Agent of Heaven

Chapter 89 The Immortal Zhenyuan is in the World

Chapter 89 The Immortal Zhenyuan is in the World

In early spring, after a light rain, the sun rises.

The lakeside villa in the suburbs was the quietest time at this time, and four beams of light fell in front of the lawn not far away.

Mu Feng smiled at Zhen Yuanzi and said, "Master, the disciple's home is ahead."

A gray light shot out from behind Yang Jian and ran towards the villa door. It turned out to be Xiao Tiangou!

The old pig smiled and said, "This gluttonous dog must want the food made by Xiaoyue."

Yang Jian squinted at the old pig with three eyes and said, "You still have the nerve to call my dog ​​greedy?"

Xiao Tiangou hit the door with his head a few times.

"Is Xiaomu back?" Jiang Xiaoyue happily opened the door, only to see Xiaotiangou wagging its tail at him.

Mu Feng walked over and said, "I'm the one who's back!"

Jiang Xiaoyue jumped on Mu Feng's body excitedly, Mu Feng picked her up, turned around on the spot and said, "It seems that you miss me very much!"

Jiang Xiaoyue blushed and said, "Bah! People don't miss you!"

Yang Jian smiled and said, "Then Xiaoyue, do you miss us?"

The old pig imitated Xiaoyue's tone and said: "Bah! People don't miss you!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said angrily, "I won't cook today!"

The old pig immediately said: "Don't! We are wrong, can't we!"

Mu Feng pulled Jiang Xiaoyue to Zhen Yuanzi and said, "Master, this is the girlfriend of this disciple."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "What is a girlfriend?"

The old pig interjected: "It's the little daughter-in-law who hasn't been married yet!"

Yang Jian said to Jiang Xiaoyue: "Mu Feng's master, you can also call him master."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I have seen Master!"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "Okay, okay!"

Jiang Xiaoyue shyly hid and asked Mu Feng secretly: "Your master is extraordinary, and you are dressed as a Taoist priest. Who is he?"

Mu Feng pretended to be mysterious and said: "Big man!"

At this moment, a pink voice came out from the gate, hugging Mu Feng's waist and said, "Brother Feng, you are finally back." She raised her head, and it was Xiao Qingsu.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Xiao Qingsu, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Mu Feng pointed to Zhen Yuanzi and said to Xiao Qingsu: "This is my brother's master, hurry up and say hello."

Xiao Qingsu looked at Zhen Yuanzi, and said crisply: "Brother Feng's master is good!"

Brother Feng's master?What is this called?Mu Feng looked at Xiao Qingsu and said, "My brother's master, you should be called... what should you call me?"

Mu Feng really didn't know what to call her.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "You can just call me Uncle."

Xiao Qingsu nodded, and said cutely: "Hello, Uncle!"

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan smiled, took out two ginseng fruits from his sleeve, and handed them to Jiang Xiaoyue and Xiao Qingsu respectively: "The poor Taoist came in a hurry, so I only prepared some fruits as a gift."

Mu Feng was shocked, Lao Zhu started to swallow his saliva when he saw the ginseng fruit, and Yang Jian couldn't help showing envy, this meeting gift is a bit too expensive!
Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the ginseng fruit, and realized after a while: "You! You are the Immortal Ginseng Fruit! No, you are the Immortal Zhenyuan!"

Xiao Qingsu was not polite at all, and started to chew on the ginseng fruit.

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "You call me master, so naturally I can't be stingy, you have to take this ginseng fruit as soon as possible, it will become stiff after a long time!"

Jiang Xiaoyue also knew the benefits of ginseng fruit, so she thanked her immediately and stopped eating it.

The old pig envied: "You are really generous, Immortal Zhenyuan. This fruit only grows so few in 1 years. You probably don't have many in your hand now."

Immortal Zhenyuan scolded with a smile: "I have lost a lot of fruit, and it's not because of you three gluttonous senior brothers who ate it."

The old pig smiled awkwardly and said, "It's all about the rotten millet millennium ago, so why mention it. Let's go eat, your apprentice-in-law's cooking is delicious!"

Everyone entered the villa together.

Zhen Yuanzi looked carefully at the surrounding furniture, nodded frequently and said: "Pin Dao has not been in the world for thousands of years, and it has changed a lot unexpectedly."

The old pig sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control and said: "Daxian, just look at my supernatural powers!" Then he pressed the switch and read: "Turn on!"

The TV was turned on, and a hostess began to broadcast the news.

Zhen Yuanzi walked over with a face full of surprise and said: "This seems to be a magic weapon similar to Li Jing's demon mirror."

The old pig said frightened: "This is much better than Li Jing's demon mirror!" Then he pressed it to change the channel and said: "Change!"

The picture on the TV turned into a cartoon!
Zhen Yuanzi snorted, and asked curiously: "I don't see any mana fluctuations on your body, why can this treasure be used freely?"

Zhu Bajie laughed and said: "This shows that my cultivation has already surpassed yours, Daxian. You can't even notice when I use my magic weapon."

Mu Feng poured a few cups of tea, brought them over and said, "Master, don't listen to his nonsense, this is not a magic weapon, it is a thing invented by ordinary people, it is called TV!"

Zhen Yuanzi sighed and said: "Everyone can invent such a miraculous thing now, it seems that the poor will have to go downhill more often in the future." He took the remote control from the old pig and pressed it casually.

The screen on the TV changed, and when it arrived at CCTV, it was playing the classic 86 version of Journey to the West that had been rebroadcast countless times.What a coincidence, fortunately, it was put in the episode where the four masters and apprentices passed by Wuzhuang Temple.

Zhu Bajie on the TV is smiling and saying to Monkey King: "Brother Monkey, have you ever seen ginseng fruit?"

Sun Wukong said: "I have never seen this before."

Lao Zhu felt that he had snatched the remote control and changed the station.

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "You idiot is still ashamed."

The old pig changed the subject and said: "This TV is really amazing. There are all kinds of stories on it. Last time I saw the one where Yang Jian pressed his sister under the Huashan Mountain."

Zhen Yuanzi asked doubtfully, "Since when did Zhenjun Erlang have a younger sister?"

Lao Zhu laughed and said, "His sister fell in love with a scholar named Liu Yanchang, and she gave birth to a son named Liu Chenxiang."

Yang Jian said with a dark face: "If you mention this again, I will beat you!"

The old pig smiled: "These are all on TV, why are you blaming me?"

Yang Jian sneered and said, "Last time I saw Marshal Tianpeng having an affair with the princess of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea on TV last time."

Zhen Yuanzi's interest was immediately aroused and he said, "What else is there?"

The old pig said: "It's all right! Don't listen to Yang Jian's nonsense."

Yang Jian said with a smile: "I don't know who cried to death after seeing the ending, and then really ran to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to ask if there was a third princess in their family, but the old Dragon King told him that he only had a third prince."

Mu Feng added: "The third prince is still the one who got cramped by Nezha."

The old pig covered his face and ran into his room, saying: "You will bully honest people!"

Everyone laughed when they saw this, and the living room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere for a while.

Zhen Yuanzi sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control and said to Mu Feng: "As a teacher, you have to watch the station just now, and take a good look at how they stole the fruit of being a teacher back then!"

Yang Jian smiled and said, "It's good to read Journey to the West, as long as you don't read the Lotus Lantern."

Zhen Yuanzi suddenly changed his mind. He smiled and said, "The story of Erlang God's younger sister Sifan seems to be quite interesting, let's see that!"

Yang Jian:"……"

(End of this chapter)

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