Agent of Heaven

Chapter 112 An easy day

Chapter 112 An Easy Day

, the morning sun slanted into the room, revealing a warm fragrance in the sun, and the peach blossoms outside the window were all in bloom.

Mu Feng got up early today and went downstairs, only to find that several people were already sitting in the hall.

Lao Zhu, Yang Jian, Kui Mulang, and Zhen Yuanzi all sat on the sofa, looking at Mu Feng expectantly.

Mu Feng felt chills when they looked at him: "Why are you all looking at me like this?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "Teacher, did you forget what you said that day?"

Mu Feng said: "What is it?"

The old pig moaned and said, "Just invite us to KFC." He pointed to the advertisement on the TV.

Above the ad, a hamburger the size of a third of the screen is flying up and down.

Kui Mulang was almost drooling: "This food looks delicious."

Mu Feng said helplessly: "I guess you didn't see the small print written below."

Yang Jian asked suspiciously, "What small print?"

Mu Feng said, "Can't you see it with all three eyes?" He stretched out his finger and pointed to a line of extremely small white characters at the bottom of the screen: "The picture is for reference only, and the actual object shall prevail."

Kui Mulang said: "I don't care, I just want to eat."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Hey, why have you learned to act like a baby? You don't really think of yourself as a freshman in high school, do you?"

Kui Mulang said: "You have the nerve to say that you haven't been to school for a while."

Mu Feng said: "I'm not going to go to school, and you are basically familiar with the way of life in the world. I don't need to go anymore." According to the current character of Kui Mulang, he will no longer eat people when he disagrees. .

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyue carried Xiao Qingsu who was still sleepy and came down from upstairs, looked at the people in the hall and asked in confusion, "Why do you wake up so early today?"

In the past, these people all waited for her to cook and then got up to eat one by one.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "What are you all doing sitting around?"

The old pig said: "Mu Feng wants to treat us to dinner, KFC."

When Xiao Qingsu heard the word KFC, she immediately smiled and said, "That's great! Eat chicken, eat chicken!"

Jiang Xiaoyue's big eyes turned into crescents: "Hey, Xiaofeng, you are getting more and more generous."

Mu Feng took out the wallet in his pocket, saw that there were still five hundred-yuan bills, and calculated that it was only a few days before the salary was paid.Counting the people present, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, let's treat the guests!"

Everyone showed joyful expressions.

Mu Feng cowardly said: "Actually, I don't think KFC tastes good, why don't we go eat dumplings?"

Everyone in the hall gave Mu Feng a supercilious look.

Kui Mulang suddenly said: "Wait a while before setting off, there is one more person coming."

Yang Jian said, "Who else?"

The old pig smiled and said, "Who else can be, of course it is his little daughter-in-law."

Mu Feng said: "He Miaomiao lives in the urban area, so it will take two hours to come here, right?"

Kui Mulang smiled and said: "No need, I told her yesterday, Teacher Mu please eat KFC, let her come over early today."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You don't go pick it up, why did a girl come here?"

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "Didi took a taxi here."

Mu Feng said: "It's so far away, it's quite expensive to take a taxi here, right?"

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "It's okay, we paid with your Alipay."

Mu Feng was stunned for a moment: "My Alipay?"

The old pig said: "Your Alipay account password is so simple, we have already memorized it."

Yang Jian said: "The clothes we bought online recently, we also used your Alipay."

Mu Feng quickly took out his mobile phone to check his Alipay balance, but found that it was only 98 yuan.He squatted in the corner of the wall miserably and drew a circle: "Ah~ I can't survive~"

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door outside, and Kui Mulang went to open the door with an excited face: "Miao Miao, why did you come so fast..."

His words usually stopped abruptly, and then he walked back with a disappointed face.

There was a girl standing outside the door, but it wasn't He Miaomiao.Her eyebrows are lightly drawn, her pupils are like autumn water, and she is wearing a white dress. Standing at the door, she has a bit of the beauty of weeping willows blowing the wind.

She is Gu Mei.

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "Gu Mei, why are you here?"

Gu Mei raised her head to look at Mu Feng, and said with a bright smile: "Can't I come and see you if I have nothing to do?"

Jiang Xiaoyue stepped forward and grabbed Mu Feng's arm, and smiled playfully at Gu Mei: "Miss Gu is here? Come in and have a seat."

Gu Mei deliberately didn't look at Jiang Xiaoyue holding Mu Feng's arm, she nodded with a smile, and walked in with lotus steps.She saw many people sitting in the room, she knew Laozhu and Yang Jian, so she said hello.

Mu Feng stepped forward to introduce Zhen Yuanzi to Gu Mei and said, "This is my master!"

Gu Mei knew that Mu Feng was a person who was proficient in profound arts, and seeing Zhen Yuanzi's extraordinary appearance at this time, she said politely, "I've seen you, sir."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded with a smile.

Mu Feng pointed at Kui Mulang again and said, "This is Huang Kui."

Gu Mei said: "Hello!"

Kui Mulang smiled and said: "Hello." The old pig whispered in his ear for a while, probably about the relationship between Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue, so now he looks teasingly at Mu Feng from time to time.

Mu Feng was annoyed by what he saw, so he picked up Xiao Qingsu and put it on Kui Mulang's neck.Then he turned around and smiled at Gu Mei, "Would you like some tea?"

Gu Mei said: "No need." She blushed and murmured: "Actually, today is actually my birthday."

Mu Feng was stunned for a second, then patted himself on the head and said: "By the way, a few days is March [-]th, it is indeed your birthday." He used to regard Gu Mei as a goddess in the past, so he naturally knew his birthday.

Jiang Xiaoyue narrowed her eyes looking at Mu Feng, as if she was a little wild cat about to attack: "Husband, it turns out that you classmates still remember each other's birthday~"

Her voice was very gentle, but Mu Feng felt a chill behind her back: "No, I just happened to remember."

The surrounding Lao Zhu and Kui Mulang Yang Jian all had expressions on their faces.Only Zhen Yuanzi is eating popcorn... Hey, why are you eating popcorn while looking at this place with eyes like watching a movie?

Gu Mei said: "I called you yesterday, but you have not been in the service area."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Haha, I went out yesterday for something." He was in outer space yesterday, how could he be in the service area?

Gu Mei smiled and said: "It's okay, I still came here! Last time you promised me that you would celebrate my birthday with me. Let's go eat first! Everyone, how about my host?"

Lao Zhu was the first to raise his hands in agreement when he heard that there was something to eat, followed by Yang Jian and Kui Mulang, and finally even Zhen Yuanzi nodded with a smile
If Jiang Xiaoyue allows, how much Mu Feng wants to kiss Gu Mei's face!One should have such a friend!

Mu Feng quickly agreed: "Okay! Let's eat KFC then." He thought, I finally saved my last 500 yuan.

Jiang Xiaoyue sent a voice transmission to Mu Feng, and she said jokingly in her voice: "So you promised to accompany this beautiful woman to have dinner~ Why didn't I know about this?"

Mu Feng felt that he must be sweating a lot on his forehead now.

When Kui Mulang opened the door just now, he didn't close the door, so a cute girl about 16 years old stuck her head in: "Huh, there are so many people? Teacher Mu, Huang Kui told me that today you are going to treat us to KFC is that true?"

Kui Mulang ran straight to the door, took He Miaomiao's hand and walked in.Introduced to everyone in the room: "My wife! Isn't she beautiful?"

Seeing so many people in the room, He Miaomiao blushed, "Who...who is, don't talk nonsense, I'm just your girlfriend."

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "Doesn't girlfriend mean daughter-in-law? Look at that girl Xiaoyue, she is Mu Feng's daughter-in-law."

Gu Mei's beautiful eyes like autumn water dimmed for a moment, as if a layer of mist had been cast over the calm lake.

(End of this chapter)

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