Agent of Heaven

Chapter 85 Repairing the Demon Temple

Chapter 85 Repairing the Demon Temple

When Mu Feng wakes up leisurely, he just feels refreshed, and his whole body seems to have inexhaustible strength.

"Hey, my magic power has not disappeared!" Mu Feng moved his body, and felt that the magic power in his body not only did not disappear, but became stronger.His own cultivation actually faintly has the omen of reaching the Golden Immortal.

"you're awake?"

Mu Feng saw a ball of light floating in front of him, and its voice was exactly the same as the phantom of the dragon soul before.

Mu Feng asked: "My mana, what's going on?"

"I have already used the ancestral dragon energy to refine you into an indestructible body of vajra! By the way, your cultivation has also been greatly improved."

Mu Feng was at a loss and said, "Don't you want me to keep all my mana here?"

"That's just a test for you."

Mu Feng said: "Test?"

"Only those with a benevolent heart are qualified to control the ancestral dragon energy. You are the common people in the world, and you are willing to give up your hard-won mana and longevity. It shows that you are a kind person."

Mu Feng said: "Then where is the ancestral dragon energy now?"

Guangtuan said: "I am the ancestral dragon spirit. I have been here for thousands of years, and I have developed spiritual wisdom. But just now I have trained you for your indestructible body. My strength has been exhausted, and I will soon be wiped out!"

Mu Feng anxiously said: "You can't be wiped out, what will you do if you wiped out Fumo Temple?"

Guangtuan said: "Don't worry, the annihilation I'm talking about is just annihilation of the mind, but this cloud of dragon energy will not dissipate."

Mu Feng said: "You said that what happened just now was just a test? So even if I take away this ball of dragon energy, it won't have any impact on Huaxia's luck?"

Guang Tuan said: "You are still too naive, what I just said about the rise and fall of Dragon Qi and China is true."

Mu Feng said: "Then is there a way to remedy it?"

Guang Tuan said: "So I helped you become an indestructible body of fine steel."

Mu Feng said: "What do you mean?"

Guang Tuan said: "You will be my guardian of Huaxia from now on! After the collapse of the dragon veins, you must block all the disasters that Huaxia suffered!"

Mu Feng heard the words and felt the weight of the responsibility he was facing: "I will protect Huaxia well."

Guangtuan comforted: "But you don't have to worry, you just need to protect China for a hundred years. After a hundred years, the wreckage of the blue dragon will give birth to a new dragon spirit, which will continue to envelope China's luck."

After Guang Tuan finished speaking, he fell into Mu Feng's hand.Mu Feng reached out to catch it, and asked again, but the ball of light did not respond, it seems that his consciousness has been wiped out.

Mu Feng straightened his body and came out of Fallen Dragon Valley. This time, there was no green energy to stop him, and he flew directly to Qilin Cliff with ease.Seeing Xuanling Daoist is still waiting on the cliff.

"Mr. Mu has already taken the ancestral dragon energy?" Master Xuanling asked.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's already in my hands! Thank you, Daoist, for leading the way."

Master Xuan Ling sighed, "You don't have to thank me, I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse."

Mu Feng bowed to Xuanling, and then used the heaven and earth escape method, and went to Jiangzhou City!
The moment Mu Feng left Kunlun.The top masters everywhere in the human world have sensed it.

The old pig who was walking outside the villa looked at Mu Feng's direction, with an inexplicable light in his eyes and said: "He succeeded."

In the Jiange of Shushan Mountain, an old man with white hair and a childlike face, with a very free and easy brow, slowly opened his eyes: "Did something happen to the dragon's veins in Kunlun?"

In an island country in Japan, a person who was wiping a samurai sword suddenly raised his head and said, "Haha, the opportunity we have been waiting for for many years has finally come!"

In a religious country in the West, an old man with a scepter and a golden crown on his head closed the book in his hand: "The mysterious east, the place where my Lord's light has never been shrouded. It seems that it will also become my Lord's territory in the future." Already!"

Athens, Greece.In a holy temple, a beautiful woman looked towards Dongfang and said, "It's time to go to this mysterious country."

Mu Feng did his best and returned to Jiangzhou in a blink of an eye. Before he arrived in front of the villa, he saw the old pig walking towards him.

"You got the ancestral dragon energy?" Lao Zhu excitedly said.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Although it took a lot of effort, it was still successful."

Laozhu urged: "Let's go, let's go to Zhenwu Palace now!" He set up auspicious clouds and led Mu Feng to fly into the sky.

He didn't turn around, but just went up all the way. After flying for a long time, Mu Feng felt that if he flew down, he should reach the moon.

"Could it be that you want to see Chang'e, so you want to take me to the moon?" Mu Feng complained.

The old pig said: "Don't talk nonsense, we will be there soon." After a while, he stretched out his hand to break open the space.The two came to the midst of singing birds and flowers.

"This is the cave of Zhenwu Palace, we will be able to see Fumo Temple as we go forward!" said the old pig.

Mu Feng flew all the way with the old pig, and he saw a large area of ​​broken walls. One of the main halls was the most damaged. Even the plaque was broken into two halves, and the words "Fu Mo Dian" were written on it.

The old pig took out the human seed bag and poured it down. Thousands of monsters entered the damaged Demon Fu Temple. "You should also put Daji and the others into Fumo Temple," said the old pig.

Mu Feng nodded and waved his sleeves!Daji, Golden Horn, Silver Horn, Black Bear Spirit, Jiao Demon King.They all appeared in Fumo Temple at the same time.

The old pig stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the ancestral dragon energy."

Mu Feng took out the light ball and handed it to Lao Zhu.

The old pig looked at it for a while, and after confirming it, he shouted: "That's right, it's the ancestral dragon spirit!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'll go out and fetch it myself, can there be fake ones?"

Lao Zhu smiled and said: "It's true, it's true!" Then he suddenly struck Mu Feng's chest like lightning.

Mu Feng flew out and hit the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

"What are you doing, old pig!" Mu Feng stood up and asked.

Seeing Mu Feng standing up like this, Laozhu also revealed a surprised look and said, "Are you okay?" After speaking, he laughed loudly and said, "Look carefully, who is Grandpa?" His waist changed, It turned into a demon with yellow eyebrows and yellow hair, holding a short soft mace.

Mu Feng looked at his yellow eyebrows, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and said angrily: "You are the king of yellow eyebrows!"

At this time, Black Bear Spirit, Flood Demon King, Jinyin Erjiao, and Daji all flew out of Fumo Temple, stood beside Huang Mei, and looked at Mu Feng with a sneer.

Mu Feng said angrily: "All of this is your conspiracy! Huang Mei, you tricked me into getting ancestral dragon energy, what exactly are you trying to do?"

Huang Mei smiled and said: "You will know soon!" He turned to the gold and silver Erjiao and said: "Bring those three things too!"

One of the gold and silver two corners took out a purple gold gourd, and the other took out a mutton fat jade bottle, poured it out, and three things flew out.Mu Feng knew two of them!It was the tiger-winged knife and the blood of the Suzaku, and there was another thing, which was a tortoise shell.

The three things flew to Huang Mei's hands, and gradually began to merge with the light ball.

(End of this chapter)

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