women, and put their blood in this pool."

"Wogou Ganer!" Mu Feng changed back to his original appearance, and then let out an angry roar, the roar contained mana, and it shook for nine days, shaking all the Japanese people who were about to draw their swords.

Jiang Xiaoyue shouted: "Ninth Bureau of National Security, take action!"

At this moment, a group of people in Chinese tunic suits suddenly appeared from all directions, and with lightning speed, they took down all those Japanese people who were still in a daze after being shocked by Mu Feng's roar.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man in kimono said angrily, "Damn Nine Bureaus! You despicable Chinese people are really cunning!"

"Slap!" With a sound, a loud slap hit the face of the middle-aged man in the kimono.It turned out that Mu Feng had come to him at some point.

Mu Feng stared at the middle-aged man in the kimono with cold eyes and said: "We are Chinese, not Chinese!"

The middle-aged man in the kimono put his hand on the handle of the knife and said angrily, "Zina..."

"Slap!" It was another loud slap, and the mouth of the middle-aged man in the kimono was covered with blood. Mu Feng said coldly, "It's from Huaxia!"

(End of this chapter)

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