Agent of Heaven

Chapter 111 Purple Thunder Heaven Punishment

Chapter 111 Purple Thunder Heaven Punishment
In ancient times, the Great Witch Gong Gong fought against the Vulcan Zhu Rong, which caused the collapse of the Buzhou Mountain supporting the heaven and the earth, the four poles were abolished, the Kyushu was split, the sky was not covered, and the earth was not contained.Fortunately, the great god Nuwa was merciful, refining stones to mend the sky, and saving souls from the water and fire.

After mending the sky, in order to prevent further disasters in the human world, Empress Nuwa issued a decree that all gods, Buddhas and demons must suppress their power in the human world and not act recklessly.But those who resist the decree of the law will be punished by ninety-nine and eighty-one thunders from the sky, and their souls will be wiped out.

In the void, the nebula is densely covered, and the time is boundless and boundless.

Mu Feng pinched his fingers into a sword, stepped on the seven stars, pointed his sword at the sky and said: "Illusory heart pose, solve it."

Suddenly, the sky began to gather purple divine thunders!There are a total of ninety-nine and 81, and all of them present the image of a ferocious dragon.

The 81 thunder dragons look down on the common people, just like judges who are panicked by the power of heaven.

Xu Fu felt a wave of fear, facing these 81 thunder dragons, he couldn't think of resisting.

This is the last form of the legendary Yinglong Seven Forms?wrong!Xu Fu suddenly woke up: "This is God's punishment! How can you mobilize God's punishment?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Of course I can't mobilize Heaven's Punishment, but you can!"

Xu Fu was stunned and said, "What did you say?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Look around again."

Xu Fu turned his head and looked around, only to see that the surrounding void had already healed, and not far away, a water-blue planet was shining brightly.

His eyes were full of disbelief: "This is still the human world! How is that possible? I have already broken through the space just now..." But before he could finish speaking, a giant dragon of divine punishment with its fangs and claws had already struck down.

Xu Fu hurriedly got up at Efang Palace, and blocked his head with a blood-red light.

One strike after another of Heaven's Punishment hit Efang Palace, the originally magnificent and solemn palace began to slowly shatter, and the watchtowers and jade masonry began to become broken walls and ruins.

Mu Feng strolled in the void of the universe, smiled and said to Xu Fu who was struggling to support the Heavenly Tribulation: "Do you still wonder why you have fallen to this point?"

Xu Fu kept pouring mana into Efang Palace. At this moment, he was speechless, but looked at Mu Feng coldly with eyes that wanted to eat people.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Then let me explain to you, the last move of Yinglong Qishi is called 'Magic Mind'! As the name suggests, it is not an attacking move, its function is to confuse people's hearts .

When I fought with you on the East China Sea for the first time, I had already cast the 'Magic Heart Style' on you, but you couldn't find it.

When your heart is already bewildered by me, your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind will all be affected, let me manipulate you!You think that you broke through the space and came into the void, but in fact you just walked into the universe of the human world.

My master is the ancestor of the earth immortals. Of course I know that gods, Buddhas and monsters will bring about catastrophe if they exert their strength in the human world.It's just that you foolishly think I don't know.

If you want ten levels of skill to deal with me, I naturally want to use Heavenly Tribulation to deal with you.So... take your time and enjoy. "

Xu Fu let out a mournful cry, which contained endless resentment and resignation.Efang Palace had been smashed into ruins by the Heavenly Tribulation, and after emitting a last dim light, it finally fell in the air.

Seeing this, Mu Feng quickly waved his sleeves, and took the ruins of Afang Palace into his sleeve.This is a peerless magic weapon, although the damage is extremely serious, it may be repairable.

"Despicable!" Seeing this, Xu Fu struggled and roared angrily.But his voice soon turned into a miserable howl, because the punishment of heaven fell directly on him without the hindrance of Afang Palace.

It has to be said that Efang Palace is really an extremely powerful artifact, with the mighty Jiujiu 81 Heavenly Punishment, it unexpectedly blocked 78 of them abruptly, leaving only three unblocked.

With the chop just now, Xu Fu's huge body shook for a while, almost falling from the void.Seeing another one coming down, he quickly retracted his surroundings and head into his turtle shell.

This day's punishment is naturally more severe as it goes to the back. The power of the penultimate thunder is obviously more than a hundred times stronger than the previous one!The purple thunder dragon slammed into Xu Fu's shell again, and it actually shattered his shell into pieces and fell off him.

Excited on Mu Feng's face, he stretched out his sleeves again, and took all the turtle shells in.This turtle shell is hard enough to resist catastrophe, and it is an excellent material for refining into a magic weapon for defense.

At this time, there is still the last Heavenly Tribulation left in the sky, and the purple divine thunder is stronger than the previous eighty.As long as Mu Feng looks up, he can feel an extreme aura of destruction rushing towards his face.

"When this divine thunder comes down, I'm afraid you will be completely wiped out. This time, you don't even have a chance to be resurrected!" Mu Feng looked at Xu Fu and said.

Blood flowed profusely from Xu Fu's body, and a vicious voice came from his throat: "I want thousands of souls to be buried with me!" He suddenly gave up his defense completely, and slammed towards the water-blue planet in the distance.

He wants to lead the catastrophe to the earth, and let hundreds of millions of creatures in the human world be buried with him!
Mu Feng snorted coldly: "Evil animal, you are stubborn!" He pinched his fingers into a sword and said, "Phantom Heart Style!"

Xu Fu was laughing wildly, he saw that the water-blue planet was getting closer and closer to him!He seemed to have seen the tragic scene where the thunder struck it, the land sank into the sea, and countless creatures howled.

wrong!Why is the planet getting farther and farther away when I am still flying?

Mu Feng suspended in the distance and looked at Xu Fu coldly. He was circling in circles in the void at this moment, falling into the illusion created by himself.

The last thunderbolt fell, and Xu Fu's powerful body was finally turned into fly ash under the punishment of heaven, and turned into dust floating in the universe.

Mu Feng let out a long sigh: "So what if you have the body of a great witch and the power to reach the sky? If you have a wrong mind, you will end up in nothingness."

Zhen Yuanzi appeared from the void on the side: "It's a pity, he is also a natural spiritual creature, if he sticks to his heart, he will definitely get a positive result."

Mu Feng said: "Master, so you have been here all along."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "I just want to watch you from the sidelines as a teacher."

Mu Feng smiled, he knew that Zhen Yuanzi was worried that he would not be able to defeat Xu Fu, so he wanted to hide and attack secretly.

"Master, although my disciple's strength is much worse than Xu Fu's, I'm afraid it's beyond the scope allowed by the human world. Why won't I be punished by heaven?"

"Teacher, do you remember what Master's nickname is?"

"The ancestor of the earth immortal, the same king as the world."

"Haha, as a teacher, I am the ancestor of the earth immortals. All the exercises in my school are in harmony with the compassionate way of the earth, and do not compete with the sky. They are different from demons, gods and Buddhas, so naturally they will not offend the wrath of the heavens."

"Master, you still don't understand when you say that?"

"To put it bluntly, I just said hello to the teacher and Empress Nuwa, and people in our sect don't need to be punished by heaven."

This is the benefit of having a powerful master and a sect with a strong background.No matter what, he can always take care of you.

"Ha, if you put it this way, will this apprentice be able to run amok in the world in the future, and no one need be afraid?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and patted Mu Feng on the forehead: "Go home!"

"Okay, go home." Mu Feng smiled.

"Disciple, as a master, I heard from the envoy of the Jingtan that there is a delicacy in the world called 'KFC', why don't we taste it together?"

"Okay, as long as you don't go to McDonald's, I don't like that clown."


In this battle, Shushan and Kunlun completely wiped out the Ise Jingu, and Fukuoka, the captain of the self-defense force, was beaten back to his original form.

(End of this chapter)

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