Agent of Heaven

Chapter 88 The Battle of Jianmu

Chapter 88 The Battle of Jianmu ([-])

Dapeng looked at the Taoist, with a look of extreme fear in his eyes, and said word by word: "Zhen! Yuan! Zi!"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "King Luo Ming of Jialou, I am so polite." He waved the whisk in his hand, and the yellow light shot towards the mountain behind Mu Feng, smashing it to pieces.

Mu Feng felt light on his body, and said to Zhen Yuanzi, "Master!"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said nothing, lowered the cloud head, and landed in front of Mu Feng.

Thousands of monsters surrounded Mu Feng, when they saw the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, they all backed away and stood behind Dapeng with a terrified expression.

Dapeng said: "Great Immortal Zhenyuan, are you going to make an enemy of my monster clan today?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "You are all people with hair and horns, how dare you deceive your mind and try to dominate the three realms. Get back quickly, so as not to be murdered. It's a pity for your true colors."

Dapeng said: "The lord of the three realms is naturally the virtuous one. The gods have no way, and the mortals are despicable. It should be my monster clan's prosperity."

Zhen Yuanzi scolded: "Shut up! Let Pindao see how capable you are."

An eagle blew, and Dapeng held Fang Tian's painting halberd and turned into an afterimage and stabbed at Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi withstood the whisk for a few rounds.Then he stretched out his big sleeves, showing the universe in his sleeves.Take Dapeng in!
Mu Feng was overjoyed when he saw this, and stepped forward to talk to Zhen Yuanzi.But Zhen Yuanzi made a gesture to him not to come.His sleeves began to flip up and down violently.

A ray of golden light flew out from Zhen Yuanzi's cuff and leaped to the sky. When he stopped, everyone could see clearly that it was actually a golden-winged roc eagle!His wings are vast, covering the sky and the sun, and it is difficult to see the end at a glance.

Jinchi Dapeng opened its huge beak, and there was a huge suction force. Mu Feng cast the spell with all his strength, but he couldn't resist, and flew towards Dapeng.

"Dare you!" Zhen Yuanzi yelled angrily, the top of his head was brightly lit, and the ginseng fruit tree emerged, covering Mu Feng inside.Then another book exuding a khaki-yellow light was thrown out. The book grew in the wind, turned into the size of a hill, and slammed towards Dapeng.

Dapeng was caught off guard and was hit on the head. He felt dizzy instantly and almost fell off the clouds.

"Great Immortal Zhenyuan's Book from the Earth really deserves its reputation!" The golden-winged roc cried out, and Buddha's light shone from his body!A nine-foot-tall man with wings on his back and robes flew out, holding a golden wheel in his hand, and attacked Zhen Yuanzi.

Mu Feng asked in surprise: "Who is this?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "His name is King Jialou Luoming, he is the incarnation of the good corpse of the golden-winged roc." With a wave of his hand, the ginseng fruit tree emitted clear lights and shot towards King Jialou Luoming.

The Book of Ground turned around in the air, and slowly opened it. The vast and thick khaki mana began to burst out from the pages of the book, enveloping the Golden Winged Roc Eagle.

And at this time!Suddenly, the yellow-browed monster shouted: "The gate of the demon world, open!" The power of the four elephants on the top of his head finally merged into one, spinning and hitting Jianmu.

Jianmu shook for a while, and a hole slowly opened on it, in which black demonic aura shot up into the sky, revealing thousands of ferocious demons.

Dapeng said with a smile: "My demon army is about to descend on the world! Block me and die!"

Mu Feng saw thousands of monsters in the gate of the demon world, all of them are big monsters with soaring demon aura, if they are allowed to rush into the human world, hundreds of millions of mortals will face the fate of being slaughtered and enslaved.Thousands of years of civilization will be destroyed!
Mu Feng couldn't even think about such a consequence!
"No! I don't think this can be allowed to happen!" Mu Feng roared angrily. He had made up his mind that even if he died here today, he would not let these monsters invade the world.

He wants to protect everything around him, guarding this blossoming world.

The voice of Ying Long's remnant soul came from the depths of Mu Feng's mind: "Is there something you want to protect? You finally have a bit of heroism! Let me help you!" He just finished speaking , Mu Feng felt a powerful force gushing out from his body far away!
A clear light appeared above Mu Feng's head, and a huge dragon with wings on its back, covered with golden scales, antlers and golden pupils jumped out.

The golden-winged roc exclaimed in shock: "Ying Long!"

Ying Long flew out from the top of Mu Feng's head, turned into hundreds of feet in size, with clouds and mist looming all over him, and flew towards the gate of the demon world.Thousands of monsters were terrified when they saw Yinglong, and under the huge pressure, they all started to retreat.

A dragon chant resounded through the sky, shocking the universe.Ying Long spit out a huge golden beam of light and shot it towards the gate of the demon world!The gate of the demon world, which had been expanding continuously, began to shrink slowly.

The golden-winged roc roared: "Don't even think about it!" Then he thought of Mu Feng and rushed towards him.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust! Monster, go back to where you should go!" He stretched out his palm, and huge mana was poured into the book from the ground.

The book from the ground began to flip rapidly, and the earth-yellow thick mana surged continuously, enveloping the golden-winged roc and other monsters in it.Fly towards the gate of the demon world that is about to be fully healed.

The golden-winged roc roared in the gate of the demon world: "I will definitely come back!"

With the complete healing of the gate of the demon world, Ying Long seemed to have exhausted his mana, turning into a phantom and gradually disappearing.But Dapeng's last words were still echoing in the air.Mu Feng was confused for a while, and thought: "Are you a fucking Big Big Wolf?"

Before Zhen Yuanzi flew to Jianmu, his hands kept making seals, and the ground book was turned over again. The khaki mana on it condensed into a gossip shape, which was imprinted on the place where the gate of the demon world originally appeared.

Mu Feng stepped forward and said, "Master!"

Zhen Yuanzi said seriously: "With my magic power, I can only temporarily seal the demon world."

Mu Feng was surprised: "Then how long will it take for them to come back?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "If there are no accidents, my seal can suppress them for at least 50 years."

Mu Feng said: "What about 50 years later?"

Zhen Yuanzi patted Mu Feng's shoulder and said with a smile: "It will be up to you after 50 years!"

Mu Feng instantly felt a lot of pressure.

Two beams of light flew over and stopped before Jianmu, it was Lao Zhu and Yang Jian who rushed over.When the two of them saw Zhen Yuanzi coming again, they all stepped forward to salute.Zhen Yuanzi also smiled back.

Yang Jian said to Mu Feng: "We just felt that there was a strange movement on the Jianmu, so we rushed here!"

Mu Feng said: "It's over."

The old pig said: "What happened."

Mu Feng then turned Huang Mei into an old pig, and told him all about going to Zhenyuanzi to seal the entrance of the demon world by tricking himself into taking ancestral dragon energy.

After hearing this, both of them regretted that they were one step late.

The old pig said: "I said why and Yang Jian searched the world for a long time, but only caught some little monsters. It turns out that most of the monsters have been taken by Dapeng and the others for their own use."

Yang Jian said to Mu Feng: "Your mana is so strong that you can close the entrance to the demon world."

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "Those are not my mana."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "You have initially been recognized by Ying Long's remnant soul. As long as you have another chance, it is very likely that you can restore Ying Long's strength in the subversive period."

Mu Feng said: "There is a heavy responsibility and a long way to go!"

The old pig smiled and said, "There's no need to worry so much, the demon world is turned upside down, and the Heavenly Court will support it! Why should we be so anxious here."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "That's right!" He said to Zhen Yuanzi, "Master, why did you come back here?"

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "I want to travel around the world, and it happened that there was a change in Jianmu, so I came here."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Master actually came to the world, so he has to live in the disciple's house. My daughter-in-law cooks delicious food!"

Both Lao Zhu and Yang Jian looked at Mu Feng playfully: "Not long after we left, you coaxed Miss Xiaoyue?"

Mu Feng said: "What is coaxing? Can you call coaxing about scholars? I call it pursuit!"

(End of this chapter)

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