Chapter 82

On Kunlun Mountain, when the wind and snow stopped, a young man wearing a broad avenue robe flew out from Yuxu Palace, came to Mu Feng, bowed his hands to him and said: "Recently, we have encountered a great enemy in the sect. When I came here, I thought it was the monster who came to provoke me. Please forgive me if I offend you."

Mu Feng has always been a soft-hearted person, seeing that the other party apologized to him in a polite manner at this time, he naturally didn't feel bad about it: "It's okay, speaking of it, I am also responsible, and I didn't report my identity in advance. "

The young man bowed to Mu Feng and said, "Anyway, I, Kunlun, made a mistake in this matter, and this junior is here to apologize to senior."

Mu Feng couldn't bear such a great gift from others, so he hurriedly helped him up and said: "Please get up quickly, Master Xuan Ling and I are old friends, and there is no need to mention today's matter from now on."

The young man said with a smile: "The master is already waiting for senior in Yuxu Palace."

At this time, Mu Feng realized that the young man looked very familiar, and he had a flash of inspiration: "You are Sun Hao! The city's senior official, Sun Trivia, is your father?"

Sun Hao smiled embarrassedly: "It's rare that seniors still remember me." Mu Feng smiled and said: "Haha, when I first saw you, you looked like a mummy! I'm not a few years older than you , from now on, don’t call me senior, it’s too awkward.”

It turns out that this young man is Sun Hao, the second-generation official who was absorbed by Yao Ji in the past.Master Xuanling also came to help Mu Feng at that time, saying that this person was his apprentice in the previous life, so after saving him, he took him to Kunlun Mountain.

Sun Hao said: "Then I will call you Mr. Mu."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "You can do whatever you want, as long as you call me senior or something like that."

The two fell to the ground together and came to the front of Yuxu Palace.Mu Feng looked up and saw a couplet written on the mountain gate:
Fengtian carries on the Royal Daoist Order, and leads all directions of Wanxian Town.

"Kunlun is worthy of being the ancestral home of Taoism in the human world. This couplet really has the momentum to conquer the world." Mu Feng praised.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Mr. Mu has won the prize, please come in with me."

Walking into the mountain gate, I saw that the original snow-covered scene had all disappeared, and inside the gate was a lush world, as if spring flowers were blooming.But see:
Haze scattered colors, the sun and the moon shake light.There are thousands of old cypresses, and thousands of knots are repaired.Thousands of old cypress trees are green in the sky with rain; thousands of stalks are repaired, and the color of the valley is gray with smoke.Outside the door, there is a brocade of exotic flowers, and the fragrance of Yao grass by the bridge.The stone cliff is abrupt and mossy, and the overhanging wall is high and green moss grows.From time to time, I heard that the cranes were screaming, and every time I saw the green luan flying.When the cranes are chirping, the sound vibrates in the sky and the sky is far away; the green luan flies up, and the feathers are colorful clouds.The black ape and the white deer can be seen at random, and the tortoise, the golden leopard, can be hidden.In Kunlun blessed land, Yuxu is better than heaven.

Mu Feng was startled by the wonderful scene in front of him, he paused for a long time before sighing: "Yuxu Peak is also a cave." The cave means a small world independent of the human world.For example, the Wuzhuang Temple that Mu Feng once practiced in is also a cave.

Mu Feng and Sun Hao walked into a large hall together, and there were already seven old men sitting in the hall.Sitting in the first place is Mu Feng's old friend, Master Xuan Ling.And the remaining six faces were all gray and defeated, obviously they had suffered internal injuries, they were naturally the ones who started the Kunlun Mountain Protection Formation and fought with Mu Feng just now.

Master Xuanling saw Mu Feng coming, and bowed to him: "Fellow Daoist is a guest from afar. The poor Daoist not only loses welcome from afar, but also let my juniors offend fellow Daoist. I'm really ashamed."

The six old men all stood up, bowed to Mu Feng and said, "I offended you, fellow Taoist, please forgive me!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "There is no need to mention such trivial matters!" After finishing speaking, he carefully looked at Xuan Ling Zhenren and said: "Are you injured?"

Master Xuanling smiled desolately and said, "Did you also see it?"

Mu Feng thoughtfully said: "Now in the world of comprehension, who else can hurt you like this?" According to his observation, all the meridians in this Daoist Xuanling's body have been torn off by an extremely powerful demonic force, and his entire body of cultivation Why is it all ruined!Moreover, there was a very strong wave of demon energy on his legs, obviously he had been cast by a witchcraft.Deliberately let the majestic Kunlun head teacher become a useless person.

Daoist Xuanling sighed, "Oh, I'm afraid he is not a human being."

Mu Feng asked: "Who is he?"

Master Xuanling said: "That's a long story!"

It turned out that after he separated from Mu Feng that day, he took Sun Hao back to Kunlun Mountain and formally named him the chief disciple of Kunlun Headmaster.Then I want to go down Kunlun Mountain and continue to wander in the mortal world.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked to the foot of Kunlun Mountain, I met a strange man peeping at Kunlun Mountain.Master Xuanling vaguely felt that this strange man was extremely powerful, so he secretly followed behind him, wanting to find out his purpose of spying on Kunlun.But that weird man's mana was far superior to that of Xuanling Daoist who is the number one master in the cultivation world, and he severely injured Xuanling with just three moves and two moves.

Not long after Xuan Ling desperately fled back to Yuxu Palace, he happened to meet Mu Feng coming, so Xuan Ling's juniors mistook Mu Feng for the demon who injured them.

Mu Feng frowned. He had a faint feeling that there was something complicated behind this incident. He said, "Do you remember what the monster who injured you looked like?"

Master Xuanling recalled: "I only remember that he has a horse face, but his appearance is extremely mighty."

Mu Feng thought for a while, then said: "Let me heal the real person's injury first."

Daoist Xuanling excitedly said, "Can you heal my legs?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I can try it!" After speaking, he walked forward and put his hand on the lap of Master Xuanling. His hand exuded a real earthy yellow light, which was the most pure "Longevity Earth Xuanzhen" Sutra Mana.

The earth is rich in vitality and nourishes all things, so the "Longevity Dixuan Sutra" is actually an extremely powerful healing method.

But after a while, Master Xuanling felt a warm feeling coming from his legs.He said excitedly, "I can feel it!" After returning to Kunlun, Paizhong's brothers naturally healed his injuries, but every time it was as if he was inputting mana into a stone, his legs would not respond in the slightest.

The surrounding six Kunlun elders and Sun Hao also became excited when they looked at Xuanling's legs.

Xuan Zhen, who has the straightest temper, said first: "If you can keep my brother's legs, I will be very grateful to the Kunlun Sect!"

Mu Feng withdrew his hand, and said to Master Xuanling, "Please try moving your legs."

Sun Hao hurriedly stepped forward to help him, but Master Xuanling made an unnecessary gesture to him, and then stood up tremblingly from the chair.

Sun Hao said happily: "Master, you can finally stand up!" Then he turned his head to Mu Feng and said, "Thank you, Mr. Mu, for saving my master."

Mu Feng hurriedly dodged, and then said: "Really, I will try to connect the broken meridians on your body again, and see if I can restore your mana."

Master Xuanling's eyes lit up and said, "Is there still a chance for me to recover my mana?"

(End of this chapter)

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