Chapter 91

Kui Mulang didn't plan to go back to the heaven, so Mu Feng naturally arranged for him to live in the villa first.Fortunately, there are a lot of rooms here. Now that there are five or six people living here, there are still many spare rooms.

Sitting on the sofa, Mu Feng asked Kui Mulang, "You came down to look for your wife, but do you know where she is now?"

Kui Mulang said awkwardly: "I don't know."

Mu Feng said: "Then do you have any clues?"

Kui Mulang was even more embarrassed: "No..."

Mu Feng was a little devastated: "Then how did you find Baihuaxie last time?"

Kui Mulang's eyes lit up and said, "Based on intuition!"

Mu Feng completely collapsed, covered his face and said: "Is that just a blind search?"

Kui Mulang said: "Actually, it's not true. I have a covenant with her in the previous life, and we will have some feelings for each other in a vague way."

Jiang Xiaoyue excitedly said: "Is it just like Jia Baoyu seeing Lin Daiyu for the first time?" In "A Dream of Red Mansions", the first sentence Baoyu saw Daiyu was "I have seen this sister before." Inductive.

Kui Mulang said, "Who are Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu?"

Mu Feng said: "It's from another system. But it's very similar to your story. It's a story about slipping from the sky to the earth to fall in love."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "But Jia Baoyu is much more handsome than you, and he is the son of Zhuoshijia."

Indeed, the yellow-robed monster's appearance is too ugly, no wonder Bai Huaxi didn't like him that much when he was with him for 13 years.

Kui Mulang said: "Isn't it just the appearance? It's too simple!" He transformed into a scholar with a folding fan in one hand, but seeing him:
Described as elegant, body stature.The language is multi-official, and the line is at a very young age.Cai Ruzi built poetry easily, and it seems that Pan An is light in throwing fruit.He wears a magpie tail crown on his head, and the dark clouds are converging.The black boots under the feet are folded, and the waist is bright.Fengshen is really a strange man, tall and beautiful.

Mu Feng nodded and said, "It's true that he's much handsomer, but he still lacks something."

Kui Mulang said: "I've become so handsome, what's missing?"

Mu Feng said: "Clothes!"

Kui Mulang waved his sleeves and said, "My jade pleats were the most popular style in Tang Dynasty."

Mu Feng said: "Yes, it has been outdated for more than 1000 years!"

Kui Mulang said: "Then what kind of clothes should I wear?"

Mu Feng glanced at the TV, it was raining deeply.He pointed to Erhao's clothes above and said, "Is it good for you to become like this?"

Kui Mulang looked at the suit, and indeed curled his lips and said: "This dress is too ugly, it really doesn't meet my taste." He suddenly saw the long gown attire of Mr. Lu next to him, his eyes lit up and said: " This one is okay, I will change into this kind of clothes." After speaking, she transformed herself, and the jade pleats on her body turned into a long gown.

Mu Feng said: "You look like a cross talk actor now. Forget it, as long as you are happy."

Zhen Yuanzi looked at this side, changed himself, put on a suit and said: "Pindao feels that this dress is ingenious."

Mu Feng praised: "My master still has good taste."

Kui Mulang said: "Let's go to Baihuasha now!"

Mu Feng asked: "Go now?"

Kui Mulang said: "Yes, I can already feel her breath."

Mu Feng said: "Okay, I'll go with you."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Just remember to come back for dinner."

Mu Feng nodded, and the two flew towards the door together.

On the sofa, Yang Jian suddenly asked Zhen Yuanzi, "Great Immortal, do you think the army of the heavenly court can resist the army of the demon world?"

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Yang Jian with a half-smile, "What do you think?"

Yang Jian said: "Nowadays there are many masters in the demon world, and most of the gods in the heaven world are... Sigh!"

The old pig smiled and said, "If you want to help your uncle, go there. There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

Yang Jian said arrogantly: "Whoever wants to help him, if he doesn't lower his order to transfer troops, I just won't go."

The old pig smiled and said, "Just as long as you're happy."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "It's not that there are no masters in the heavens, but there are too many people who don't work hard. Now who remembers that the Jade Emperor himself is also one of the best masters in the three realms."

Yang Jian was startled and said, "What?"

The old pig smiled and said: "You don't know that, the position of the Lord of the Three Realms is not so easy to do. So when the Heaven Realm and the Yaozu fight, at best they are evenly matched."

Zhen Yuanzi said to Yang Jian pointingly: "Don't go to Tianting for the time being, if it is really urgent, the Jade Emperor will not be stingy with an order to dispatch troops."

Yang Jian showed a proud expression again: "Who is going to Heaven?"

Jiangzhou No.30 No. [-] Middle School, the figures of Mu Feng and Kui Mulang suddenly appeared.

Mu Feng said: "Are you sure Baihua is ashamed of this?"

Kui Mulang nodded and said, "I'm sure! He's definitely inside."

At this time, a beautiful female teacher with a plump figure and black-rimmed glasses walked over not far from the two of them.

Mu Feng said: "Do you think he is ashamed of Baihua?"

Kui Mulang pursed his lips and said, "Vulgar fans!" He hid himself and walked towards the teaching building: "Come with me! I can feel that she is not far away from me!"

When Mu Feng heard the words, he also followed up stealthily.

Together, the two stopped by a sign that said Grade One (6) Class, where many students were listening to the teacher's lecture.

Kui Mulang excitedly pointed at a girl sitting in the first row and said to Mu Feng, "That's her!"

What Mu Feng saw was a beautiful little girl up to 16 years old sitting at the window, holding a pencil to write and draw in her notebook.

Mu Feng looked at Kui Mulang with the eyes of a beast: "How old was Bai Huaxie when you met her last time?"

Kui Mulang took it for granted: "16 years old!"

Mu Feng scolded: "Beast!"

Kui Mulang wanted to show his figure and walked towards the classroom.

Mu Feng immediately stopped him and said, "What are you doing?"

Kui Mulang said: "I'm going to blow up a storm and take her away, and then the two of us will get married."

Hello!Is it the policeman?There are people who rape underage girls here.

Mu Feng said: "You did the same thing last time?"

Kui Mulang nodded and said, "Yes? Is there something wrong?"

Mu Feng said: "Of course it's wrong! After you shamed Baihua like this last time, how did she treat you?"

Kui Mulang's eyes darkened and said: "She has been resenting me for this matter, and later she cooperated with Sun Dasheng and the others..."

Mu Feng said: "That's right! Emotional matters can't be done like this!"

Kui Mulang said: "Then what?"

Mu Feng asked: "Have you ever chased a girl?"

Kui Mulang said: "No!"

Mu Feng said: "Then how do you and Bai Hua want to love in shame in Tiangong?"

Kui Mulang said: "She chased me."

Mu Feng covered his forehead and said: "If you want to be with her forever, you have to let her accept you from the bottom of her heart, so now you need to chase her instead. Is there a problem?"

Kui Mulang thought for a moment and said, "Yes. It's just that I won't..."

Mu Feng waved his hand and said, "You can learn if you don't know it."

Kui Mulang nodded, and wanted to show his figure again, Mu Feng immediately stopped him: "What are you doing?"

Kui Mulang said: "I'll go say hello to her first."

Mu Feng said: "You will scare her if you appear like this, and there is a class in the classroom, and there are teachers and classmates."

Kui Mulang said, "Then what should we do?"

Mu Feng said: "Have you ever been to high school?"

Kui Mulang: "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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