Agent of Heaven

Chapter 96 Mu Feng vs Wang 3 Knives

Chapter 96 Mu Feng vs Wang Sandao
Mu Feng glanced at the gangsters who surrounded him: "Who made you surround us?"

A bald man with a beard came out: "You beat my son that day?"

Mu Feng pondered: "You are?"

The bearded man said arrogantly: "My name is Wang Sandao, and Wang Yi is my son!"

Wang Yi got down from the van, pointed at Mu Feng and said, "Dad, this is the man who beat me that day. He took off my hands and jaw!"

Wang Sandao looked at Mu Feng coldly and said, "Didn't my son tell you my name?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "He said, he has a father named Wang Sandao."

Wang Sandao said angrily: "Then you still dare to beat my son, have you never heard of my name?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I haven't heard of your name, but your son has already told me that you are on the road."

Wang Sandao said: "Then you still dare to beat my son, do you not take me seriously?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Your son is a student, and I am a teacher. I educate him for his own good!" Mu Feng never expected that after many years, he would also come up with the teacher's tricks theory.

Wang Sandao said angrily: "Fart, I have never seen a teacher teach students to let go of their hands and jaws!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "You guessed right just now, I really didn't take you seriously!"

Wang Sandao waved to the younger brother behind him and said, "Everyone go together! I'll have all his hands destroyed!"

"Stop!" The dean rushed out from behind.

Wang Sandao looked at the dean and said angrily: "I entrusted my son to you and asked you to take care of her, but you let the teachers in your school beat my son casually?"

The dean smiled apologetically, "Director Wang, come to my office and have a sip of tea first, and listen to me slowly."

Wang Sandao pulled out a machete from his waist: "Drink a fart tea, if you don't give me an explanation today, I'll chop you too!"

The dean broke out in a cold sweat and said tremblingly, "Don't do it, don't do it, listen to me slowly!"

Wang Sandao said: "Is there anything else to say?"

The dean pointed to Mu Feng and said, "Mr. Mu is from Director Wang of our Education Bureau. So..."

Wang Sandao said angrily: "What a shitty bureau chief! You treat him as a green onion, but I don't pay attention to him!" He pointed at Mu Feng and said: "The mayor even gave me three points, and you, a bureau chief, dare to Hit my son? Today I will cut you down first!"

Mu Feng didn't show any fear at all, he said to the timid security guard at the door, "Bring me a stool."

The security guard didn't seem to hear it, and still hid under the table and dared not speak.

Mu Feng walked into the security room, patted the security guard on the shoulder and said, "It's hard for me to imagine why so many schools hire people like you to protect the safety of the students. At most, you can protect your own safety." !” After speaking, he moved a stool out from the security room and placed it in the center of the school gate.

Wang Sandao smiled and said: "Why are you moving the stool? Do you want to block our machete with this?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "No, I have other uses!"

Wang Sandao waved to the younger brother behind him: "Come on, don't let him continue to pretend."

More than 20 people with machetes rushed forward thinking of Mu Feng.

But only heard the sound of "bang bang bang" fists hitting the meat, and the gangsters with machetes fell down one after another.Mu Feng was unscathed, and his movements were as fast as lightning. Every underworld member who rushed over would be hit by him and placed on the stool.

In less than 5 minutes, more than 20 young men with sharp blades brought by Wang Sandao were all cut down!And Mu Feng stacked it on the stool brought out from the security room like an arhat.

Wang Yi's expression with a smug smile slowly collapsed, and gradually turned into panic. He is now looking at Mu Feng with a look of looking at a monster.

After all, Wang Sandao is also a person who has experienced bloody storms, and has seen a lot of great things in the world. After seeing Mu Feng's skills, although he was shocked, he did not panic.He cupped his fists and said to Mu Feng, "Who do you study under? Which school is the master?"

Will Mu Feng tell him that he studied under Longevity Mountain and is the closed disciple of Immortal Zhenyuan?of course not!It is estimated that others will not believe it.

"You don't need to worry about these!" Mu Feng just said indifferently: "I was afraid that your subordinates would lie around and block our school's students from school, so I borrowed this stool. Do you want to lie down and have a look? "

Wang Sandao glanced at the stool. At this time, the people on it were lying horizontally, and the pile was almost as high as a floor.

"Hmph, young man, don't think that you can walk sideways in the society because you have some skills. You have to know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I will return this sentence to you!"

Wang Sandao smiled angrily: "Oh? What do you mean?"

Mu Feng said: "I mean, I want to educate you! If I can't even educate the parents, how can I educate their naughty students?"

Wang Sandao's eyes widened: "Okay! You are very capable!" He put his hand into his arms, took out a black pistol, pointed at Mu Feng and said, "What you said just now! Say it again!"

Instructing the director to chop a knife, he sneaked into the security room and hid under the table with the security guard.Although he really wanted to flatter Director Wang of the Education Bureau, he also thought that his own life was more important!

Mu Feng looked at Wang Sandao coldly, with a cold light in his eyes: "It seems that I really need to educate you

! ”

There was a thunderous gunshot, "Bang!" Wang Sandao obviously did more than once to shoot and kill people.He skillfully aimed at Mu Feng's forehead.And in my mind, I was thinking about how to deal with the aftermath after I killed someone.

It's better to go to the countryside to hide for a while, and then send some money to your umbrella.For such a small matter as killing a person, I avoided it in two or three months.

But never imagined!
After the gunshot, Mu Feng stood here unscathed.He stretched out two slender fingers indifferently, with a bullet between them.

"Kung fu in the world can break everything, only fast!" Mu Feng's line from the evil god Huoyun in "Kung Fu".

Neither Wang Sandao nor Wang Yi could believe their eyes.Wang Yi snatched the gun from Wang Sandao's hand, aimed at Mu Feng and was about to shoot again!
But Mu Feng was impatient, and his hand quickly popped out, snatching the pistol Wang Yi was holding!Then his hands turned into afterimages, and he dismantled the pistol into a pile of parts and scattered them at the feet of the father and son.

"You father and son are too courageous, I really can't keep you!" Mu Feng was already ready to deal ruthlessly.

But at this time, sirens sounded around, and three police cars drove over, surrounding Mu Feng and Wang's father and son.

A dignified policeman got out of the car. He raised a pistol, pointed at Mu Feng and said, "Follow me to the police station."

Mu Feng said: "Did you make a mistake, these two shot in the street!" He pointed to Wang's father and son.

At this time, Wang Sandao looked at Mu Feng with a smile, and was slightly complacent.

The policeman said: "Stop talking nonsense, raise your hand!"

Mu Feng thought to himself: So it's another underworld with people at the top.

Mu Feng took out a document, threw it over and hit the policeman in the face: "I'm from the Ninth Bureau of National Defense! Now I'm facing two people who are involved in gangsters, you escort them back to review!"

After seeing the documents clearly, the policeman looked at Mu Feng with a shocked look, then pointed at Wang and his son and said, "You two, come back to the police station with me!"

Wang Sandao smiled and said, "Officer Yang, did you make a mistake?"

The policeman said: "There is no mistake, it is you two, our police have been paying attention to you for a long time, let me get in the car."

Wang and his son were finally escorted into a police car.

Mu Feng knocked on the window of the police car, and said coldly to the policeman: "These two people are not allowed to be released again, do you understand?"

The policeman was sweating coldly, and said with a smile, "Understood!"

(End of this chapter)

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