Agent of Heaven

Chapter 99 Arriving in Xianyang for the First Time

Chapter 99 Arriving in Xianyang for the First Time
Xianyang is located in the hinterland of Qinchuan, eight hundred miles away, Shaanxi, China.This place was once the capital of the Great Qin Empire more than a thousand years ago, so it is also known as "the first imperial capital of China."

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, most of the inland cities have gradually become lonely, but because of its once lofty historical status, Xianyang is quite a famous tourist city in China.

It's just that the Spring Festival has just passed, and it's not considered a peak tourist season, so Xianyang City at this time seems a little lazy.

A group of three suddenly appeared in this city!It was a man and a woman with a little girl.

That woman is extremely beautiful, with a pair of moving eyes and a plump figure.She is leading a little girl carved in jade, with a huge sword box on her back, she should be a cosplay lover.The two looked like a pair of pretty sisters.

Relatively speaking, the man walking beside them looked much more ordinary.He was wearing an inexpensive-looking suit and a pair of plastic black-rimmed glasses. He was neither tall nor short, and his figure was neither fat nor thin.

If such a person is thrown into the crowd, it will be like sand thrown into the desert, and it will be difficult to distinguish.If he hadn't been accompanied by such two beauties, one big and one small, perhaps the passers-by around would not even be interested in taking a second look at him.

This man is of course Mu Feng, he said with a smile to Jiang Xiaoyue: "I've heard that Xianyang is the ancient capital for many years, and I've wanted to visit it for a long time, this trip can be regarded as a public-funded business trip, right?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Don't be poor, I'm already hungry after driving for so long. Let's find a place to eat first."

Xiao Qingsu, who was carrying the sword box beside her, jumped up and down and said, "Okay, let's eat!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Since I'm in Shaanxi, I'd be too sorry for myself if I didn't eat a meal of Roujiamo and Liangpi. Let's go, I'll treat you!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said with a smile: "It's rare to come out with you, and you just treat me to Rougamo and Liangpi? Why don't you treat me to Malatang for six yuan?"

Mu Feng laughed and said, "Do you want to eat six yuan Malatang? Yes!" After speaking, he wrapped his arms around Jiang Xiaoyue's waist.

Jiang Xiaoyue blushed and spat: "Bah, no shame." But she didn't avoid Mu Feng's hand around her waist.

The three of them entered a local Shaanxi snack, just like three ordinary travelers, and ordered three of the most authentic Liangpi.

Mu Feng quickly finished a bowl, and said to Jiang Xiaoyue: "Sure enough, the Liangpi is still delicious from Shaanxi! Once this food leaves Shaanxi, it won't have this taste."

Jiang Xiaoyue is a girl who likes to eat chili. After taking a few mouthfuls, she inhaled and said, "Not bad! It suits my appetite."

Our big stomach Wang Xiaoqingsu is holding up the bowl that has been eaten and asking for another one.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You can't just eat Liangpi when you come to Shaanxi, you also need a serving of mutton steamed buns." After speaking, he ordered three servings of mutton steamed buns from the boss.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Do you really think of yourself as a tourist?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "The Japanese's affairs don't matter, as long as they haven't taken any action yet, we don't need to worry."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Our Ninth Bureau has also found out the origins of this group of Japanese who entered the country. They may have expected that our Ninth Bureau would make trouble for them, so this time they entered the country through regular channels. All of them have returned. It bears the name of a Japanese businessman."

Mu Feng took a sip of the stewed rotten meat soup, thick, fat but not greasy mutton soup and said: "Don't worry, they came here with a purpose. As long as the Ninth Bureau closely monitors their every move, they won't be afraid that they won't help you." Show your feet."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Speaking of which, why did you refuse Yang Jian's request to come and take a look together? You should know that if they help..."

Mu Feng smiled bitterly and said: "I can't rely on them for everything, they are our good friends and not my guardians." My fortune in Huaxia was greatly damaged, which led to the attention of the people of the Japanese country to attack us in Kyushu again. I should also bear this responsibility!"

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng's eyes gradually with more and more admiration: "You seem to have matured a lot when you came in."

When a man matures and learns to take responsibility, this is when he is at his most attractive.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Then am I more handsome?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "No, you are still so ugly!"

"Yes! Brother Feng is the most handsome!" Xiao Qingsu suddenly stood up, jumped into Mu Feng's arms, and kissed him on the cheek, making Mu Feng's cheeks smell like mutton soup.

Mu Feng stroked Xiao Qingsu's head, and said fondly, "Tell me, what do you want?" He knew that when this little girl offered to show her kindness, it was when she wanted something from you.

Xiaoqing Su said happily: "I want a bowl of mutton soup!"

Mu Feng immediately agreed, and ordered another bowl of mutton soup for Xiaoqing.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Xiao Qingsu, and suddenly narrowed her eyes, as if she was a cat that noticed the danger: "Mu Feng, have you noticed?"

Mu Feng said: "What did you find?"

Jiang Xiaoyue snatched Xiao Qingsu over and put her back on the seat, saying: "This little girl seems to be precocious!"

Mu Feng said: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Xiaoyue lowered her head and asked Xiao Qingsu with a smile: "Do you want to marry your brother Feng as your wife when you grow up?"

Xiao Qingsu nodded, and the two braids on her back were still shaking.

Jiang Xiaoyue said to Mu Feng: "Did you see that I now have a little rival in love!"

Mu Feng laughed so hard that he almost rolled under the table: "Why are you still jealous with a child?"

Jiang Xiaoyue frowned slightly, showing a look of serious thinking: "This is not good, you two are only ten years apart, and we are both cultivators! This age difference is no different from ordinary people's difference of one or two months." !"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's okay, I will make you the wife of the main house, even if Xiao Qingsu enters the house in the future, I will still call you sister."

Jiang Xiaoyue picked up a steamed bun and threw it at Mu Feng: "You think beautifully! Apart from me, you don't want to have other women in this life!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "That's not right, according to the routine of traditional urban novels, you should say 'No matter how many women you have, as long as you have me in your heart is enough!'"

Jiang Xiaoyue smashed another steamed bun: "Do you think you are Long Aotian or Ye Liangchen?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, we don't breed horses!"

Only then did Jiang Xiaoyue smile in satisfaction. At this moment, her mobile phone suddenly burst into flames. When she took it out, she saw that Bureau Nine had sent a message!

"The Wa people are starting to make moves!" Jiang Xiaoyue said seriously.

Mu Feng asked: "Oh? Is the fox's tail finally showing? What did they do?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "They used the name of Japanese-funded enterprises to start large-scale recruitment in China." He dug out a message from a recruitment website on his phone.

Mu Feng read the message three times before and after, and concluded: "The requirements are low, the salary is high, or go abroad to work in Japan. The tricks in it are too obvious."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What should we do next?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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