Agent of Heaven

Chapter 97 My name is Yellow Robe Monster

Chapter 97 My name is Yellow Robe Monster

The spring in front of the pavilion is chasing the red heroes, and the dance is lingering.The drizzle is light, and when you don't let go of your eyebrows, you temporarily open them.

There is a road in the drizzle.

There is an umbrella on the road, and there are two people under the umbrella.

The man was tall and handsome, looking tenderly at the woman beside him.And the woman also smiled like a flower, and the two talked sweetly and non-stop.

This man is naturally Kui Mulang, and his current name in the world is Huang Kui.The girl next to him was naturally He Miaomiao.

After that day, He Miaomiao gradually became dependent on Kui Mulang.She was also very strange in her heart, he didn't know why, when he saw Huang Kui for the first time, he felt very kind, as if he had known him for thousands of years.He can always give himself the most authentic sense of security.

"Okay, I'm here, you don't have to take me in." He Miaomiao pointed to the gate of the community and smiled at Kui Mulang.

Kui Mulang nodded and said with a smile, "Go in, I'll watch you."

He Miaomiao said: "Oh! Why are you so nasty?" She suddenly stood on tiptoe and quickly pecked Kui Mulang on the face.Then he turned around and ran towards the neighborhood behind him.

Kui Mulang touched the place where there was still warmth on his face, and said with a smile: "She is much bolder than in her previous life."

On the top of a six-story old building not far away, two masked men with samurai swords on their backs looked down upon He Miaomiao as he left.

"Yuxi! This Chinese woman really has an extraordinary aura, which is perfect for reviving the ancestors as a sacrifice! Sato, you have made a great contribution this time. After returning home, you will be able to upgrade to become a Captain!" said the masked man standing at the front.

The masked man named Sato made a ninety-degree bow: "Thank you, Your Excellency Koizumi, for your cultivation."

"Huaxia Kyushu is full of outstanding people. But I am not reconciled to being occupied by these stupid Chinese pigs!" The masked man named Koizumi continued.

Sato said: "Fortunately, God favors our Yamato nation. This time, the dragon veins of China have all dried up for some reason, giving us a chance to sneak into China."

Koizumi said: "Let's capture that Chinese woman first, and then go to Xianyang to meet Lord Sasaki and the others. As long as our ancestors are resurrected, we can..."

A cold voice suddenly came from behind them: "What can I do?"

Koizumi replied subconsciously: "You can occupy Huaxia! Establish a Communist Party... No! Who are you!" He looked at the young man standing behind him in horror.

Kui Mulang smiled, showing his white teeth: "The two of you have been sneaking around Miao Miao all day today, what kind of plan are you playing? Are you tired of living!"

"Baga! How dare you be rude to His Majesty Koizumi, you stupid Chinese!" Sato directly drew out the samurai sword behind him, and slashed at the head of Kuimu Lang.

The knife was extremely fast, with a strange light shining on it, cutting through the air, but it stopped in front of Kui Mulang's forehead!
Because Kui Mulang's hand had already firmly grasped the knife.As soon as he pressed his hand hard, he heard a crackling sound, and the katana shattered into pieces and fell to the ground.

"What? My Zhan Yan Wan was actually killed!" Sato was dumbfounded.

Kui Mulang looked at Sato contemptuously, and then struck him on the forehead like lightning.

Sato didn't even have time to let out a scream, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Koizumi glanced at Sato who was lying on the ground indifferently, and said to Kui Mulang, "Man from China, why didn't you kill him?"

Kui Mulang said: "I promised one person that I would never kill mortals again."

Koizumi said disdainfully: "All of you Chinese people are benevolent women!" He drew out his samurai sword from his back and cut off Sato's throat directly.

Kui Mulang frowned and said, "Do you Dongying people have the habit of killing your companions?"

Koizumi Jiejie said with a strange smile: "It's just that this person should have died! I'll kill him first, then you, and finally grab that Chinese woman. In this way, I will definitely be appreciated by Mr. Sasaki of."

Kui Mulang snorted and said, "Boring."

Koizumi stuck out his tongue, licked the blood on the blade and said, "I am Junzaburo Koizumi, the captain of the [-]th division of Ise Shrine, who are you? I will not kill nameless ghosts with my sword!"

Kui Mulang squinted and said, "Hurry up! You don't deserve to know my name."

Koizumi Junsaburo was furious, pointed at Kuimu Lang with his sword and shouted: "The name of my sword is to cut water and autumn rain!" After speaking, all the blades of the knife in his hand disappeared, turning into little raindrops and hitting Kui Mulang.

But!These raindrops all hit the empty space!The figure of Kui Mulang just disappeared.

"I'm here!" Kui Mulang's teasing voice came from behind Junzaburo Koizumi.

"Baga Yalu!" Koizumi Junzaburo roared, and a katana sword made of water condensed suddenly appeared in his hand, stabbing towards Kuimu Lang.

"People from Dongying, you are too slow! How dare you covet our land of China with your strength?" Kui Mulang dodged Koizumi Junzaburo's attack with a flash, and then slapped him across the face.

Koizumi Junsaburo covered his swollen face and said in horror: "There are still such powerful people in Huaxia now? Who are you?"

Kui Mulang sneered and said, "If I say my name, I'm afraid it will scare you to death."

Koizumi said angrily: "Leave your name, I, Ise Shrine, will never let you go."

Kui Mulang raised his eyebrows and said, "I am Kui Mulang, one of the 28 constellations!"

Koizumi Junzaburo was stunned for a moment: "This... I haven't heard of it. I never thought that the land of China is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. A little-known person is so powerful."

Kui Mulang said angrily: "Nimma, whose name are you saying is unknown? Have you never heard of the names of 28 stars?"

Koizumi Junsaburo said: "I haven't heard of it!" Then he straightened his expression: "Whether you are famous or not, you are going to die here today!" Streams of black air suddenly emanated from his body, and soon his forehead Horns began to grow on his face, his hair all turned white, and his pupils became vertical pupils.

Kui Mulang squeezed his chin and said, "Have you transformed yet?"

Koizumi Junsaburo's voice has also become weirdly distorted at this time: "Quack, Chinaman, are you afraid? This is a powerful force that I borrowed from the mountain ghost."

Kui Mulang said: "Strong power? Are you kidding me? But you have transformed, so I will let you see my true colors!" Speaking of him, he bared his fangs and revealed true colors.

Junzaburo Koizumi was taken aback: "What are you?"

Kui Mulang sneered and said, "I have another name, you should have said it before, it's called Yellow Robe Monster!" Then he turned into an afterimage, and knocked Koizumi's shoulder with a hand knife, knocking him out .

Koizumi's last thought was: the yellow-robed monster, isn't that the devil in the legendary "Journey to the West"?

(End of this chapter)

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