Agent of Heaven

Chapter 110 Battle of the Void

Chapter 110 Battle of the Void
Fukuoka saw Xu Fu vomiting blood in anger, and hurried forward to support Xu Fu: "Father, are you alright?"

Xu Fu pushed Fukuoka away, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and looked at Mu Feng with cold eyes: "Okay, very good, my little friend is very eloquent. I just don't know how much my cultivation has improved!" As soon as he stepped on the ground, the ground shattered inch by inch, and he flew towards Mu Feng with the Tiancongyun sword in his hand.

He exuded an extremely powerful aura from all over his body, making everyone around him unsteady.Some people with weak cultivation even vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feng just turned his side slightly, and unexpectedly dodged this imposing sword!Then with a wave of the wooden sword in his hand, it hit Xu Fu on the back of the sword-holding hand.

The muscles and bones on the back of Xu Fu's hand collapsed, and the Tian Congyun sword fell off without holding it.

Xu Fu was shocked in his heart, he was the body of a great witch, and neither thunder nor fire could hurt him.Mu Feng was able to break his own bones and tendons with only a mere wooden sword.

But it was too late for him to think too much, he caught Tian Congyun with his left hand, and stabbed directly at Mu Feng's throat with his backhand.He has already used [-]% of his strength for this sword, and the angle is weird and tricky, even the great Wu Mengtian back then could not avoid this sword.

But!His sword was only an inch away from Mu Feng's throat, and he couldn't stab anymore.

Because Mu Feng stretched out two slender fingers, and gently clamped Tian Congyun Sword.

Xu Fu turned pale with shock: "What! You..."

What answered him was a crisp sound, Tian Congyun sword was broken by Mu Feng with his fingers!
Xu Fu heard the sound of the wind again, and a wooden sword slowly enlarged in front of his eyes, and finally hit his face.Let him fly upside down.

Two teeth fell from the sky along with the blood, Kui Mulang, who is incomparable as a chicken thief, quickly stepped forward to catch it, and said with a smile: "These are the teeth of a ten thousand-year-old turtle, and they are precious materials for making treasures."

Xu Fu covered his cheeks, and looked down at the triumphant Kui Mulang with a deadly gaze.

Kui Mulang was not afraid of him, and just stared back.

Xu Fu had no choice but to raise his head to look at Mu Feng and said, "It's only a few days, but my little friend has made such progress. It's really admirable." He pointed around: "It's just that with your and my mana, if we use our full strength to fight Come on, I'm afraid this human world will be destroyed. Why don't you and I fight in the void outside the territory?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Then go to the outer void to fight."

Xu Fu swiped half of the cloud in the sky, broke through the void, and flew towards the outside world.

Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue in the crowd below, gave him a reassuring look, then broke through the void and chased after Xu Fu.

Outside the region, in the ever-changing desolate starry sky, Xu Fu sneered and looked at Mu Feng who was following him: "Boy, you've been fooled!"

Mu Feng didn't show a flustered expression, but instead asked, "Could it be that you set up an ambush for me here?"

Xu Fu said: "If I want to kill you, do I still need to set up an ambush?" He suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Mu Feng said: "What are you laughing at?"

Xu Fu said: "I laugh at your lack of knowledge! Do you know that in the human world there is a formation set up by the Nuwa Empress when she repaired the sky. Whether it is a god, Buddha or a demon, after arriving in the human world, one must suppress one's own power? Otherwise, it will attract heaven's punishment." .”

Mu Feng said: "You mean, you haven't displayed your full strength in the world?"

Xu Fu smiled and said: "That's true. When I was in the human world, my strength was only one level."

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "In other words, your current strength is ten times that of before?"

Xu Fu laughed wildly: "So, you came here with me, you are looking for your own death!" He punched Mu Feng, and the place where the punch passed, rolled up an endless void storm.

Mu Feng raised the wooden sword, "Xuanyan Style" shot directly, the huge sword energy collided with the void storm, and then annihilated together.

Xu Fu's strength is indeed more than ten times stronger than just now!
Xu Fu withdrew his fist and said: "Your strength is really good, kid! But I have to kill you quickly, otherwise if your powerful master finds him, it will be troublesome!" In the outer space, time and space are extremely chaotic , even if one is as strong as Zhen Yuanzi, it is extremely difficult to find someone among them.So he actually had another purpose to lure Mu Feng here, which was to avoid Zhen Yuanzi.

Mu Feng said: "Just let the horse come here, I alone can deal with you!"

Xu Fu transformed into an old turtle with a size of more than a thousand feet. His whole body was covered with blood-red light, and he rushed towards Mu Feng like a towering volcano.

Mu Feng knew that he was invincible, so he stepped on his feet and used the heaven and earth escape method, and hid on the sky in an instant.

The old turtle was caught in the air, raised his head and roared, opened his bloody mouth and sucked hard at Mu Feng!
Mu Feng only felt an unprecedentedly huge suction force coming from all around, and he couldn't stabilize his figure with his magic power, and began to fly towards the old turtle's huge mouth.

"Punishing evil style!" Mu Feng threw the sharp sword in his hand directly, and it flew into the old turtle's mouth like a shooting star.

When the sword entered, it directly pierced the heart and lungs, the old turtle screamed in pain, and rolled in the void extremely terribly.

"Little thief! This old man is going to tear your body to pieces!" the old turtle roared angrily.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Your idea is very good, but it may be difficult to implement."

The old turtle's lantern-like eyes had turned blood red, and suddenly a red light shone from his head, and a majestic palace emerged!

Covering more than three hundred miles, it is magnificent, with colorful clouds floating on it, gold bricks and jade tiles!It is the supreme magic weapon that the first emperor practiced before his death, A Fang Gong!

"Hahaha! You little thief, let's die!" Xu Fu laughed wildly, and A Fang Gong rushed towards Mu Feng with a bright red light.

From the top of Afang Palace, Mu Feng felt a kind of fearless domineering power that swept the world and locked him firmly!It seems that there is no way to avoid this move, so he can only fight with all his strength!
Mu Feng lost the mahogany sword at this time, so he used his finger as a sword and cast it in the air. "Devil Slaying Style!" "Slaying Evil Style!" "Blowing Flame Style!" "Flowing Wind Style!"

Yinglong's six movements were performed at the same time, and the six sword qi gathered in front of Mu Feng, and finally merged into a golden giant sword!One side of the sword body is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the other side is engraved with mountains, rivers, grass and trees.On one side of the sword hilt is written the techniques of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other side is written the strategy of unifying the world.

The giant sword flew out, and with infinite force, it collided with A Fang Gong.At the moment when the two objects collided, the entire void seemed to tremble.The stars in the sky seem to be turning upside down!

Mu Feng felt a sweetness in his throat, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his complexion became extremely pale.

Finally, the brilliance dissipated, and the red light on Efang Palace seemed to have dimmed a lot.But the golden giant sword turned into golden light and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Fu said: "Unexpectedly, you have such strength, you can use sword energy to condense the phantom of Xuanyuan Sword. It's a pity, this is not the real Xuanyuan Sword!" He laughed: "It's even more regrettable that your Yinglong Qishi Not all of them! If you practice all of them, I will definitely not be your opponent. But you have no chance, even if you are the reincarnation of Yinglong today, you will die by my hands."

Mu Feng suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Xu Fu said, "What are you laughing at?"

Mu Feng said: "I laugh at your shallow knowledge!" He pinched his fingers into a sword and said, "Who told you that I didn't master the seven styles of Yinglong?"

(End of this chapter)

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