Agent of Heaven

Chapter 92 High School Student Kui Mulang

Chapter 92 High School Student Kui Mulang
Name: Kui Mulang.

Age: Thousands of years old.

Likes: Fairy Pixiangdian
Status: One of the 28 constellations in the Heavenly Court.

Latest status: Jiangzhou No.30 Fourth Middle School student.

Villa by the lake, full of spring, early in the morning.

Mu Feng covered his forehead and said to Kui Mulang: "No matter what, you can't go to school in this robe."

Kui Mulang protested: "No matter what, I want to dress with a little personality."

Mu Feng said: "If you dress like this, the school will not accept you."

Kui Mulang said angrily: "Who dares not accept me!"

Jiang Xiaoyue came up with a pot of millet porridge and said, "It's okay, I have already asked Cheng Liang to say hello to the people from the Ministry of Education. No matter what you wear to school, no one will care about you."

Kui Mulang immediately looked at Mu Feng proudly.

Mu Feng sighed and said, "It's as long as you're happy."

Kui Mulang said: "I won't eat breakfast, I'll take the cloud to school now."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Don't worry, let Mu Feng go with you after dinner."

Mu Feng said: "Why do I want to go together?"

The old pig smiled and said, "In order to let you watch the yellow-robed monster and prevent him from causing trouble."

Kui Mulang said, "Do you think I look like a troublemaker?"

Everyone was silent, only Zhen Yuanzi nodded and said, "Like."

Kui Mulang froze in an instant, even the always fair Immortal Zhenyuan said so to himself... He lowered his head and ate his meal aggrieved, and suddenly found that other people's bowls were full of porridge, but his own bowl was full of dry goods.Hey, there are diced meat in it!He raised his head and smiled at Jiang Xiaoyue: "Miss Xiaoyue's craftsmanship is really good, how can this meat be so chewy?"

Jiang Xiaoyue's big eyes were bent into the shape of a crescent moon: "It's as long as it tastes delicious to you, I didn't do this for you."

Kui Mulang said with a smile: "Miss Xiaoyue, please don't be modest, such delicious food must be the cooking skill of Miss Xiaoyue."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "I really didn't do it, what you ate was Xiaotiangou's canned dog food."

Xiaotiangou looked at Kui Mulang angrily and said, "Woof! Wang!"

Kui Mulang: "..."

Mu Feng smiled at Kui Mulang: "It's okay, I also ate dog biscuits by mistake."

Kui Mulang said with tears in his eyes: "But I feel delicious, what should I do?"

The old pig smiled and said, "Before he became a fairy, he was a wolf and a canine, so it's normal for him to feel that dog food is delicious." After he finished speaking, he patted Kuimu wolf on the shoulder: "Eat it if you feel delicious." , nothing to be ashamed of, I will never tell anyone about this."

Later, the whole heaven knew about it...

After eating, Mu Feng and Kui Mulang packed up and prepared to go out.

Mu Feng turned around and said to Jiang Xiaoyue: "I'll bring some shrimp when I come back later, let's have saltwater shrimp for lunch."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "You stay at school with Kui Mulang, so you don't have to come back for lunch."

Mu Feng asked in surprise, "Why?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "I have also arranged for you to be a teacher at school. I will teach Kui Mulang's class so that you can watch him."

Mu Feng said: "Can I protest?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The protest is invalid!"

Zhen Yuanzi stroked his long beard and smiled at Mu Feng: "It will be a good opportunity for you to experience being a teacher."

As a result, Mu Feng now not only wants to send Kui Mulang to enroll in No. 34 Middle School, but also takes up the glorious profession of a people's teacher by the way.

No.30 No. [-] Middle School Teaching Office.

Mu Feng led Kui Mulang to stand in front of the dean's desk.

The bald-headed dean with thick glasses at the bottom of the bottle glanced at Kui Mulang, and asked Mu Feng, "Is he your younger brother?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Cousin."

The dean said, "How old is your cousin?"

Kui Mulang said: "Eighteen!"

The dean squinted at Kui Mulang through the thick glasses and said, "Come on, you must be in your 20s."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "We were introduced by Director Wang."

When the dean heard the words Director Wang, he immediately stood up from the chair with a smile, and said flatteringly to Mu Feng: "So you are Director Wang's friend, sit down quickly!"

He helped Mu Feng to sit down, and asked himself to pour a cup of tea, "Who are you to Director Wang?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's just an ordinary friend..." In fact, he didn't know that Director Wang at all, it was Cheng Liang who contacted him for him.

Hearing what Mu Feng said, the teaching director believed that he had a very close relationship with Minister Wang, so he kept fawning on the sidelines and praised Mu Feng's outstanding talent from time to time.

Mu Feng interrupted him, and said with a smile: "Well, about my brother's enrollment?"

The dean patted his chest and said, "Of course it's no problem! The third class (9) in our school is the class with the highest enrollment rate. What do you think?"

Mu Feng said awkwardly: "My brother is not in the third year of high school, but in the first year of high school!"

The dean looked at Kui Mulang and thought to himself, I thought this was someone who failed the college entrance examination for many years and transferred to another school to study, but I didn't expect him to be in the first year of high school?This guy looks at least 20 years old!

Kui Mulang looked at the dean and said, "I'm eighteen."

The dean wiped the sweat off his brow and said with a smile, "School freshman, right? It doesn't matter if you are older, as long as you like to study! Which class do you go to?"

Kui Mulang said: "Grade 6 (Class [-])."

Dean of teaching: "Grade 6 ([-]) class!"

Mu Feng said: "What's wrong?"

The dean said: "It's nothing, it's just... our Senior One (9) class is also a good class, why don't you think about it?"

Mu Feng said: "No need, let's go to Class One (6)."

The dean wiped his shiny forehead again and said, "This..."

Mu Feng said: "Is there any problem with this class?"

The dean sighed and said, "This class is the class with the worst academic style in our school."

Mu Feng said: "That's just right, arrange me to be a teacher too, I will discipline them well, oh, it's for educating them."

The dean said cautiously: "The students in this class are all thorns!"

Mu Feng showed a cold smile: "I specialize in treating thorns."

The dean had no choice but to nod his head helplessly: "Then I'll arrange you to be their head teacher."

Under the leadership of the teaching director, Mu Feng and Kui Mulang came to the classroom of Class 6 ([-]).

The classroom was chaotic, until someone saw the dean come in, it was a little quieter, but there were still a few students who did not conform to the discipline sitting crookedly and whispering, and one in the last row knocked his leg on the table.

However, the dean didn't care about all this, and said to the students below like an endorsement manuscript: "Let me introduce to you, this is your new head teacher."

Mu Feng smiled and waved to the students below: "Hello, classmates."

The dean pointed to Kui Mulang again and said, "This is your new classmate, Huang Kui."

Huang Kui is the name Mu Feng and the others prepare for Kui Mulang to go to school.

But Kui Mulang didn't greet the students below, but kept staring at the pretty figure in the first row.

(End of this chapter)

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