Agent of Heaven

Chapter 90 The Descended Kuimu Wolf

Chapter 90 The Descended Kuimu Wolf
In spring, the sky is getting warmer and the light rain is still there.

Just a few days ago, Mu Feng had a sudden idea of ​​a gazebo in the pond behind the villa.

Building a pavilion in the middle of a lake may not be an easy task for mere mortals.But for Mu Feng, who is a disciple of Longevity Mountain, it is very simple.

At this time, everyone was in the pavilion.Yang Jian set up a table and was waving his brush on it. After a while, a "Spring Rain Fishing Picture" was about to take shape.

Jiang Xiaoyue warmed a pot of rice wine and poured a cup for everyone, with steam still rising from it.

Laozhu held his mobile phone and had already watched the third part of "Bright Spring Pig Bajie", and began to complain that the TV series was getting uglier and uglier.

Xiao Qingsu was fighting with the Xiaotian dog, and the little girl would feed the big dog the potato chips in her hand from time to time.

Mu Feng and Zhen Yuanzi, master and apprentice, are fishing by the lake, and Yang Jian painted the two of them.

There is a joyful atmosphere in the pavilion, which makes people unable to feel the cold spring atmosphere at all.

Suddenly, Zhen Yuanzi looked at the sky and said calmly: "Someone is coming!"

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "Who is it?"

Yang Jian asked: "Are you from the Yaozu?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said, "He's from Heaven."

A stream of light fell from the sky, flew to the pavilion in the middle of the lake, stood on the water, and saluted Zhen Yuanzi first: "Kui Mulang has seen the Great Immortal."

Everyone looked closely at this god who called himself Kui Mulang, and saw that his appearance was very vicious:
Indigo face, white fangs, and a wide mouth.The shaggy sideburns on both sides are dyed with rouge; the three or four purple mustaches seem to be the buds of lychees.Arched nose like a parrot's beak, star-like eyes.Two fists, like a monk's alms bowl; a pair of blue feet, hitting a cliff.

"Kui Mulang?" Mu Feng immediately responded, "Are you the yellow-robed monster who turned Tang Monk into a tiger?"

Kui Mulang said with black lines all over his head, "Don't you mention black history?"

Mu Feng said: "It's fine, I'm the agent of the Heavenly Court, what's the matter with you this time?"

Kui Mulang said: "I'm here to spread the news. Just one day ago, an entrance to the demon world suddenly opened above the heaven. Hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers rushed out, and they have already attacked outside the Nantian Gate."

Mu Feng frowned and said: "The demon world also opened a hole in the heaven?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "The sacred tree of Jianmu connects the three worlds. We have sealed the exit to the human world. They plan to deal with the heavens first."

Kui Mulang said: "Many gods' mounts in the Heavenly Court have provided internal support, even the Qingniu in the Tushita Palace on the 33rd day has stolen Laojun's vajra bracelet to help those demons."

Mu Feng asked: "Is the monster clan's attack on the heavenly realm led by the golden-winged roc?"

Kui Mulang shook his head and said: "No, it's the Bull Demon King. The Golden Winged Peng didn't appear in the monster army, why did he turn against him?"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "It seems that the demon clan is not united as one, there should be many powerful monsters who want to be the demon emperor."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "The position of the Demon Emperor is not so easy to sit on. Since the death of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, this position has been vacant for thousands of years."

Kui Mulang said: "The monster clan is rampant, the four heavenly kings cannot resist, Nantianmen is in a hurry! I obey the order of the Jade Emperor, Xuan Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun will bring the six saints of Meishan to the heaven to help. If the monster soldiers retreat, they will be rewarded heavily. "

Yang Jian snorted coldly, threw the brush aside and said, "No!"

It was then that Mu Feng remembered that Yang Jian was a master who listened to the instructions and did not listen to the announcement. If there was no official order to transfer troops, he could not buy his uncle's account at all.

But his rejection was too straightforward, and he really didn't give the Jade Emperor any face.

Kui Mulang seemed to have known the result a long time ago, so he just replied calmly: "That's fine."

The old pig stuffed a snack into his mouth and said: "The Jade Emperor is really, and he wants Yang Jian to help, and he is afraid that he will lose face by lowering the order of troops. Sometimes I really don't understand what their high-level people think ..."

Kui Mulang flew into the pavilion and stood beside Mu Feng.

The old pig said: "The yellow-robed monster, are you planning to stay and persuade Yang Jian? Don't think about it, everyone in the three realms knows his bad temper, and he is better than my monkey brother."

Kui Mulang waved his hand and said, "Since Erlang Zhenjun doesn't want to go, then I won't force it. Also, can you stop calling me a yellow-robed monster!"

The old pig laughed and said, "Then why are you staying here if you don't go back to your life?"

Mu Feng asked: "What else is there, Your Excellency?"

Kui Mulang suddenly showed an embarrassed expression and said, "It's a little personal."

Mu Feng took a sip of rice wine and said, "Tell me, if you can help, I will naturally not refuse."

Kui Mulang was a little embarrassed and said: "Can you help me find my wife."

Mu Feng squirted out the wine directly: "Ahem, what did you say?"

Kui Mulang said: "Can you help me find my wife?"

Mu Feng said: "You lost your wife?"

The old pig interjected, "You're talking about the shame of flowers?"

Kui Mulang nodded to the old pig and said: "Exactly! But Baihuashame was her name when she was the princess of Baoxiang Kingdom. At this time, my wife has been reincarnated so many times, I am afraid that she is no longer called by this name. "

Mu Feng said to Laozhu: "You seem to know something inside, tell me about it?"

The old pig cleared his throat and said, "I think back when the yellow-robed monster was a monster in Poyue Cave..."

Kui Mulang hurriedly stopped him and said: "Stop! Stop! Let me say it myself." He showed a look of nostalgia: "When I was a star official in Tiangong, I fell in love with the maid of Pixiang Palace. I want to marry Husband and wife, but for fear of tarnishing the paradise of the Heavenly Palace. She thought of going to the lower realm first, and entrusted her to be born in the inner courtyard of the palace. Sun Dasheng succeeded here."

The old pig teased: "Come on, you have a high position and authority, and you will be reinstated as an official soon after you return to the heavenly court. But that Baihuaxie has been reincarnated in the world since then, and will never return to the heavenly realm."

Kui Mulang sighed, "It was I who harmed her."

Mu Feng said: "Then what is your plan when you come down to find her this time?"

Kui Mulang said: "I've made up my mind, I will stay with her as a mortal when I find her this time, and I will never be in heaven again."

Mu Feng was surprised and said: "Is it appropriate for you to do this? No, you came down to ask Erlang God to go to the heaven to help, and you didn't invite reinforcements, and you ran away?"

Kui Mulang smiled and said: "Anyway, I have already brought it, what can I do if Zhenjun Erlang doesn't go? I deliberately asked Jade Emperor for this mission just to go down to earth this time, and I never plan to go back."

Mu Feng said: "Aren't you afraid that the Jade Emperor will blame you?"

Kui Mulang spread his hands and said: "How can the Jade Emperor blame me? At most, he will degrade me into a mortal. But I planned to be a mortal."

Mu Feng said: "The battle situation in Heaven is so urgent, you are not worried?"

The old pig laughed and said: "If the sky falls, there is a tall one to hold it up. If the Jade Emperor can't beat it, the Jade Emperor will invite the Tathagata Buddha. We don't need to worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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