Chapter 93

The dean called to Kui Mulang: "Student Huang Kui, let me introduce myself."

Kui Mulang glanced at the other students in the classroom, and said calmly, "My name is Huang Kui."

His attitude made most of the students in the class a little unhappy, and some noisy voices below said: "Who is this? Why are you so dick?"

The dean smiled at Mu Feng, and quickly walked out of the classroom: "Teacher Mu, you and your classmates should get acquainted, I have to leave beforehand!" Before he finished speaking, his figure had disappeared outside the classroom.

"Cut!" There were quite a few boys below who raised their middle fingers to the back of the dean going away.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Mu Feng's mouth, and he walked over and closed the door.Turning back to the students below, he said, "My name is Mu Feng, and you can call me Teacher Mu in the future."

The students below were in a mess, and no one paid attention to Mu Feng.

Kui Mulang smiled at the girl, "What's your name?"

The shameless reincarnated girl of Baihua glanced at Kui Mulang and raised her eyebrows: "My name is He Miaomiao, what? Do you want to pick on me?"

Kui Mulang said: "What is a bubble?"

He Miaomiao said with a smile: "You are handsome, but why do you speak so silly?"

Kui Mulang smirked twice, and then said to the boy next to He Miaomiao, "You, sit in the back, I'll sit here from now on!"

The boy stood up, stared at Kui Mulang and said, "Why?"

Kui Mulang didn't speak, but reached out and chopped off a corner of the desk.

The boy looked at Kui Mulang in shock, then sat in the back with his schoolbag in his arms.

The students in the class looked at Kui Mulang's seat, and they were also stunned, and the classroom suddenly fell silent.

The boy who left the front row seat started whispering with a few sleazy students in the back.From time to time, he looked in the direction of Kui Mulang.

"Didn't you see that I'm still standing here?" Mu Feng looked at the students below with a smile on his face.

The following boys glanced at Mu Feng, and one of them gave Mu Feng a middle finger gesture.

Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh!There were three bursting sounds, and a piece of chalk was stuck on each of the boys' desks.The intact and unused chalk just penetrated the desk and was nailed inside!
Mu Feng held a box of chalk in his hand and looked down coldly.

All the students in the teacher looked at Mu Feng with eyes of horror or admiration, especially those boys, looking at Mu Feng as if they saw an idol.

If Kui Mulang smashed the table with his bare hands just now, it was just a tough act, Mu Feng's behavior was simply brutal!

This new teacher is definitely a legendary martial arts master!
"I'm your new head teacher. I don't have any other requirements for the students. You can have bad grades or whatever you want, but if anyone is sloppy in the future, don't blame me for being rude." Mu Feng yelled at the students below. Shouted: "Do you understand everything?"

It was quiet down below.

Mu Feng: "Do you understand? Answer me loudly!" He popped out a piece of chalk with his fingers and hit the electric fan in the classroom. The fan turned rapidly under the blow.

The students shouted loudly: "Understood!"

After class, Kui Mulang always peeked at He Miaomiao from time to time, but didn't go up to speak.

Mu Feng called out Kui Mulang alone: ​​"Didn't you come down to chase her? Why haven't you acted?"

Kui Mulang said with a gloomy face: "She just told me that I was too stupid, and that I was not her type."

Mu Feng had a look of hating iron but not steel: "One sentence will defeat you? Show off your bravery when you fought against Monkey King!"

Kui Mulang said: "This... I really don't know how to chase girls!"

Mu Feng had an idea: "Wait a minute, I'll check the strategy for you online!"

Kui Mulang said: "Okay, hurry up!"

Mu Feng took out his mobile phone and checked for a while, then said to Kui Mulang, "The first step is to find a way to ask the girl out to play!"

Kui Mulang: "Huh?"

Mu Feng: "Come on, hurry up and ask."

Kui Mulang walked in, sat next to He Miaomiao and began to talk.After a while, he came out and said to Mu Feng excitedly: "Successful!"

Mu Feng said happily: "Really? How did she tell you?"

Kui Mulang said: "She said she asked me to go out to play at night."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Or go out to play together at night? Then most likely I like you too!"

Kui Mulang said: "I thought so too, and she also said that she would introduce her boyfriend to me! By the way, what is a boyfriend?"

Mu Feng looked at Kui Mulang in bewilderment and said, "My boyfriend is...Look at me, I am Xiaoyue's boyfriend!"

Kui Mulang felt dizzy and said, "What!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Congratulations, you have a competitor!"

Kui Mulang said angrily: "Who is so bold! I'm going to eat him!"

Mu Feng quickly grabbed Kui Mulang and said, "Don't be impulsive! You can't continue to use this kind of arrogant method."

Kui Mulang shook off Mu Feng's hand and said, "Then what method do you want me to use? I can't watch her and others!"

Mu Feng said: "Don't get excited, you can defeat your opponent in an aboveboard way, and let He Miaomiao fall into your arms willingly."

At this time, a tall boy with dyed yellow hair, earrings, and skull clothes came over.Directly ignoring Mu Feng and Kui Mulang on the other side, they walked into the classroom.

Then, he sat on Kui Mulang's seat, hugged He Miaomiao into his arms, and the two began talking and laughing.

Kui Mulang's fangs were bared and he said, "I'm going to eat him!"

Mu Feng hugged his waist and said, "Don't be impulsive!"

Kui Mulang said angrily: "Why don't you be impulsive? What would you do if you saw Miss Xiaoyue being hugged by a man like this?"

Mu Feng's first reaction was: "Kill that man."

Kui Mulang said: "Very well, then I won't eat him, I'll kill him!"

Mu Feng said: "No, you can't beat him to death, that's against the rules of heaven."

Kui Mulang said: "Go to hell!"

Mu Feng said: "Leave it to me! Leave it to me! I'll help you teach that man a lesson." After speaking, he pushed Kui Mulang back in place, and then entered the classroom.

He looked at the yellow-haired man with stud earrings and said, "Which class are you in? Why are you in our classroom?"

The man with the yellow-haired earrings raised his head and said, "Never mind your business!"

He Miaomiao said anxiously: "No, he is our head teacher!"

The yellow-haired man with stud earrings said disdainfully: "What's the matter? I'm still the boss of our school!" He pointed at Mu Feng and said, "My name is Wang Yi, and my father is Wang Sandao on Jiangzhou Road! You fucking know Just get away with me."

He Miaomiao said to Mu Feng: "Teacher, don't be as knowledgeable as him, I will tell him to go."

"Hmph!" Wang Yi stood up straight away, beckoning to the boys in the back of the class, "Come up, everyone, and educate your new head teacher with me."

After a while, he found that he had lost the prestige that he used to have to respond to everyone, and the people behind who originally regarded him as the boss of the school actually ignored him at this time.

Instead, many people looked at him with pity.

Mu Feng turned around silently, closed the door, and pulled up the curtains: "If your parents and teachers haven't taught you this, I'll teach you a word today, 'You can't stand if you are rude!'"

(End of this chapter)

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