Agent of Heaven

Chapter 87 The Battle of Jianmu

Chapter 87 The Battle of Jianmu ([-])

Mu Feng was patted into the ground by the black bear spirit, feeling his whole body was immersed in the earth, silently running the "Longevity Dixuan Sutra", the earth-yellow magic power gushed out from his whole body to wrap himself, blocking the shadow of the black bear spirit's palm outside .

"Punishing Xie Style!" Mu Feng was not polite when he had the opportunity, and he made a killing move directly, stabbing towards the black bear spirit's chest like Qi piercing Changhong.

Unexpected things happened, only the sound of gold and iron clanging, Qing Ming sword pierced the black bear spirit's chest, unexpectedly couldn't make an inch.

Mu Feng's seven stances of Yinglong have always been invincible, but this time it has no effect!
The black bear spirit showed its white fangs, and sneered, "When I return to my original body, my speed and defense will become ten times higher than before!"

During the time he said a word, Mu Feng had received [-] bear's paws all over his body.This made Mu Feng feel that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart.

Finally, the black bear spirit raised its head to the sky and roared angrily, hitting Mu Feng's head with a hammer.

Indeed, Mu Feng has the indestructible body of King Kong. The black bear spirit can no longer kill him, but it can stun him.At that time, when Mu Feng woke up, he was afraid that the monster army had already ruled the world.

However, at this moment, Mu Feng stretched out a hand, and quickly pressed the black bear spirit's head.

The black bear spirit was shocked, and when he looked up, he found that Mu Feng's eyes were filled with golden light: "This kid really can't do it, I need to take action!"

Black Bear Spirit felt a piercing pain, and Mu Feng kicked him in the chest.

Daji suddenly shouted: "No, he is not Mu Feng, he is Lord Yinglong now!"

When the surrounding monsters heard the word "Ying Long", they couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Even if you are Ying Long, I'm not afraid of you!" Hei Xiong Jing roared with bloodshot eyes, but found that Mu Feng was no longer in front of him!

"Here it is!" A voice came from the back of the black bear spirit, and the Qingming sword cut through the sky like a meteor, and cut on the black bear spirit, leaving a huge wound, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

"Yinglong's Seven Styles are used in this way!" Mu Feng's figure flashed, and he stood on top of the black bear spirit, with the Qingming sword in his hand flashing with fiery sword energy, looking at the black bear spirit's eyes.

A mournful cry resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the black bear covered his eyes and began to beat the ground crazily, causing the surroundings to vibrate violently.

The golden light in Mu Feng's eyes has grown to an inch long, and he pointed at the black bear spirit with his sword and said, "I'll let you see Yinglong's power, rest in peace!" The sword light stabbed straight at the black bear spirit's eyebrows.

But three inches away from the black bear spirit's eyebrows, Mu Feng's sword did stop.The golden light in Mu Feng's eyes became unstable, and he roared angrily: "Get out of here! This is my body!" He actually stood there, and started talking to himself: "Boy, don't make trouble! This is my body!" You can't handle a bear."

"Go away! I can handle it myself!"
"I'm only close, I'm going to kill him soon!"

"Leave immediately! Stop trying to control me!"

With the last roar, it seemed that the real Mu Feng had the upper hand, all the golden light in his eyes dissipated, and his eyes had returned to clarity.He pointed his sword at Black Bear Jing and said, "The person who got in the way has left, let's continue."

Black Bear Spirit: "..." You asked Ying Long to come out and beat me seriously, and finally said that he was in your way?
Mu Feng looked at Hei Xiong Jing and said: "You take my last sword, let us decide the outcome with one move!" His sword began to condense his scorching sword energy, and the "Xuanyan style" is undoubtedly the sixth style of Yinglong Among them, it is the most suitable trick for head-to-head confrontation with people.

Hei Xiong Jing said: "Then the final blow will determine the outcome." The black monster aura shot up from his body, and the weaker little monsters around him knelt on the ground and couldn't get up.

One red, one black, the two forces collided together in a powerful posture.On one side is the hot and masculine peerless sword aura, and on the other is the monstrous demonic aura of the fierce demon king.

The sky flickered in red and black, and the monsters watching all around were blown to the ground by the strong aftermath.Only a few high-strength ones, such as Jinyin Erjiao, can barely stand.

The Jiao Demon King radiated blue magic power from his whole body, protecting the yellow-browed monster inside, and his eyes shone with excitement.I probably haven't seen such a wonderful battle for nearly a thousand years.

After the smoke and aftermath dissipated, Mu Feng stood proudly holding his sword.And the black bear spirit fell to the ground, still breathing weakly between sniffs.The victory and defeat have been divided!
Mu Feng looked at the Demon King and said, "It's your turn."

Jiao Demon King said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that you can defeat Lao Hei now. His ability is not small."

Mu Feng said: "Don't try to procrastinate, watch the sword!" He jumped up, and stabbed towards the Demon King with a "Devil Slaying Style".

The power of the four elephants in Huangmei's hands is almost fully integrated!Mu Feng must defeat the Jiao Demon King as quickly as possible, and only then can he stop the plans of these monsters!
But at this moment, a golden light flew towards Mu Feng, directly hitting Mu Feng to the ground.

Mu Feng looked up, and saw a man with a hooked nose holding a Fang Tian painted halberd looking at him coldly.

"Are you the uncle of Buddha Tathagata?" Mu Feng said.

As soon as Dapeng heard the word "Tathagata", he became extremely angry: "I am the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle! Don't mention Tathagata to me!"

Mu Feng said: "Other monsters don't want to be mounts or servants, so they come out of the heaven. What are you doing for? I really don't understand!"

Dapeng sneered and said, "What am I for? I am the son of the phoenix, so I naturally want to return to the demon world and take the position of the demon emperor. Then I will command the three worlds and sit in the Lingxiao Palace!"

Mu Feng said: "If Sun Wukong had such a good plan like you back then, maybe he would be the Jade Emperor now."

Dapeng said coldly: "That monkey's ability is far worse than mine!"

Just as Dapeng was talking, Mu Feng made a sudden move, and a sword "Liufeng Style" slashed at Dapeng's throat at the fastest speed.

However, Mu Feng just blinked, and Dapeng disappeared!He slashed directly into the air with his sword.

"I haven't finished my words yet, why are you in such a rush to sneak attack?" Dapeng's voice came from behind Mu Feng.A Fang Tian painted halberd flew over and hit Mu Feng's shoulder directly, knocking him to the ground!
Dapeng smiled and said: "I'm giving you a chance. You are the reincarnation of Yinglong. If you are willing to go back to the demon world with me and help me conquer the three worlds, I will make you a demon master! Among the top three, you will be the only one!" Down, above ten thousand people."

Mu Feng raised his head and said: "It's a pity, I'm used to being lazy, and I really don't like high-ranking officials and rich salary!"

Dapeng said angrily: "Very well, I can't kill you now because you rely on your indestructible body! Just like Tathagata suppressed Monkey King, I will suppress you for 500 years! Let you know what is life It's better to die!" He raised his hands, and a mountain in the distance rose from the ground, and smashed towards Mu Feng fiercely.

Mu Feng lucked out that a huge and solid mana from the "Longevity Dixuan Scripture" wrapped himself up in an attempt to resist this mountain!But what is Dapeng's mission? Even in Daleiyin Temple in the west, he dared to confront the Buddha head-on.How could Mu Feng's current magic power do nothing to him.

Dapeng said with a smile: "It turns out that the true disciples of Wuzhuang Temple are nothing more than this!"

As soon as Dapeng's words fell, another clear voice came from a distance: "Who dares to bully my apprentice?" A Taoist with three long beards and a whisk in his hand suddenly appeared in front of everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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