Agent of Heaven

Chapter 104 Inside Wangyi Hall

Chapter 104 Inside Wangyi Hall
Mu Feng looked at Amaterasu who had recovered as before and said, "Not bad recovery ability."

Amaterasu provocatively said, "Are you tickling me?"

Mu Feng sneered: "Is your neck itchy?"

Executed with the "Xie Xie Style", Qingming Sword cut towards Amaterasu like a shooting star piercing the sky.

Amaterasu couldn't resist such a sharp sword.His head flew straight into the sky, fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

Mu Feng put the Qing Ming Sword on his shoulder, stroked his chin and said, "Can you recover without your head?"

But a miracle happened!There was a flash of light on Amaterasu's headless body, and his head actually grew out again!
Mu Feng frowned and said, "Are you the fucking Monkey King?"

Amaterasu ignored Mu Feng, he laughed strangely, his body twisted for a while, and then disappeared on the spot.

In the next second, he suddenly appeared behind Mu Feng!With a palm strike, it hit Mu Feng's back.

It was too late to say, but soon, Mu Feng turned his head and bumped into Amaterasu with his palm outstretched.He didn't keep his hand this time, and the majestic mana poured out directly, spitting blood from Amaterasu's mouth, and flew out backwards.

But Mu Feng was not happy because of his own advantages, he looked down at his palm, it became covered with veins, the skin was wrinkled, and it looked very dry, just like the palm of an old man.

Mu Feng tried to pour mana into the palm of his hand, but the mana entered into the tendons, but it became extremely obscure, almost unable to move!

Amaterasu laughed strangely, and his sharp voice was very unpleasant: "Stupid mortal, how do you feel?"

Mu Feng said solemnly: "I know!"

Amaterasu said: "You know?"

Mu Feng said: "You should be the power that can manipulate time, right?"

Amaterasu smiled and said, "You are a smart person."

Mu Feng said: "I even chopped off your head just now. No matter how powerful the healing technique is, it is impossible to restore you instantly. So you should use time reversal!" He looked at his The palm said: "You were able to suddenly appear behind me just now, it should have slowed down the flow of time in my place. And the power of the palm you hit me is to make my body go directly to aging."

Amaterasu said: "It's a pity, you will die in my hands soon!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's a pity, I don't plan to die by your hands." He waved his hand calmly, and the traces of aging on it disappeared without a trace.

Amaterasu's eyes widened: "This... how is it possible, how can you also have the ability to manipulate time?"

Mu Feng said indifferently: "I know that the Kunlun Mirror has the ability to manipulate time, and I also know that the Yata Mirror is a magic weapon that Xu Fu imitated the Kunlun Mirror back then. Of course, I will prepare in advance when I come here this time." He took out an ancient bronze mirror from his arms, and the aura emanating from it was more powerful and pure than the Yata Mirror.

Amaterasu exclaimed: "Kunlun Mirror! How is this possible? This is the treasure of the Kunlun School!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "There is nothing impossible. The current head teacher of the Kunlun School, Master Xuan Ling, happens to be my good friend. For such a small matter as borrowing a magic weapon, of course he would agree without even thinking about it."

He said it very easily, in fact, if he hadn't saved the entire Kunlun from danger.Daoist Xuanling would not lend such a treasure easily.

Amaterasu's body twisted for a while, and disappeared in place again!
"Where to run?" Mu Feng threw the Kunlun mirror in his hand, and a ray of light radiated from the mirror, trapping Amaterasu in it.

At this time, Amaterasu's entire body was like a sculpture, still under the light of the Kunlun Mirror.

Mu Feng walked up to him and said with a smile: "God Amaterasu, I just used the Kunlun mirror to slow down the time around you by ten thousand times, you can enjoy it slowly! But when you hear my words, It must have been many years."

Amaterasu remained motionless, unable to answer, and even kept the frightened look in his eyes.

Mu Feng used a lot of mana to manipulate the Kunlun mirror just now, and now he felt weaker than ever. The Kunlun mirror seemed to be a water pump, and it sucked out most of the mana in his body at once.He looked at the Kunlun mirror and said with a smile: "It seems that the genuine product is better than the pirated version. But the power consumption is too high. If I use it a few times, I might be sucked dry."

This Kunlun mirror is an ancient artifact, and it naturally has boundless magical effects, but how much power it exerts is naturally related to the strength of the user.In the hands of Daoist Xuanling, its power is far less powerful than it is today.And Mu Feng can slow down or speed up time by ten thousand times with all his strength.

According to the theory, the controller of the Kunlun mirror is powerful enough to even open the legendary space-time tunnel, allowing people to travel freely between the past and the future.

Mu Feng put away the Kunlun Mirror and walked into Wangyi Hall. He raised his head and glanced at the illusory old man sitting on the dragon chair: "Should I call you Xu Fu, or should I call you Emperor Shenmu, the founder of Japan?" ?”

Xu Fu stood up and said: "You can just call me Xu Fu, the emperor of the Japanese kingdom is not worth mentioning. My little friend has great powers, who is the most powerful disciple?"

Mu Feng said loudly: "The master is the Great Immortal Yuan of Guanzhen, Wuzhuang, Wanshou Mountain."

Xu Fu exclaimed: "It turned out to be the disciple of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, no wonder, no wonder."

With Mu Feng's Qingming sword in his hand, he pointed at Xu Fu from afar and said, "Let this junior come and learn from senior's clever tricks."

Xu Fu smiled and said: "I am a virtual soul at this time, but I am definitely not my opponent."

Mu Feng said: "Oh? If that's the case, then senior is willing to arrest him without a fight?"

Xu Fu said with a smile: "My little friend has no enmity with the old man, why do you want to kill the old man?"

Mu Feng said: "Then I, Huaxia, have no grievances or enmities with your Japanese country, why do you insist on offending me, Huaxia?"

Xu Fu said: "No, no, no! Although the old man is a monster, he also practiced Taoism on the coast of the East China Sea. In theory, I am also a Chinese. Then Ying Zheng is of the blood of a witch, and he can be the first emperor of China. I Why can't you be the Emperor of China?"

Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "You, the founding emperor of Japan, Emperor Shenmu, actually insisted that you are from China?"

Xu Fu smiled and said, "Not only am I a Chinese, those Japanese people are also Chinese, and I brought them to Dongying with my magic power to multiply."

Mu Feng said: "You mean, Dongpu has always been a sacred and inseparable part of China?"

Xu Fu smiled and said: "Exactly! As long as I am resurrected, I can reunify China and Dongying, and then I will compete in the world and become the master of the human world. If you are willing to help the old man and lead the old man to become the emperor, I will seal you Wouldn't it be nice to be a king, to be under one man and over ten thousand people?"

Mu Feng said with a bewildered expression: "What you said makes sense, but I'm speechless!"

Xu Fuxi said: "Are you agreeing to this old man? Now go and collect the blood of a thousand young girls as sacrifices for me."

Mu Feng frowned and said, "No."

Xu Fu said: "Why? Like this! The old man named you the side-by-side king, and you can sit on an equal footing with me."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "You have been trapped in Efang Palace for 2000 years, and your vision is too backward. It is not popular in the world now to centralize power and rule for life. Next time, you may consider bringing two Ma Zhe and Das Kapital. Rework your thinking."

Xu Fu waved his sleeves and said angrily, "You don't have to drink a toast!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Didn't you just say that you can't fight with others now?"

Xu Fu said coldly: "Of course, the old man will save everything. Since those three trash can't find a suitable sacrifice for me, then let them be the old man's sacrifice!" Three rays of light shot out from his forehead, and they looked at Wang Yi. Fly outside the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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