Agent of Heaven

Chapter 109 I have never seen such a brazen person

Chapter 109 I have never seen such a brazen person

On March [-]th, thunderstorms filled the sky, disturbing the East China Sea one after another.

Dongying Wa Kingdom, inside the Ise Shrine.

A skinny little old man with white beard and hair walked into the deepest secret room with a scroll.He bowed and lifted the scroll over his head and said, "Father, I received a letter of war."

Xu Fu's voice came from inside the door: "Who wrote the gauntlet? Zhen Yuanzi?"

The skinny little old man said: "No, it's Mu Feng."

Xu Fu was surprised: "Oh? Read it and listen."

"Yes!" the skinny old man said: "It's only been a few days since I left Efang Palace, but I miss it very much. My teacher has gone to Dongying several times, wanting to invite his step to discuss the Tao, but he is timid, fearing that he will not be able to avoid it.

Satisfied, I have been coveting my Huaxia for a long time, now with Shushan, Kunlun, hundreds of fellow Taoists came to Ise Shrine to pay homage.I have heard of Yada before, and I will definitely not run away with a tail wagging, disappointing us and returning.

Please take a bath and clean your head, and hunt with me in the East China Sea! "

The door of the secret room was shattered, and Xu Fu's roar came from inside: "Mu Feng, little thief! You bullied me too much!"

The skinny old man lowered his head and said, "Father calm down."

Xu Fu said: "How do you tell me to appease my anger? Mu Feng, a junior, how dare he speak nonsense with me?" His expression darkened: "Could it be..." His first reaction was to think of Ying Long.Whether Mu Feng is Ying Long or not is still unclear in Xu Fu's mind.If he is not Ying Long, he has indeed suddenly become extremely powerful.

But if Mu Feng was really Ying Long, then Xu Fu would have died in Afang Palace long ago. With Ying Long's peerless power, how could he survive till now?
"Master Fukuoka, it's bad!" A man dressed as a samurai ran in from outside.

The skinny little old man said: "What is it?"

"People from Shushan and Kunlun have surrounded the shrine!"

"Baga! The Chinese people are too much, they actually bullied our territory."

"Now there are two major formations arranged outside the shrine. As long as you go out, you will be beaten by flying swords and ice crystal fire rain."

Outside the Ise Shrine, Shushan and Kunlun disciples were floating on both sides of the sky.

On the left is the disciples of Shu Mountain headed by Ye Feiyao, who set up a "thousand swords to kill demons" formation, and the swords danced in the formation, shining brightly.

On the right is the Kunlun disciples headed by Sun Hao. Although the Kunlun faction is small in number, their disciples are obviously stronger than Shushan. The twelve disciples have arranged a "Yuqing Liangyi Bagua formation" together. The formation is full of mysteries , the sky is full of ice and fire.

This is the first cooperation between the world of cultivation in China and Kunlun in Shushan in nearly a thousand years!
"People from China, you are going too far!" With a roar, a thin old man stood on the top of Ise Jingu with a samurai sword in his hand.

Ye Feiyao smiled and said, "Who do I know? It turned out to be the chief of the Self-Defense Force of Ise Shrine, Mr. Fukuoka."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "I heard that Mr. Fukuoka is Xu Fu's eldest son, and he is essentially a Chinese. Could it be that he wants to surrender with courtesy this time?"

Ye Feiyao answered, "If you don't want it, if you don't want it, this old man has even changed his surname. He's a real big man. We can't tolerate such a villain in China."

Sun Hao laughed and said, "Brother Ye is right!"

Fukuoka said angrily: "You two juniors, don't speak wild words!" He leaped forward and attacked Ye Feiyao and Sun Hao.

Ye Feiyao and Sun Hao smiled at each other, and said secretly: "The fish is hooked." The two large formations started to operate at the same time.

Ice Fire and Flying Sword, like a gentleman crossing a river, slammed down on Ise Shrine continuously.

The original green bricks and green tiles, tall buildings and low walls, and a huge Ise Shrine were instantly reduced to ruins.Nearly a thousand samurai of the Jingu Self-Defense Force, armed with swords, resisted hard.But in a blink of an eye, most of them were killed or injured.

It's not that Fukuoka doesn't want to rescue him, it's just that a young man who looks better than Pan An and has an extraordinary bearing stands in front of him with a steel knife.

The young man smiled and said, "Old man, where are you going?"

Fukuoka saw that the young man was so powerful that he was still superior to himself: "Who is your Excellency?"

Kui Mulang didn't want to say that he was one of the 28 constellations. Most people didn't know him when he said it like this, and he always made himself very embarrassed.He said loudly: "I am the yellow robe monster!" Relatively speaking, his name is quite impressive.

Fukuoka was surprised: "You are a yellow robe monster? Then you are not a good person, why did you come to make things difficult for me?"

Kui Mulang was very depressed: "I'm not a good person who went to your brother-in-law! I've reformed a long time ago, I'll hack you to death!"

How capable is Kui Mulang, who can fight head-to-head with monkeys for fifty or sixty rounds, how can Fukuoka be his opponent!After a few strokes, the old man shouted out of breath, "Father, save me!"

Ye Feiyao said with a smile: "This old man is called Dad after being beaten?"

Xu Fu's figure also appeared on the Ise Shrine, and he punched Kui Mulang away.

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "Hey, you old turtle, are you trying to fight me?"

Xu Fu said: "Let Mu Feng come out and talk to me."

"Haha, Mu Feng is here." Wearing a Taoist robe, wearing straw sandals, and holding a wooden sword, Mu Feng stepped out of the air!

When Xu Fu saw Mu Feng, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for a few days, and your magic power has improved again!"

Mu Feng laughed and said, "Emperor Xu is too much!" He called Xu Fu the emperor, but he was actually mocking him.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fu seemed to like this title very much. He was very happy when Mu Feng said this, and said with a smile: "Well, you junior, you still know some etiquette. In this way, the old man will give you some pointers."

Mu Feng played with taste: "Xu Tianhuang, do you have any advice?"

Xu Fudao: "Today, the old man cultivates the body of a great witch, and also has the artifact Afang Palace to suppress his luck. This is the number of days, and I should be the one to prosper in Dongying! Those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish. My little friend is an unborn genius. Everyone in Kunlun and Shushan is also a hero of the time. Rather than meeting each other in battle, it is better to surrender with courtesy, and we will unite the world together, and make the east of us brighter, wouldn’t it be beautiful?"

When everyone around heard the words, they all showed contemptuous expressions.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I thought that you, as an old turtle from the Qin Dynasty, would have a high opinion when you came to the front of the battle and faced the heroes of the Middle Earth. I didn't expect you to say such vulgar words!"

Shushan and Kunlun disciples laughed out loud when they heard this.There are happy bullies all around.

Mu Feng said: "You lied to the first emperor and sucked the flesh and blood of [-] virgins to cultivate the body of this great witch. You were killed by General Meng Tian in the Wangyi Palace, and you sucked the flesh and blood of your own Dongying junior, so you were able to come back to life, and you stole the artifact Afang along the way." Gong, what face do you have to pretend to be the number of days? What's more, in the past, when Dongying was weak, he attached himself to China, and when he was strong, he repeatedly violated the border. With such a despicable nation, we children of China, how can you be the same as me?"

Xu Fu said: "Little thief Mu Feng, you..."

"Shut up!" Mu Feng said angrily: "Shameless old turtle, don't you know that people in Huaxia are willing to eat your flesh alive, a handsome man? Old thief with gray beard? You are about to die under the Nine Springs."

Xu Fu was speechless with anger: "You! You! You!"

Mu Feng said: "Old turtle of ten thousand years, you have cultivated a demon body in vain, and you have achieved nothing in your life. You can only be deceived and beg for mercy! A shameless old turtle, dare to call yourself the emperor in front of my good man in Kunlun Shushan? I have never I have never seen such a shameless person!"

I have never seen such a brazen person!
As Mu Feng said these words, they continued to echo around.

Xu Fu's lips turned purple from the anger. Even with his cultivation, he also felt the surge of energy and blood, and spat out a mouthful of blood!

(End of this chapter)

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