Agent of Heaven

Chapter 105 Xu Fu's Resurrection

Chapter 105 Xu Fu's Resurrection
Qionglou Yuque, the pavilion is deep in the palace.Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to a pavilion;

Two graceful figures are flying above the blue sky.

Tsukihime Flower was wearing a pink kimono, with a graceful figure, an extra charming smile on her face, and a beautiful Taidao in her slender jade hands.

Jiang Xiaoyue's skin is more beautiful than snow, and she is incomparably beautiful; her complexion is absolutely beautiful.She is also smiling. Although her smile is not charming, it is easier to get close to her heart.A small bell emitting golden light floated in front of her.

The two people's appearances are different, and they couldn't help but look at each other a few more times.

Yue Jihua covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "This little sister is so cute, can you tell me your name before you do it?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "My name is Jiang Xiaoyue."

Yue Jihua said in shock: "So you are Jiang Quan's only daughter, the heir of the Jiang family in the future Jiuju."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "So what? I know, now you must be thinking, if you can capture me alive as a bargaining chip, maybe you can threaten my father to do things for you?"

Yue Jihua smiled and said: "Little sister is really smart." She raised the sword in her hand, a pink light flashed on the blade, and it turned into a large cherry blossom and flew towards Jiang Xiaoyue.

Jiang Xiaoyue knew that these cherry blossoms looked beautiful, but they were actually sharper than any blade, so she didn't dare to be careless and flew back.

But the speed of the cherry blossoms was extremely fast, and it caught up to Jiang Xiaoyue in just a moment, a cherry blossom streaked across her face, leaving a bright red bloodstain in the sky.

Yue Jihua smiled and said, "My Sakura Saber Qi is extremely fast, and I can't dodge it at your speed. Little sister, why don't you catch it with nothing, come back with me."

Jiang Xiaoyue stretched out her hand and hit the Luohun bell with a burst of mana, "Dang"!A golden sound wave spread out.Yue Jihua suddenly felt a blank in her mind, and lost her mind in an instant.

"Lightning Repelling Technique!" Jiang Xiaoyue stretched out two fingers, and a white arc shot out from his hand, directly piercing Yuejihua's heart.

Suddenly, a large piece of cherry blossoms flew back to Yue Jihua's side, blocking the white arc.

Yue Jihua clutched her temples, her expression a little ugly: "What a powerful magic weapon!"

Jiang Xiaoyue sneered: "Our Jiang family's Yuqing Immortal Art is even more powerful!" She pinched her hands quickly, muttering something, and a huge cold wind directly blew towards Yuejihua.

The cherry blossoms floating between the sky and the earth were soon covered with frost, and all of them turned into tiny hailstones and fell to the ground.

As for the Yueji Flower, it directly turned into an ice sculpture.

Jiang Xiaoyue had almost gained the upper hand at this time, but she did not show the joy of victory, because in her perception, Yuejihua's power had become even stronger.

Sure enough, the frost covering Yue Jihua's body began to be covered with dense cracks, and eventually all of them shattered, turning into ice crystals and disappearing without a trace.

Yuejihua looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with an extremely gloomy expression: "It seems that I can't catch it alive." She waved at the cherry blossoms on the ground, and those cherry blossoms turned into pink phantoms and flew up again, circling around around her.An extremely powerful momentum spread out.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Yue Jihua's back and said in surprise, "Father, why are you here?"

What?Jiang Quan is here too?Yue Jihua was shocked, and looked back, only to find that there was no one behind her.not good!be cheated.

The Soul Falling Bell began to shake rapidly in the air, making jingling ringing continuously.A golden sound wave rippled like ripples.Attack towards Yue Ji Hua!
Yue Jihua's figure shook for a while, and then fell towards the ground.

Jiang Xiaoyue pursued closely, stretched out her hand and shot a pillar of fire, hitting Yuejihua's chest.

Yue Jihua's body exploded directly, turning into cherry blossoms all over the sky!

"No, it's fake!" Jiang Xiaoyue exclaimed inwardly.Suddenly feeling a gust of cool wind blowing from behind, she quickly sacrificed the Luohun Bell, and the bell grew when the wind saw it, turning into a huge bronze bell, protecting Jiang Xiaoyue behind her back.

A large area of ​​cherry blossoms hit the copper bell like a gust of wind and rain, but it didn't hurt Jiang Xiaoyue at all.The cherry blossoms between the sky and the earth kept raging, more and more, they started rushing towards Jiang Xiaoyue from all directions, but no matter what, they couldn't break through the faint golden light emanating from the copper bell.

At this time, Yue Jihua's charming voice filled the space between heaven and earth: "Little sister, do you really think that if you hide behind that big clock all the time, you will be safe?"

Jiang Xiaoyue ignored him, her eyes became clear and bright, as if everything in the world was contained in it, and she murmured: "burn all good and evil, purify the world of demon fire, and everything in the world will return to dust!"

A huge purple fire dragon gradually condensed in her palm, circling and biting towards the cherry blossoms between the sky and the earth.Those cherry blossoms melted as quickly as ice and snow when they met the fire dragon.

As the cherry blossoms continued to melt, the fire dragon became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a hundred feet in size, and a dragon cry shocked the world!
The chaotic cherry blossoms permeated the sky and the earth, spinning and merging continuously, and finally all condensed into a huge pink sword, slashing towards the flaming dragon.

The fire dragon and the sword collided together, and the aftermath caused the surrounding temples to collapse layer by layer.

After the aftermath, Yue Jihua reappeared between heaven and earth, but at this time her kimono was no longer pink, but was stained crimson by blood.

"No! You..." She pointed her finger at Jiang Xiaoyue extremely forcefully, her voice trembling: "You are not human!"

After Jiang Xiaoyue heard these words, her already pale face turned even paler. She bit her lip and did not speak.

Suddenly, a ray of light shot from a distance and hit Yue Jihua, turning her into a pool of blood.The light was wrapped in blood and headed towards Wangyi Palace.

In another part of Efang Palace, Xiao Qingsu was looking at Kojiro Kameda playfully.

The clothes on Kameda Kojiro's body at this time were all tattered and covered with small wounds, and only half of the samurai sword in his hand was left.

The Juque sword was suspended in the air, and every time Xiao Qingsu waved his little hand, it would leave a wound on Kameda Kojiro's body

Xiaoqing Su pouted and said, "Ah~ you are too weak! That woman who can turn into a cherry blossom is much stronger than you, but it's a pity that he won't fight me."

Kameda Kojiro wanted to cry right now, but when it comes to swordsmanship, cultivation, and weapons, this little girl is actually firmly above him.From the beginning to now, he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

What's even more shameful is that this little girl is still pouring water!
At this moment, a ray of light suddenly shot from afar, and directly hit Kameda Kojiro, who was tired and not looking at him, and beat him into a stream of blood, rolled up and headed towards Wangyi Palace.

Xiao Qingsu looked at the distant light and said: "What a strong monster!"

In front of the Wangyi Hall, a ray of light shot on Muramasa Kono who was already like a sculpture, and his whole body turned into a pool of blood, wrapped in the Yata Mirror and went into the Wangyi Hall.

Xu Fu was sitting on the dragon chair, three streaks of blood flew from a distance and poured directly into his body.His originally illusory body began to grow blood and flesh gradually, and finally condensed into a solid body.

Xu Fu looked at Mu Feng who was standing below and said with a smile: "Let this old man come and learn about the supreme Taoism of Wuzhuang Temple!"

Mu Feng held the Qing Ming sword across his chest: "Please!"

(End of this chapter)

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