Agent of Heaven

Chapter 83 The Great Enemy of Kunlun

Chapter 83 The Great Enemy of Kunlun
Sun Hao and the six elders of Kunlun were overjoyed when they heard Mu Feng's words, and they stepped forward to ask, "How sure are you that you can restore mana for my brother (master)?"

Mu Feng nodded and said, "I'll do my best!" Then he sat cross-legged behind Xuanling Daoist, stretched out his hands, and put them on his back.

Master Xuanling only felt that there was a vast mana pouring from behind and into his whole body.This mana is different from any mana he has seen before. It gives people a thick and friendly feeling like the earth. The meridians that had been shattered inch by inch have started to slowly heal under the warmth of this mana. repair.

From noon until late at night, the sun sets and rises again.Three days have passed since Mu Feng healed Master Xuanling.During these three days, Sun Hao and the Sixth Kunlun Elder naturally stayed in the hall all the time and never left for a moment.

But just today, another disciple suddenly entered the main hall and reported: "Elders, there is a man with a horse face shouting outside the mountain gate, asking us to give him the Yuxu Palace! The disciples are not his opponents. an elder."

Sun Hao took a look at Mu Feng who was still closing his eyes to heal Master Xuanling, and knew that he had entered meditation at this moment, and he must not be disturbed by others.Then he waved his disciples to go down, and said to the six elders: "It seems that the one who came this time is the monster who really injured the master. The six elders, please hurry up and activate the mountain protection formation to resist. Mr. Mu cannot afford to lose here!"

The six elders nodded in unison, and flew out of the hall in a flowing light.

A huge Taiji diagram began to appear on the top of Yuxu Palace again, but there was a faint crack on the Taiji diagram, which was obviously not recovered after being smashed by Mu Feng three days ago.

A horse-faced man in sackcloth and straw sandals was looking at the Tai Chi pattern with contempt: "Hmph! What tricks can a mere mortal perform?"

A Taoist with a dim flame all over his body flew out of the Taiji diagram, and charged at the horse-faced man with his sword.

The horse-faced man grimaced and said, "It's really tricky!" Then he killed Taoist Huo with his bare hands.

At this time, Taoist Huo was obviously not as powerful as Mu Feng had dealt with a few days ago, and even the speed of his moves was much slower, and he was about to be bombarded by the horse-faced man suddenly.

Every time Taoist Huo received a punch, the expressions of the six elders sitting cross-legged on the square of Yuxu Palace became ugly.Finally, after the horse-faced man gathered his strength and kicked Daoist Huo in the heart, the six elders fell down at the same time, spurting blood from their mouths.Taoist Huo also turned into a red light and dissipated away.

There was no other thing flying out of the Taiji diagram, and it disappeared after shaking for a while.

"Haha, what Kunlun faction? So it's nothing more than that! It's a pity to give you such a good cave like Yuxu Palace!" The horse-faced man roared, his wild laughter echoed in Yuxu Palace.

Outside the mountain gate of the Kunlun School, Sun Hao led a dozen or so young disciples to stand guard in front of the mountain gate with swords in hand.The Kunlun faction is no different than Shushan. They follow the elite route and accept very few disciples, but none of the Kunlun disciples must be first-class masters in the cultivation world.

But the so-called first-class masters in the cultivation world seem to be not enough to look at in front of this horse-faced man.

"You little dolls seem to have good aptitude. Why don't you just worship under Grandpa and be a little demon to do odd jobs for me. You can still practice in this Yuxu Palace in the future, and Grandpa will pass it on to you. Shit, Yuxu's magical powers are a hundred times more powerful! How about it?" the horse-faced man asked with a smile.

The sword in Sun Hao's hand pointed at the horse-faced man and said: "We are all disciples of Kunlun, how can we be with such a monster as you?"

The horse-faced man said angrily: "I see that you are really toasting and don't eat fine wine!" After speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Sun Hao.

It's too late, so fast!A beam of sword light flew out from the mountain gate of Yuxu Palace, and collided with the hand of the horse-faced man.In an instant, his hands were bleeding profusely, and his fingers were almost cut off completely.

"Haha, fine wine is much more delicious than toast!" Mu Feng walked out from the mountain gate, and the Qingming sword flew back into his hand.Behind him is a smiling white-bearded old man, who is not the real Xuanling?

"Master! Are you recovering from your injury?" Sun Hao said happily when he saw Master Xuanling.

Master Xuan Ling nodded and smiled, "There is nothing serious."

Mu Feng looked at the horse-faced man with a smile and said, "Take me to capture this demon first."

The horse-faced man said: "Who are you? You can actually hurt me?"

Mu Feng sneered: "Not only can I hurt you, but I can also kill you!" Qing Mingjian let out a dragon cry and stabbed at the horse-faced man.

The horse-faced man knew how powerful the sword was, so he didn't dare to confront the enemy with his bare hands.With a flick of his hand, a half-moon halberd about ten feet long appeared, holding Mu Feng's Qingming sword.

"You actually have such cultivation? You are not a mortal! Where did you come from?" the horse-faced man roared angrily.

"Where did you come from, a monster? You actually tried to seize the ancestral homeland of the Taoist family!" Mu Feng stabbed 99 swords in a row, and a shadow of the sword enveloped the horse-faced man.

The horse-faced man danced the half-moon halberd in a secretive way, and said with a strange smile: "Tell me your grandfather's name, I'm afraid I'll scare you out of courage!"

Mu Feng teased: "Are you still the Monkey King who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago?"

Hearing the words Sun Wukong, the horse-faced man spit on the ground: "I'm not that treacherous monkey! I'm the second-ranked Demon King among the Six Great Sages!"

Mu Feng was surprised when he asked his name, but he said calmly, "Then do you know who I am?"

Flood Demon King said: "I don't think you have any skills, you are just a nameless loose fairy."

Mu Feng sneered, and transformed himself into a mighty general wearing a black robe and silver armor, holding a three-pointed two-edged spear, and a vertical eye on his forehead.

"Nie Yi! Do you recognize me now?" Mu Feng imitated Yang Jian's voice and shouted.

Jiao Demon King was obviously taken aback, and even put on a posture of running away, but he suddenly said: "No, you are not Yang Jian, you are a fake!"

Mu Feng changed back to the original and said: "How did you tell the difference?" According to his familiarity with Yang Jian, if he went to the Heavenly Court to pretend to be Yang Jian, even his uncle Jade Emperor might not be able to recognize him.

Jiao Demon King said with a smile: "You can't lie to me, Yang Jian should be chasing the monsters who escaped from Fumo Temple, why did he come to Kunlun Mountain!"

Mu Feng thought in his heart: "He actually knows about Fumo Temple? This monster is indeed with Jinyin Erjiao and the others! We must take it down!"

Mu Feng pulled out a hair from the back of his head, chewed it up and spat it out, shouting: "Change!" Then dozens of identical Mu Fengs appeared, surrounding the Jiao Demon King.

The Jiao Demon King said: "Qingming Sword! Tiangang 36 Changes! I know you are Mu Feng!"

Mu Feng said: "You actually know, then take my sword!" Dozens of figures stabbed towards the Demon King.

The Jiao Demon King roared angrily and uttered a loud dragon chant.All of Mu Feng's avatars were shattered, but there was still another flash of sword light, like a shooting star piercing the sky, piercing the Jiao Demon King's pipa bone with awe-inspiring righteousness.

The Jiao Demon King shrank his pupils and said, "This is the legendary Yinglong Seven Styles?"

"That's right, this is exactly the fifth form, the Xiexie form!" After speaking, Mu Feng waved his sleeves, and rolled the Jiao Demon King into the universe in his sleeves. "

(End of this chapter)

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