Agent of Heaven

Chapter 95 The Sad Kuimu Wolf

Chapter 95 The Sad Kuimu Wolf
Night, spring breeze, spring breeze cold.

Beside the villa by the lake, Mu Feng and Kui Mulang squatted at the door and smoked together, the fire flickered on and off.

Mu Feng glanced at the cigarette butts all over the floor, and asked Kui Mulang, "Are you feeling better?"

Kui Mulang extinguished the last cigarette butt in his hand: "It seems to be much better." He stood up and said, "I think I should go back to Heaven."

Mu Feng stopped Kui Mulang and said, "What did you encounter today?"

Kui Mulang said sadly: "She has changed..."

Mu Feng said: "Stop playing Qiong Yao, tell me what happened today."

Kui Mulang sighed, "She's in love with another man."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Many times, liking is just a childish behavior."

Kui Mulang said, "Am I naive?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Everyone, at this moment, is naive after all,"

Kui Mulang said: "What is love?"

Mu Feng said: "Love is very mysterious. It exists deep in everyone's heart. Until the last moment, few people can tell who they love in the end."

Kui Mulang said: "Then do I love her or not?"

Mu Feng said: "You love."

Kui Mulang said: "Why?"

Mu Feng said: "Because she will remain in your heart no matter when, no matter what, you can't forget her."

Kui Mulang burst into tears suddenly, he cried very sadly: "What should I do?"

Mu Feng replied: "Strive for it, or forget it!"

Kui Mulang said, "Why?"

Mu Feng said: "Brave, or cowardly."

Kui Mulang smiled and said: "The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit! What is courage? What is the use of courage?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "No shame to the world, no shame to myself."

Kui Mulang said: "Maybe I can be brave!"

Mu Feng said: "Go back and sleep well, maybe everything will not be as bad as you imagined."

Kui Mulang said: "I can't think of anything that would be worse than my current situation."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "It is not an easy thing to be the worst person and experience the worst thing. If you really can do such a difficult thing, then maybe you won't say it Nothing to be sorry about."

Kui Mulang put his hand into Mu Feng's pocket, took out another cigarette, and lit it for himself: "A lot of times, leaving no regrets is itself a kind of regret."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Go back to sleep, when you wake up again, maybe everything will be different."

Kui Mulang said: "I don't want to sleep yet, I want to drink."

Mu Feng said: "There are still some bamboo leaves at home, do you want it?"

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "As long as it's wine, it doesn't matter."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'll get it for you, but you have to drink less, because you have to go to school tomorrow."

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "You don't need to talk too much, I understand my own affairs."

Kui Mulang sat alone in the living room and drank all night. Many people would get drunker and drunker after drinking, but there was such a kind of person. The more he drank, the brighter his eyes were, and the more stable his hands were.

Unfortunately, Kui Mulang is such a person, and he drank all night alone tonight.

The next day, early in the morning, Kui Mulang didn't understand anything, but he already understood everything.

When Mu Feng went downstairs, he saw Kui Mulang sitting alone on the table and said, "Let's go, go to school!"

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "Let's go, go to school."

The two went to school together like this, Kui Mulang sat alone on the seat and waited for a long time, but He Miaomiao never came!

After that, the breeze is slightly cool.

Kui Mulang walked alone on the playground.

He saw a person.

A man as lonely as he is.

He had obviously been waiting for this person for thousands of years, but at this moment he was a little afraid to go forward and ask.

He Miaomiao was sitting on the steps and crying.

Kui Mulang walked up after all: "What's wrong with you?"

He Miaomiao just cried.

She kept crying, and Kui Mulang waited quietly beside her.

After a while, He Miaomiao spoke first: "He broke up with me yesterday?"

Kui Mulang asked: "Why? Because of me?"

He Miaomiao sobbed, "No!"

Kui Mulang asked, "Why is that?"

He Miaomiao said, "He asked me to sleep with him."

Kui Mulang said nervously: "You agreed? You should cherish yourself!"

He Miaomiao said, "I didn't agree!"

Kui Mulang said: "What is that for?"

He Miaomiao said: "That's why he broke up with me."

Kui Mulang was silent.

He Miaomiao said: "I never thought that our relationship would be so fragile. It seems that he really never loved me."

Kui Mulang said slowly: "He never loved you, and you don't know what love is."

He Miaomiao said: "Are you laughing at me? Take advantage of the present and laugh as much as you want."

Kui Mulang said: "I will never laugh at you, no matter what others think or see."

He Miaomiao said, "Then what do you want to say?"

Kui Mulang closed his eyes: "In the beginning, you will inevitably meet a few scumbags. But one day, you will meet someone who really likes you, cares for you, and treats you as a treasure. He will be desperate I treat you well and hold you in the palm of my hand."

He Miaomiao fell on Kui Mulang's shoulder and began to cry.Tears soaked his shirt.

Kui Mulang didn't speak or comfort him, so he just kept still, he didn't want to disturb the girl beside him.Just let her lean on his shoulders.

The long evening wind blows gently, cooling the wildfires
The wind continues to blow, can't bear to stay away

There are also tears in my heart, I don't want to look at you with tears

to wash away sorrow and pain
柔情 蜜意 我 愿 记取
To bear the tears of separation, do not allow it to droop

He Miaomiao opened her bright eyes and snuggled into Kuimu Lang's arms like a wounded kitten: "Are you the one I'm waiting for?"

Kui Mulang sighed, "If you want me to be, I am."

He Miaomiao said, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Kui Mulang said: "Because I like you!"

He Miaomiao looked at Kui Mulang: "Why do you like me?"

Kui Mulang sighed: "I don't know why I like you, probably because I owe you thousands of years ago."

He Miaomiao smiled: "Then you owe me a lot."

Kui Mulang lowered his head and met He Miaomiao's bright eyes: "In any case, I am willing to spend my whole life to repay what I owe you, is that okay?" The humble fairy.Maybe what I owed her would eventually be repaid.

He Miaomiao buried her head deeply in Kui Mulang's arms: "You are not allowed to bully me in the future, and you are not allowed to hurt me."

Kui Mulang said seriously: "I will not bully you in the future, nor will I let anyone bully you. And I swear, I will never let you cry in the future."

The breeze is blowing, but the Sri Lankan people are still there.

It is different from the sweetness of Kui Mulang.

Mu Feng stood in front of the school gate. At this time, he was surrounded by several vans and a dozen big men.

(End of this chapter)

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