Chapter 81

The cold wind is like a knife, and the ice that has not melted for a thousand years covers the entire mountain.Flying snow for thousands of miles, Kunlun, which has been lonely for thousands of years, always reveals the mystery that people yearn for.

The snow will live, and the wind will not stop.A figure suddenly appeared on an inaccessible mountain peak, crushing the ice that had been lonely for thousands of years.Wearing a purple gold crown and a golden crow cassock, he looks majestic and handsome.

This person is of course Mu Feng.Relying on the method of escape from heaven and earth, he arrived at Kunlun Mountain not long after.But he is not a master of Feng Shui, so naturally he can't see where the dragon's veins are at a glance.So with the mentality of going out to rely on friends, he has already arrived at the Kunlun boundary, so he decided to visit his good friend first.The head teacher of Kunlun, the real person of Xuanling.

Among the Kunlun Mountains, the tallest one is hidden by the formation, and cannot be seen by mortals with naked eyes.

But Mu Feng is naturally not a mortal, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he saw the Kunlun Peak looming in the big formation, which is also the location of the Yuxu Palace of the Kunlun School.

Mu Feng clasped his hands together and said loudly: "This junior is here to visit Master Xuanling, the head teacher of Kunlun!" His voice passed through Jiuxiao and went straight into the Kunlun faction.

Many disciples in Yuxu Palace were cultivating individually, but suddenly they felt voices echoing from all directions.

"Hmph! Monster! Don't bully me, Kunlun Grandmaster!" Six white-bearded old men in Taoist robes flew out of Yuxu Palace and surrounded Mu Feng.

Mu Feng wondered: Could it be that he acted inappropriately just now and offended all fellow Taoists of the Kunlun Sect?

"Haha, fellow Kunlun Taoists, this junior is..." Mu Feng was about to explain, but was interrupted directly.

"Monster! Injure my brother first, and provoke me later. Are you really bullying me in Kunlun?" The leader, a white-bearded old man, pointed at Mu Feng and yelled sharply. Maple called.

Mu Feng couldn't help but feel angry: I came to visit me with a good voice, but you all directly confronted me with swords and swords indiscriminately!
With a flip of his hand, he directly blocked the sword light, and then crushed it.

"Can you listen to me now?" Mu Feng said coldly.

The old man holding the wooden sword said: "This monster has great powers and is invincible! Junior brothers, hurry back to the mountain and start the big formation!" He flew back to Yuxu Palace with the remaining five old men and six beams of light.

Immediately, the top of Yuxu Palace was filled with light, and a huge Tai Chi pattern slowly formed on the top of the mountain.

Mu Feng held the Qingming sword in his hand, and looked at the huge Taiji diagram with a cold face.

Suddenly, a Taoist whose body was condensed from ice crystals flew out from the Tai Chi diagram, and charged at Mu Feng with his sword.

Mu Feng naturally greeted him with a sword, and started fighting with him. Mu Feng was surprised after a lot of back and forth.To be honest, since returning from practicing Taoism at Wuzhuang Temple on Longevity Mountain, Mu Feng actually despises cultivators in the world a little bit.

Because the ultimate goal of cultivators is to cultivate to become immortals, but they have gone the wrong way. Basically, they can only cultivate some supernatural powers. Wanting to become immortals is wishful thinking!
But Mu Feng has already cultivated into an immortal body!Theoretically speaking, he has achieved the goal that all cultivators dream of!Mana and supernatural powers are naturally far superior to these so-called cultivators!

But!Such a group of cultivators today, after activating a so-called mountain protection formation, can actually summon an ice Taoist who can entangle Mu Feng!

Just when Mu Feng was surprised, another Taoist with flames all over his body flew out of the Taiji diagram, and he also carried a burning sword on his back, and came to kill Mu Feng.

After all, Mu Feng has obtained the true biography of Longevity Mountain, so he won't be defeated in the slightest.He couldn't help admiring secretly in his heart, such as Kunlun and Shushan, a great cultivation sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, really has his trump card to save himself.

At this time, another Daoist with lightning flashing all over his body flew out of the Taiji diagram, and he also joined the battle group, stabbing at Mu Feng with a lightning sword.

Mu Feng looked up to the sky and shouted: "Okay, let me have a good fight today!" The black iron overlord gun also appeared in his hand, and his moves opened and closed, gradually becoming fierce and domineering.

With the spears and swords out together, they were able to suppress the Ice, Fire, Thunder, and the three Taoists whose combat power was comparable to that of an immortal.

I saw the Taiji diagram turning again, and a giant with a khaki body fell down on it.He raised his fist and smashed Mu Feng down
Mu Feng smiled and said, "Is he big enough?" With a sudden transformation, he became taller than that giant, and the Overlord Spear in his hand also grew taller with him.Become like the size of a mountain!It is the supernatural power that resounds the heaven and earth in the 36 changes of Tiangang.

Mu Feng stabbed the earth-yellow giant with a spear, piercing its heart, and the giant disappeared into a yellow light that filled the sky.

Ice, Fire, and Lei three Taoists rushed towards Mu Feng when they saw this, but suddenly, Mu Feng disappeared out of thin air!
It turned out that Mu Feng had turned into a small insect at this time, quietly flew behind Taoist Bing, and his body was like a sword!Taoist Bing was pierced through the chest by the Qingming Sword, and disappeared as a blue light!

Seeing this, Taoist Huo turned into a fire dragon and rushed towards Mu Feng.Daoren Lei also turned into a thunder beast, galloping towards Mu Feng.

"Guiyuan Style!" Mu Feng yelled, and stabbed out the Qingming Sword in his hand, as if any ordinary person could stab out this sword.It is simple and unpretentious, but it is unavoidable, and it also contains an irresistible power.

Mu Feng's sword collided with the fire dragon and the thunder beast, and a huge aftermath spread like thunder from nine heavens, changing the color of the sky and the earth.

Mu Feng put the Qing Ming Sword back into its sheath, and flicked his sleeves calmly.The fire dragon and thunder beast turned into red light and purple light respectively and dissipated away.

The Tai Chi diagram covering the sky was shattered inch by inch, and the six old men sitting cross-legged on the main hall of Yuxu Palace spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time!

"Even the mountain protection formation and Taiji Yuling formation I sent can't resist this monster!" An old man showed a desperate expression: "Let's dismiss the young disciples in the sect quickly and let them run for their lives. , We old bones, stay here to delay the last moment for them."

Several white-bearded old men nodded one after another, holding swords, they were about to walk out of Yuxu Palace and fight Mu Feng to the death!
"You guys, what are you going to do?" Daoist Xuanling sat in a wheelchair and was pushed out by a young man.

"Senior brother, the monster who injured you has already attacked the entry sect, and the mountain guards can't resist. The few of us plan to stay and delay the monster, and preserve the last chance for the sect. Master master, you are already seriously injured, you can't If we fight again, let's run for our lives with the young disciples!"

Master Xuan Ling coughed violently on the wheelchair: "Cough! Cough! Xuanzhen, you are also hundreds of years old, why can't you change your violent and impulsive temper! If you are really from outside That monster, I'm afraid he has already entered Yuxu Palace by now!"

It turned out that the old man holding the wooden sword was called Xuan Zhen, and he asked, "What does senior brother mean?"

Mu Feng's voice came from all directions again: "Mu Feng begs to see Kunlun Master Xuan Ling!"

Xuan Zhen asked in surprise: "He is Mu Feng? That Mu Feng, the number one calamity in the cultivation world?"

(End of this chapter)

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