Chapter 94
When Wang Yi saw Mu Feng turn around and close the door and window, he stood up and laughed: "The door is still closed? Do you still want to teach me? Do you think that you are a teacher? I'm going to teach today. I'm going to be a man. I have to recruit more people." Do it!" After finishing speaking, he thought of hitting Mu Feng with a punch.

There was only a click, and Mu Feng flicked Wang Yi's shoulder with his fingers, and Wang Yi's arm dropped obliquely, and it seemed that it had been dislocated.

Wang Yi wanted to howl, but before he could make a sound, Mu Feng's hand quickly pulled on his chin.His jaw has been removed!The two phases were in severe pain, but he couldn't cry out, and his tears had already flowed down.

He Miaomiao begged from the side: "Teacher Mu, please let him go! I promise he won't come to our classroom again in the future!"

Mu Feng looked at Wang Yi coldly and said, "Really?"

Wang Yi burst into tears in pain, and nodded repeatedly.

Only then did Mu Feng connect his chin and arms for him, and said earnestly: "Stay away from the girls in our class in the future, or you will regret it later."

Wang Yi didn't seem to listen to Mu Feng's words at all, he glanced at Mu Feng full of resentment and rushed out the door.After running for a certain distance, he turned his head and shouted to Mu Feng: "Just wait for me after school!"

Mu Feng smiled, he hadn't heard such a threat for many years.

Wang Yi quickly fled downstairs, and he swore in his heart that when he went back, he must find someone from the Tao to make the new teacher look good!But suddenly he found a handsome man standing in front of him, blocking his way.

"Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of here!" Wang Yi was holding back his anger at this time.

The handsome man sneered, and then all of them fell on Wang Yi like raindrops.

This man is of course Kui Mulang, he couldn't hold back after all, and decided to chase this kid over and beat him up.He also paid special attention to mana on his fists, so that his injuries would recover quickly.Then he can hit people unscrupulously without being discovered by Mu Feng.

The dignified Jiangzhou No.30 No. [-] Middle School leader Wang Yi fell down in a corner of the school covered in dust, panting, and said to the person who hit him: "You dare to hit me, do you know that?" Who am I? My dad is Wang Sandao, the most famous man on Jiangzhou Road!"

Kui Mulang showed his white teeth: "My name is Huang Kui, stay away from He Miaomiao in the future!"

When the class bell rang, Mu Feng saw Kui Mulang walk in with a smile on his face, the angry expression just now was gone.

"What did you do just now?" Mu Feng asked.

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "I didn't do anything, I went out to relax." After he finished speaking, he ignored Mu Feng, went in and sat beside He Miaomiao.

"Miao Miao, where shall we go to play at night?" Kui Mu Lang smelled shamelessly at He Miaomiao.

He Miaomiao said: "Have you been to the bar?"

Kui Mulang was taken aback: "Where is that place?"

He Miaomiao sighed, "I don't even know where the bar is. I feel like you and I have no common language."

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "If we talk, we will have a common language."

He Miaomiao said: "Let's play together and make friends. Don't get me wrong. I already have a boyfriend, and you saw my boyfriend just now. He's a gangster!"

Kui Mulang curled his lips imperceptibly, what kind of ghost is messing around?My mother even dared to do it back then with Monkey King.

After school, Kui Mulang greeted Mu Feng: "I'm not going back with you, today I'm going to be ashamed with Baihua, no, it's He Miaomiao going out to play together."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't cause trouble outside."

Kui Mulang said impatiently: "I know, I know, what are you going to do with Zhantan Gongde Buddha?"

Mu Feng said solemnly: "I know you were a demon king before, but from now on, no matter what, you are not allowed to hurt the lives of ordinary people."

Kui Mulang bared his fangs and said, "I can't guarantee that!"

Mu Feng said: "Ordinary people do wrong things, you can punish them, but if you kill them. I am in charge of the magic whip now, and I will not show mercy to my subordinates."

Kui Mulang looked at Mu Feng for a moment, then said coldly, "I see."

Mu Feng watched Kui Mulang turn around, and then said softly, "Whether it's Baihuasha or He Miaomiao, they definitely don't want to marry a bloodthirsty monster."

Kui Mulang raised his head, sighed and said, "I understand what you mean, I won't kill mortals anymore, thank you."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's good that you understand, I hope you can embrace the beauty as soon as possible."

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "I'll borrow your good words."

It's night, in the red brick bar, where the lights are twinkling.

Kui Mulang couldn't help twitching his nose. He didn't like this place very much, and he didn't expect He Miaomiao to like this kind of place. There was always an uncomfortable smell here.

"It stinks here!" Kui Mulang said.

Now He Miaomiao has painted a thick smoky makeup and is wearing a pure black T-shirt with many exaggerated patterns on it. There is also an iron chain hanging around her waist. It is estimated that walking is quite strenuous.She said: "Is there? It smells like smoke! Do you smoke?" She took out a pack of 520 cigarettes from her small bag.

Kui Mulang wondered: "What is smoking?"

He Miaomiao said with a smile: "I like the smell of tobacco, smoking will make a man more attractive."

Kui Mulang's eyes lit up: "Really? Then give me a try!"

He Miaomiao handed over a slender cigarette and lit it for Kui Mulang.

Kui Mulang took a deep breath, and then coughed violently: "This thing is not fun at all."

He Miaomiao lit one for herself, exhaled a smoke ring and said, "Although you are handsome, you are not trendy at all, and you really can't even smoke."

Hearing the words, Kui Mulang took another breath, this time he was prepared and was not choked: "I will! Hey, why is my head dizzy?"

He Miaomiao said with a smile: "Is this your first time smoking? This is normal. After a while, you will like it, you will fall in love, and then you can't leave it."

Kui Mulang seriously felt the dizziness in his mind: "Human beings are really strange animals. What's so good about this kind of thing?"

He Miaomiao said: "What are you talking about?"

Kui Mulang said: "No! Nothing..."

He Miaomiao's eyes lit up suddenly, and he pointed at the entrance of the bar and said, "My boyfriend is here, and he has so many younger brothers with him, look how majestic he is."

Kui Mulang thought to himself: "I think back when I was in Boyue Cave and I had thousands of demon soldiers under my command, why didn't you say I was majestic?"

Wang Yi walked all the way, saying hello to some gangster-like people around him from time to time.

He Miaomiao said to Kui Mulang: "Look, my boyfriend also knows a lot of big brothers in society."

Kui Mulang drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said silently: "Did Bai Huaxie break his brain during this reincarnation?"

In fact, it's not that she has broken her brain, she is still her from beginning to end, it's just that she is different due to the influence of the times.In the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago, the folk customs were simple and simple, and men and women were different.It is naturally different from her who was born in the open era!
(End of this chapter)

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