Agent of Heaven

Chapter 108

Chapter 108
The cold spring is over, and the rainy season is lonely.

Jiang Xiaoyue was wearing an apron, looking at the earthen pot on the gas in the kitchen.The crock pot was not exquisite and luxurious food, but ordinary pumpkin porridge, which she specially prepared for Mu Feng, who was just recovering from a serious illness.

"How about a taste?" Jiang Xiaoyue brought the porridge in front of Mu Feng.

Mu Feng smiled, and drank the porridge in the bowl in one breath, only to feel that it was extremely sweet and warm.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Slow down, it's hot."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of being hot, I want to drink another bowl."

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded, then turned to serve the porridge.A pair of firm arms hugged her gently from behind, and Mu Feng gently kissed her on the cheek, and said softly: "I really want to go on like this forever."

In fact, Mu Feng is a person who has no ambitions or revenge. After many people have extraordinary abilities, they will expand day by day, wanting to gain more power or status.

Maybe it's because he doesn't have big ambitions, and he yearns for an ordinary and leisurely life at this moment.

Jiang Xiaoyue turned around and hugged Mu Feng's waist, put her head on his chest, and listened softly to the sound of her heartbeat: "There are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in the world."

Yes, when a person tends to be ordinary, trouble will come to his door.

Fortunately, Mu Feng is not a coward.

Fortunately, Mu Feng is not a coward.

Whether it is facing Yaozu or Xu Fu.He never backed down, and he couldn't back down.

Mu Feng hugged Jiang Xiaoyue tightly in his arms, and greedily sniffed the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus on her hair.He said softly, "Thank God, there is still you."

He can soar above the nine heavens, call brothers and sisters with the gods, and defeat the army of demons with his own strength.He should have been fearless, perhaps he should have few desires, he should be a virtuous and virtuous person who neither delights in things nor mourns himself.

But he is not.

Mu Feng is also afraid, he is afraid of losing, afraid of failure, afraid of the people around him being hurt.The so-called fearless brave man is just pretending.

He is even more unable to not be happy with things, not to be sad with himself.Love is love, hate is hate.If even happiness and anger have to be buried, it is really a very sad thing.

Jiang Xiaoyue raised her head from Mu Feng's arms, she looked into Mu Feng's eyes: "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will always be by your side."

Mu Feng asked suddenly: "Do you love me?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "I love you."

Mu Feng said: "What a coincidence, I love you too."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Why do you love me?"

"Does love need a reason?"

"Doesn't love need a reason?"

"do you need?"

Love is a very strange thing. If you love someone wholeheartedly, you will definitely want everything, or you can want nothing.Weiyun touches the distant peak, cold and melting, just like my thrush at dawn.Tears of red wax, green quilts, thick water, but listening to the west wind with Huangmaoyedian.

On March [-]th, the stinging sting, avoid going out, and kill people.

Mu Feng summoned Shushan, and the two factions of Kunlun gathered in Jiangzhou.

"Ye Feiyao, the great disciple of the Shushan School, was ordered by the elder of the Supreme Master to bring three hundred Shushan disciples to the alliance!" Ye Feiyao came with his sword fluttering in his sleeves, followed by a large group of people who also stepped on the sword light disciple.

"Sun Hao, the chief disciple of the Kunlun School, was ordered by the head master to bring twelve Kunlun disciples to the alliance." Sun Hao was dressed in a Taoist robe, and he came with the twelve Kunlun disciples against the wind, as if he hadn't touched the mortal world.

Kui Mulang sat in front of the villa and cut his nails: "Well, it's good that you're all here, just wait a little bit." According to the status of Shushan and Kunlun, their disciples will never face such an indifferent attitude wherever they go.

However, the disciples of the Shushan and Kunlun sects did not show any dissatisfaction on their faces. On the contrary, they still felt eager to try.

Because they all know that the purpose of this meeting is to attack the Ise Shrine of the Wa Kingdom.

Wa country, this is a country that has a blood feud with China.

When China was strong, they regarded China as the leader, and the Chinese people also generously spread all kinds of knowledge and culture to them.

But whenever China is in trouble, they will turn into robbers and slaughter this ancient country that has brought them civilization and culture like teachers and friends.

Therefore, every Chinese person hopes to have such a day.

And today, it finally arrived.

Ye Feiyao stepped forward, bowed to Kui Mulang and said, "Dare to ask you, where is Mr. Mu now?"

"I'm in retreat, but I'm guessing I'll be out soon, you guys wait here for a while." This boy from Shushan School was very courteous, and Kui Mulang also smiled at him.

Sun Hao said: "I heard that Mr. Mu was seriously injured some time ago, don't you know?" Mu Feng went to the Kunlun School to borrow the Kunlun Mirror, so he had heard about Mu Feng's A Fang Palace strategy.

Kui Mulang nodded and said: "Indeed, but it's all over, this time I went to Wa Kingdom to find the place!"

Ye Feiyao said: "The Ise Shrine should not be underestimated. They also have thousands of years of experience. I don't know if Mr. Mu invited other experts to help this time?"

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "Yes, this time his master will go with him."

Sun Hao was shocked and said: "Mr. Mu's master?" He has seen Mu Feng's strength before, so what magical powers should Mu Feng's master have?
The Shushan disciples and the Kunlun people around are also talking about it. Although Mu Feng is known as a disaster star in the cultivation world, his strength is obvious to all. Now that he is No. 1 in the cultivation world of Middle Earth, I believe there will be no objection .

But now Mu Feng's master will accompany them, which makes them full of confidence in Wa Guo and his party.

Suddenly, the doors of the villa opened, and Jiang Xiaoyue walked out holding Xiao Qingsu.

"He's coming!" Jiang Xiaoyue looked towards the sky.

Everyone followed her gaze and saw a figure walking slowly from the void.This person was wearing a golden crow Taoist robe and sandals, and his appearance was exactly that of Mu Feng.It's just that for some reason, his temples have turned gray.

Mu Feng fell from the sky and smiled calmly at everyone present: "I kept you waiting for a long time."

Everyone looked at Mu Feng at this moment, and saw that his temperament was quite different from the past, as if he had already transcended the world.

Sun Hao said: "Mr. Mu's strength has improved again!"

Mu Feng nodded, smiled without saying a word.

Zhen Yuanzi came out of the house, glanced at Mu Feng, and said with a smile: "That's right, you are only one step away from the realm where Dao and I are one."

Ye Feiyao took out a sword from the storage bag, and put it in front of Mu Feng with both hands: "Because Mr. Xie not long ago fought against Xu Fu in order to protect China and caused the destruction of the Qingming sword, the elders of our sect specially entrusted it to you." Give this sword to Mister."

Everyone looked down and saw that the sword was crystal clear, exuding a faint light. Looking at its lines, they felt light and vast like flowing water, spotless.

Sun Hao asked in surprise: "Could it be that the old sword of the elder of Shushan Mountain, the Wuchen sword?"

Wuchen Sword, Li Xiaoyao of the Shushan School, used to travel around the world with the sword when he was young.This sword is also one of the best magic weapons in the world, and its sharpness is by no means inferior to the Qingming sword.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Thank you, Senior Li, for your kindness, but I really don't need it anymore." He walked to a peach tree in front of the door, reached out and broke off a branch, and with a wave of his hand, turned it into a handful of wood. sword.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded with a smile and said: "You are no longer limited to ordinary forms. Wherever the qi reaches, metal and stone will open, and where the spirit reaches, everything will be killed. At this point, all vegetation can be used as a sword. This peach tree is light and agile, but it is a god. Pin also

(End of this chapter)

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