Agent of Heaven

Chapter 98 Epang Palace

Chapter 98 Epang Palace

The spring rain stopped, revealing the dim sunset.

In the villa by the lake, Kui Mulang opened the door and entered, throwing Junzaburo Koizumi to the ground.

Mu Feng glanced at it, and said to Kui Mulang seriously: "We don't eat people, and you won't be allowed to eat them in the future, so hurry up and send them back."

Kui Mulang shouted: "I will eat your uncle!"

Mu Feng glanced at Koizumi Junzaburo on the ground again: "Didn't you catch this person and eat him?",

Kui Mulang said angrily: "If you don't eat, what the hell am I doing eating people?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'm just joking with you, don't mind. By the way, have you ever eaten people? I mean when you were a monster."

Kui Mulang pointed to the old pig who was watching TV not far away and said, "Ask him! This Bodhisattva has also been a monster before. Ask him if he has ever eaten people before!"

The old pig turned around and smiled, "When I was a monster, steamed buns were my favorite food. People cannibals were made up to scare people."

Mu Feng patted Kui Mulang on the shoulder and said, "So you haven't eaten people before, so why did you eat Tang Seng?"

Kui Mulang sighed and said, "Didn't I follow the order from above to add another catastrophe to Tang Monk. Do you think that monk would dare to eat anyone? After all, he is the second disciple of the Buddha!"

Mu Feng said: "Didn't you say that eating a piece of Tang Seng's meat can make you live forever? I thought you all went to rob Tang Seng for the sake of immortality."

Kui Mulang said disdainfully: "I'm a god, I'm already immortal, can I eat him?"

Mu Feng walked to Koizumi Junsaburo who was unconscious on the ground: "This man looks like he is from Japan."

Kui Mulang said: "That's right, he is from the Wa country! This guy's motives are not pure, and he wants to harm Miao Miao today."

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "Harm Miaomiao? Why?"

Kui Mulang said: "I don't know either, they seem to be offering Miao Miao to some old ancestor as a sacrifice. You have to know that Miao Miao is the reincarnation of a fairy after all, and her aura is far superior to that of ordinary people, so she is easy to be deceived." These ghosts and snakes are watching."

Mu Feng said: "Wake him up, let's ask carefully." He flicked his fingers, and a stream of pure and gentle magic power entered Junzaburo Koizumi's body.

"What conspiracy do you have for coming to China? Who is the ancestor you are talking about?" Mu Feng asked Koizumi Junsaburo who had woken up.

Koizumi Junsaburo's first reaction was to jump up, draw his sword and slash at Mu Feng.

"Choke!" With a sound, the Qingming sword directly slashed on the top of the samurai sword, and the samurai sword was directly cut into two pieces.

" is this possible?" Koizumi Junzaburo exclaimed, "My cut water autumn rain!"

Mu Feng said disdainfully: "What a broken knife, it's not strong at all."

Kui Mulang glared at Junzaburo Koizumi and said, "Answer my question, or I'll eat you!"

Junzaburo Koizumi seemed to have remembered that Kui Mulang was the yellow-robed monster, and he showed a terrified look, knelt down and said, "Master Demon King, please spare me! I'll say anything."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Kui Mulang, he called you Lord Demon King, how does this title feel?"

Kui Mulang also seemed to enjoy this title: "It's really good, it sounds much better than Xingjun." He pointed to Junsaburo Koizumi and said, "What is your purpose for coming to Huaxia?"

Koizumi Junsaburo said: "We are here to revive our ancestors."

Mu Feng frowned and said, "Who is your ancestor?"

Koizumi Junzaburo said: "It is our founding emperor Jimmu!"

Mu Feng said: "Why did you come to Huaxia to revive your Emperor Shenmu?"

Koizumi Junsaburo trembled: "Because the ancestor was sealed in China."

Mu Feng said: "Why was your ancestor sealed here? Who sealed it?"

Junzaburo Koizumi knelt down and said, "I don't know about this!"

Mu Feng changed the question: "Which place in China was your ancestor sealed?"

Koizumi Junsaburo said: "It's in the Efang Palace in Xianyang!"

Mu Feng wondered: "A Fang Palace? Wasn't it destroyed thousands of years ago?"

Zhen Yuanzi came over and said, "Not really."

Mu Feng said: "Master, do you know something?"

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "Your master is already at this age, so naturally I know what I should know, and what I shouldn't know, I will know some."

Mu Feng said: "Tell me about Afang Palace first."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "Afang Palace is actually a very powerful magic weapon." Then he suddenly asked Mu Feng: "Guess, who is their 'old ancestor'?"

Mu Feng said: "Master, don't play tricks! This disciple can't figure it out."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Their 'ancestor' also has a name called Xu Fu!"

Mu Feng said clearly: "It's actually him!"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Then Xu Fu was originally an old turtle who practiced for thousands of years in the East China Sea. At that time, the great witch Yingzheng unified the six kingdoms and established the Qin Dynasty. He turned into an alchemist and taught Yingzheng the art of immortality."

Mu Feng said: "But Ying Zheng died later, so it can be seen that this Xu Fu is also a fool."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded and said: "That's right, Ying Zheng has the blood of the witch clan, but he can't practice immortality. But Xu Fu lied to him that there are immortal medicines overseas that can help him live forever. So he deceived three thousand people from Ying Zheng. Boys and girls of the blood of the witch clan were brought overseas together, and then he practiced sorcery, devoured all three thousand virgins and men and women, purified and refined their blood of the witch clan, and since then he has cultivated great supernatural powers. Fleeing to Dongying, self-reliance Be king!"

Mu Feng squeezed his chin and said, "It seems that Ying Zheng didn't let Xu Fu go."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "That's true. After waiting for many years, Ying Zheng knew that he had been deceived by Xu Fu, but there was nothing he could do about it. But unexpectedly, Xu Fu was very greedy. He coveted China's rich land and sneaked into Ying Zheng. In the government palace, he intended to assassinate Ying Zheng, but he was beheaded by General Meng Tian, ​​leaving his soul trapped in A Fang Palace!"

Mu Feng said: "Meng Tian? He is not a mortal either!"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "That's right, Meng Tian is also a person with the blood of the Wu Clan! And Afang Palace is a magic weapon refined by the Wu Clan to rule the mortal world forever."

Mu Feng said: "Efang Palace is actually a magic weapon, but didn't it mean that he was destroyed by Xiang Yu later?"

Zhen Yuanzi stroked his beard and said: "Xiang Yu is a born overlord, and his strength is far higher than that of Qin Ershi who controlled Afang Palace at that time, so even if this artifact is damaged, it will not be destroyed."

Mu Feng said: "Then where is A Fang Palace now?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "After the death of Emperor Qin II, Efang Palace had no owner, so it floated in the sky above Xianyang, and gradually turned into a small world."

Mu Feng said: "Then the purpose of these Japanese coming to China this time is to sneak into the world of Afang Palace above Xianyang and rescue Xu Fu?"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded.

Kui Mulang asked Koizumi Junsaburo, "Have you found a way to enter Efang Palace?"

Koizumi Junsaburo said: "This time, our captain brought the Yata Mirror, an artifact for protecting the country. Through this mirror, we can contact our ancestors and enter the Efang Palace."

Kui Mulang asked Mu Feng, "It's almost the same thing, what should I do with this guy?"

Mu Feng said: "Throw it directly into the demon tower."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Are you going to Efang Palace?"

Mu Feng said: "The reason why Japanese people can infiltrate the land of China again at will is because the disciple has taken the ancestral dragon spirit. Therefore, the disciple has the responsibility to organize them."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "Very good, but Xu Fu's ten thousand years of cultivation and the blood of the witch clan are not easy, you have to be careful."

Mu Feng said: "Disciple understands."

(End of this chapter)

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