Agent of Heaven

Chapter 86 The Battle of Jianmu

Chapter 86 The Battle of Jianmu ([-])

The yellow-browed monster's eyes were closed tightly, suspended between the sky and the earth.On the top of his head, blue, white, yellow, red, four colors of rays of light complement each other, constantly entangled with each other, and seem to have faint signs of merging together.

The surrounding scenery also began to undergo tremendous changes. The originally dilapidated Fumo Temple disappeared, replaced by a giant blue tree standing between the sky and the earth!
This tree is so tall that you can't see its head. The roots are buried in the ground, but the top is inserted into the clouds. If it weren't for the tiny branches and leaves on it, Mu Feng might think that what he saw was the legendary tree supporting the sky. Column, not Zhoushan.

"Xuanyan style!" Mu Feng shot out suddenly, and before the surrounding monsters could react, he slashed at the four-color light on the top of Huangmei's head with a sword.

Mu Feng didn't know what the other party was going to do, but he knew that if he didn't stop it, disaster would befall the world.

Suddenly a dragon chant sounded, and the Flood Demon King directly revealed his body, transformed into a huge dragon and hovered beside the yellow-browed monster, blocking the blow.

"You were also a great power of my monster clan in your previous life, why did you want to fight us?" Jiao Demon King asked with an angry tone.

Mu Feng asked back: "Is it your design to let me easily obtain the ancestral dragon energy?"

Jiao Demon King sneered and said, "Of course it was our design, otherwise you thought you could beat me, Great Sage Fuhai, with just your little ability? Why would they willingly take you there if you were not allowed to save the Kunlun faction from danger?" Take the ancestral dragon energy?"

Mu Feng said: "Why don't you go get it yourself? But you still want to borrow my hand?"

Jiao Demon King said: "I also went to get it, but I couldn't pass that shit test, and they sent it out in the blink of an eye. So I sent a message back to ask Huang Mei and the others to cooperate with me in acting."

Black Bear Spirit sneered and said, "Otherwise, with your Taiyi Sanxian's cultivation, how could you be my opponent?"

Jiao Mowang said in a long voice: "Mu Feng, you go back, the matter of our monster clan has nothing to do with you. How about we live in peace?"

Mu Feng sneered: "Then you have to tell me first, what exactly do you want to do?"

Daji said sadly: "We just want to go home!"

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes: "Go home?"

Jiao Demon King said: "That's right, we have exhausted all our efforts to search for the power of the four elephants, but we just want to open the gate of the demon world and go home."

Mu Feng said: "The demon world? There are only three worlds in this world, the heaven, the human world, and the underworld. Where did the demon world come from? I haven't read a book, but don't lie to me?"

Jiao Demon King smiled and said: "This is why you are ignorant. The demon world is independent of the Three Realms. After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Empress Nuwa used the map of mountains and rivers and the flesh and blood of the four ancient gods and beasts as the price. Only the remaining power of the four elephants can open the gate of the demon world."

Mu Feng said: "Among the spiritual powers of the four elephants, the powers of the white tiger, vermilion bird, and blue dragon were all cheated from me by you."

Flood Demon King said: "That's right, so you have helped us a lot in the demon world. As long as we refine all the power of the four elephants, we can open the gate of the demon world on the building wood." His finger pointed to the towering giant. Tree.

Mu Feng said: "So this is Jianmu? It is said that it is a sacred tree that can connect the three worlds. If I guessed correctly, your Xuanwu power should be obtained from Emperor Zhenwu."

Jiao Demon King said: "The Xuanwu spirit shell was originally a thing of my monster clan. Zhenwu became an emperor through refining him. We killed him just for revenge."

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Then what about the mortals you killed because of Tiger Wing Saber and Suzaku blood? They don't have any deep hatred with your monster clan."

The Jiao Demon King said disdainfully: "Ordinary people are like ants. For the great cause of my monster clan, what's the harm in killing one or two?"

Hei Xiong Jing said: "Most people are greedy and cunning people with deep inferiority. They are not worthy of owning the human world. After we return to the demon world, we will send troops to unify the three worlds and completely destroy the gods. The human race will let them become like ancient times. The vassal slaves of our demon clan are fine."

Mu Feng pointed the Qingming Sword in his hand at Hei Xiong Jing and said, "You say that because you want to fight!" He didn't want to care if he was a powerful monster in his previous life. Anyway, he is a human being in this life, so he has no reason to help the monster clan. enslave humans.

The black bear spirit said coldly: "With your ability, do you think you can really win against me? It was just to let you get the ancestral dragon energy before, so I deliberately lost to you."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Really? Just do it if you don't accept it, don't force it!"

The black bear roared angrily, picked up the red-tasseled spear and stabbed towards Mu Feng.Black demonic aura surged all over his body, and his attack was indeed much fiercer than last time.

But Mu Feng is not the Mu Feng at that time, his body has been tempered by the ancestral dragon energy, not only has his mana greatly improved, but he has also become an indestructible body of a diamond, at this time he can directly confront the black bear spirit.

The two of them exchanged guns and swords, giving up defense and directly using their bodies to catch each other's moves.The beating was very brutal, often when Mu Feng stabbed with a sword, only a few bear hairs could be cut off, and the black bear spirit's spear point remained on Mu Feng's body, leaving only a white spot.

Jiao Demon King continued to entangle Huang Mei's side, guarding against Mu Feng's sudden attack.Jinjiaoyinjiao and Daji took the initiative to lead thousands of monsters to surround Mu Feng and Hei Xiongjing.The monster race respects martial arts, and the strong are respected. They did not intervene in the battle between Mu Feng and the black bear spirit at this time, but only cheered from the sidelines.

Mu Feng held the sword and fought Hei Xiong Jing for a hundred rounds, but it was a draw. Hei Xiong Jing said: "You are not bad, it seems that I underestimated you!"

Mu Feng said: "Thank you, but your level is really not that good?" He deliberately used the aggressive method.

As expected, the Black Bear Spirit was furious, and his moves immediately became more vicious. He raised his gun and stabbed towards Mu Feng's heart.

Mu Feng seized the opportunity, swayed his footsteps, used the heaven and earth escape method, and instantly got behind the black bear spirit.With a move of "Devil Slaying Style", a spray of blood directly rose from the back of the black bear spirit.

But this black bear has rough skin and thick flesh after all, this fatal move actually caused a little skin trauma to him.With bloodshot eyes, he turned his head and shot at Mu Feng.

"Listen to the rain style!" The Qingming sword danced wildly, falling like raindrops, piercing the black bear spirit everywhere.Even the red-tasseled gun in his hand was thrown flying by Mu Feng.

The black bear spirit is more like a red bear spirit at this moment. His whole body is already covered with fine wounds about an inch in size, and his whole body is stained red with blood.

Mu Feng said: "Those who stole the cassock, you are nothing more than that!" He started the venomous tongue routine of cursing and exposing shortcomings again.At this time, the Black Bear Spirit obviously had no fighting ability.He wanted to use this to disturb the mind of the black bear spirit, so that he could have a chance to attack the yellow eyebrow who was refining the power of the four elephants.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the black bear spirit suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, then lay down on the ground, its whole body began to grow, and in an instant it became a black bear the size of a small mountain.The dense wounds on his body began to heal quickly.

With a whoosh, before Mu Feng could react in time, the black bear sprang up in front of Mu Feng like a black shadow.With a slap, Mu Feng was sent flying.

Mu Feng only felt a tightness in his chest, as if he had been hit by a train.If it wasn't for a chance coincidence that he became an indestructible body of diamond, Mu Feng might have died here already.

But!With another whoosh, the black bear rushed to the top of Mu Feng who was still there, and slapped him into the ground with a slap.Then a pair of bear paws turned into a series of phantoms, which landed on Mu Feng's body, slapping him deeply into the soil.

Mu Feng complained in his heart: Why is this black bear so fast, shouldn't you be a powerful hero?How can it be agile?

(End of this chapter)

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