Agent of Heaven

Chapter 100

Chapter 100
The Matsuda Group is one of the largest consortiums in Japan, and even in Asia.The industries they operate range from basic necessities of life to automotive electronics.

However, today, Matsuda Group, which usually has extremely high entry threshold requirements, has begun to recruit employees on a large scale in its Chinese branch.Not only are there no requirements for recruiters' education, age, and experience, but the salary level offered is extremely attractive.The only requirement though is that they only accept women!And only women under the age of 30 are recruited!
This has attracted countless female students who have just graduated and are full of fantasies about the society, and there is a long queue in front of the building of the Matsuda Group.

However, in a world-class company with strict requirements, the pass rate of this interview is astonishingly high!
On the top floor of the Matsuda Building, Naoo Yamamoto, the chairman of the Matsuda Consortium, was standing respectfully in front of a middle-aged man in a kimono with a samurai sword on his waist.

"Master Kameda, the number of people who are required to recruit in China this time is almost full." Naofu Yamamoto still had some fear in his eyes. It is hard for those who are familiar with him to imagine that this person who is usually all-powerful in the mall is also There will be such a weak and timid side.

The middle-aged man in a kimono nodded: "Yamamoto-kun, you have done a good job. After my Great Eastern Empire occupies the land of China, you will be a great hero!"

Hearing this, for some reason, Yamamoto Naofu suddenly sighed.

Kameda said: "What's the matter? You have something to say?"

Naoto Yamamoto hesitated to speak for a while, and finally said with great determination: "Are you really sure you want to do this? I have stayed in China for 30 years. The longer I live, the more I know how terrible this country is." .”

Kameda sneered: "Yamamoto-kun, what are you afraid of? It's just the Chinese people! If it wasn't for the war decades ago, if it weren't for the defeat on the German front, China would have been our territory in Japan long ago!"

Naofu Yamamoto said: "Master Kameda, you still don't know enough about China. They are a nation that knows how to be ashamed and brave! In their history, they have been subjected to the Huns, Turks, Khitan, Jurchen, Mongolia, these raped people. The humiliation of the extremely temporary regime. But what is the final outcome? The final outcome is that these people were defeated one by one by the Chinese."

"Baga!" Kameda was furious when he heard the words, and slapped Naoo Yamamoto in the face: "Did you stay in China for too long? You are actually speaking for the Chinese people! Is my Yamato nation one of those people?" Stupid barbarians can be compared? To tell you the truth, our ancestors are about to be resurrected! The people you recruited this time are all sacrifices to the ancestors!"

Naoto Yamamoto covered his face in shock: "What? The old ancestor is going to be resurrected?"

Kameda smiled and said: "Haha, when the ancestor is resurrected, with his boundless supernatural powers, those stupid Chinese people will become slaves of our Yamato nation."

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue appeared together at the recruitment office of Songtian Company.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Only women are recruited, so this time I will infiltrate the investigation, and you will be responsible for responding outside."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'll sneak into the investigation with you! Just leave Xiao Qingsu alone!" After speaking, he turned to the side and turned into a tall beauty with big breasts and fat buttocks. Charming.

"I forgot, you still have this ability!" Jiang Xiaoyue laughed, stretched out a pair of jade hands and climbed onto Mu Feng's chest.

Mu Feng sneered, hugged Jiang Xiaoyue into his arms, then stretched out a finger, raised her pointed chin, exhaled like blue: "Even if it's Lily, I'm the one who attacked."

Jiang Xiaoyue blushed when she was molested by Mu Feng: "Let go of me, you rascal!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Why should I let you go? Isn't it so uncomfortable?" After speaking, she began to put her hands on Jiang Xiaoyue's body.

Jiang Xiaoyue exclaimed coquettishly: "It's important! Stop making trouble! Let me go!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You can let me go if you want, come on, call me husband."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You are necrotic! I won't call you."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "In that case, I will~~" His hand began to reach into Jiang Xiaoyue's collar.

Jiang Xiaoyue shouted: "Husband~husband~ let me go!"

Only then did Mu Feng let go of Jiang Xiaoyue, kissed her on the face, and then swaggered towards the recruitment office of Songtian Group.

The person in charge of the interview was a man who spoke jerky Chinese: "You, name!"

Mu Feng said: "Gu Mei." He decisively reported the name of his former friend.

The man who was interviewing nodded indifferently, and said to Mu Feng: "You are qualified, go through the formalities, and then go to the side and wait."

Mu Feng said: "Is it that simple?"

The interviewer said rudely: "Hurry up, don't block the people behind you from signing up." He was actually shooting Mu Feng with a look of staring at the dead.

Mu Feng retreated after hearing the words, and waited by the side.

Jiang Xiaoyue, who was behind him, did the same and passed the interview quickly.

Mu Feng quietly sent a voice transmission to Jiang Xiaoyue and said: "They recruit a large number of mortals unconditionally. I'm afraid they have bad intentions, and these mortal women may be in danger."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "It must be related to the resurrection of their so-called 'ancestor'."

Mu Feng said: "Let's wait and see what happens, and look for opportunities to rescue these mortals. You can inform Xiao Qingsu, let him track our breath outside, and be ready to respond at any time."

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded and said, "Okay." After speaking, she took out her mobile phone and sent Xiao Qingsu a WeChat message.

After waiting for a long time, from ten o'clock in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon, the recruitment here is finally over, and the interviewer is anxious about this place

Many girls who were waiting waved their hands: "All follow me!"

About one hundred girls present followed behind the interviewer.

The interviewer took everyone to a parking lot where three buses were parked.Everyone got into the bus and started to drive into the distance.

After all, it was already late at this time, and many girls began to be a little scared, and some began to ask the bus driver where they were going.

But those drivers were all expressionless, and ignored the girls' chattering questions, as if they didn't hear them.

Mu Feng spread his spiritual consciousness, and after some probing, he discovered that these bus drivers all possessed such considerable mana fluctuations.

Obviously someone who has already practiced.

The car drove into a huge courtyard with high walls and iron gates.

The driver drove off many girls, and then walked away without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

More than a dozen people in kimonos and samurai swords around their waists walked over from all around.

The vicious leader shouted: "Don't quarrel! Whoever quarrels, I will kill him!" He directly pulled out the samurai sword from his waist, and slashed on the ground, leaving a deep crack.

The originally chaotic scene quieted down in an instant, and the girls who shouted did not dare to call for help anymore.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked Mu Feng via voice transmission: "Do you want to make a move?"

Mu Feng said: "Don't be in a hurry, let's wait and see what happens, so as not to startle the snake!"

(End of this chapter)

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