Chapter 84
After accepting the Jiao Demon King, Mu Feng lowered his head and returned to the gate of Yuxu Palace.

Daoist Xuanling came up with many disciples, and bowed to Mu Feng on his knees: "Thank you, Mr. Mu, for saving Kunlun from danger." gone."

Master Xuanling said: "If it wasn't for Mr. Mu's rescue, I'm afraid the Kunlun faction would perish today. Mr. has a great kindness to Kunlun, so he should accept this gift." At this time, he didn't call Mu Feng a fellow Taoist, either. Instead, he called him Mr. Sun Hao.

Seeing this, Mu Feng had no choice but to be bowed by the Kunlun sect, and then he helped Master Xuanling up and said, "I'm afraid the six elders are still seriously injured at this moment, so I'll go and heal them."

Everyone entered the Yuxu Palace together, and the Kunlun disciples helped the six elders who were dying lying on the square.Mu Feng took a closer look at their injuries and found that there was nothing serious about them. Using mana, they quickly healed their injuries.

Master Xuanling said: "I, Kunlun, owe a lot to my husband. In the future, if my husband has any orders, Kunlun will definitely do my best to serve you."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Actually, I came to Kunlun to ask the real person for help."

Master Xuanling said: "I would like to hear the details."

Mu Feng said: "Have you ever heard of 'ancestral dragon energy'?"

Master Xuanling nodded: "Naturally, I know that this 'ancestral dragon energy' is the source of my Chinese dragon veins, and it falls into the Dragon Valley under Qilin Cliff behind my Yuxu Peak."

Mu Feng said: "I came this time to borrow the 'ancestral dragon energy'."

Master Xuanling thought for a moment and said solemnly: "Sir, come with me!"

Mu Feng followed Master Xuanling on foot all the way, passed through the main hall, and soon came to the back mountain of Yuxu Palace.There are many exotic flowers and plants, and precious trees of elixir.

"The aura here is stronger than that in Yuxu Palace." Mu Feng praised.The aura here also gave him a very close feeling, as if it was the feeling given to him by his relatives.

Master Xuanling said: "Under the cliff ahead is the source of my Chinese dragon veins."

Mu Feng walked up the cliff and looked down. With his eyesight, he couldn't see anything at all.All I could see was a hazy haze of blueness.

Master Xuanling said: "The valley below here, instead of Falling Dragon Valley, is where the wreckage of the ancient mythical beast Canglong fell."

Mu Feng said: "Then the ancestral dragon energy is also under this valley?"

Master Xuanling nodded and said: "That's right. But in the Fallen Dragon Valley, there is still a trace of the dragon's power of the Canglong, and it is impossible to get close to it with poor cultivation."

Mu Feng said: "I must get this ancestral dragon energy, so I will go forward and give it a try!"

Master Xuanling made a gesture of invitation to Mu Feng, and said earnestly: "The ancestral dragon spirit is related to the rise and fall of China. Please think twice before taking it, sir!"

Mu Feng nodded, he also understood the importance of the ancestor of the dragon veins, but in order to repair the Fumo Temple, he had to go forward and try.

Mu Feng straightened his body and jumped down the cliff.A strange thing happened, the green energy floating below the cliff actually began to gather, dragging Mu Feng's body and preventing him from falling downward.

Mu Feng yelled: "Open!" The khaki-colored magic power shrouded his body, and he squeezed a way out of the green energy, and moved forward.But the further you go down, the stronger the power of Qingqi, with Mu Feng's mana.Actually began to gradually feel a lot of pressure.

finally!After Mu Feng fell nearly a thousand feet, the green energy in front of him directly gathered into a wall, blocking Mu Feng's retreat.

Mu Feng took out the Qingming sword, poured his whole body mana into it, and slashed down with the sword, creating a gap above the green energy.Just as Mu Feng was about to pass, the gap unexpectedly began to heal by itself, and soon became only the size of a palm.

With an idea, Mu Feng transformed into a small insect and slipped through the green gap.

Master Xuanling looked at Mu Feng who had disappeared at the bottom of the cliff, and sighed, "It's surprising that someone actually broke into Fallen Dragon Valley, and I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

In the valley, the vegetation is lush and flowers are everywhere, it looks like an outdoor peach garden.

But as soon as Mu Feng's feet touched the ground, he felt a strong coercion coming towards him, which made him feel a little out of breath.

"Who are you? What's the point of breaking into the Fallen Dragon Valley?" A desolate voice came from the sky.

Mu Feng said loudly: "Mu Feng, the younger generation, came here to obtain the dragon spirit of the ancestral vein."

"Why do you seek ancestral dragon energy?"

"The Temple of Subduing Demons has been damaged, and thousands of demons have invaded the mortal world. The younger generation needs ancestral dragon energy to repair the Temple of Subduing Demons!"

"Wan Yao's invasion is barely a reason, I can give you the ancestral dragon energy." A cyan light flew in front of Mu Feng, and when he looked closely, it turned out to be a phantom in the shape of a dragon.

Mu Feng said: "But what are the conditions?" From the tone of the other party's words, it can be concluded that there must be some conditions.

"Do you know what ancestral dragon energy means to Huaxia?"

Mu Feng said: "I heard Master Xuanling said that it is related to the rise and fall of China's national destiny."

"That's right, if you take away the ancestral dragon energy, my Chinese national destiny will be greatly damaged, and I will be humiliated by foreign countries and cannot stand up!"

Mu Feng turned pale with shock: "This..." He was completely entangled now, if he didn't take this ancestral dragon energy, Fu Mo Temple would not be able to repair it!But if he takes it, Huaxia will suffer catastrophe!

The dragon-shaped phantom said: "So, I can let you take away the ancestral dragon energy, but you must keep all your mana!"

Mu Feng wondered, "Leave all my mana?"

"That's right, I've just checked. You have the "Longevity Dixuan Sutra" of Wuzhuang Temple in your body, and you should have eaten ginseng fruit! The mana in your body is extremely pure. If you inject mana into the remains of the blue dragon, it will give birth to The new Dragon Qi suppresses the luck of China."

Mu Feng said: "What will happen to me if I inject all my mana into the remains of the blue dragon?"

The dragon-shaped phantom replied: "You will completely become a mortal."

Mu Feng thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I will give you all the mana!"

The dragon-shaped ghost said: "You really decided to do this? You are already a fairy, and your cultivation is hard-won!"

Mu Feng said seriously: "I've decided!"

The surrounding green air dispersed, revealing a huge dragon head skeleton, which was the size of a small mountain.

"Pour your mana into it!"

Mu Feng put his hand on the dragon's horn, and a huge suction came. Mu Feng felt that the mana in his body was being absorbed endlessly.

The shadow of the dragon shape said: "You are already a fairy, whether it is the disaster of China or the entry of monsters, it has nothing to do with you. You have nothing to choose to sacrifice yourself?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "It may be that my time in cultivating immortality is too short, so far I have the mentality of a mortal in my heart. Compared with China's national disaster and the entry of demons into the world, I feel that it is no big deal for me to be an ordinary person."

The dragon-shaped phantom said: "But being a fairy can live forever!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Life is less than a hundred years old, and I am always worried about a thousand years old. In fact, I always think that if I live too long, I may not be very happy. There may be nothing wrong with being an ordinary person."

The dragon-shaped phantom nodded slightly, turned into a stream of light, and suddenly got into Mu Feng's body.

Mu Feng felt his eyes darken and lost consciousness instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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