Agent of Heaven

Chapter 116 I am a disciple of Shaolin layman

Chapter 116 I am a disciple of Shaolin layman
Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the bald head blocking the way, and said with a smile: "Your elder brother? Why don't you come out and show yourself if you want to know us?"

"My elder brother is a famous person in the Yunhai area. If the two ladies can get to know each other, I will definitely not regret it in the future." The bald head glanced at Mu Feng coldly.

Mu Feng smiled at Jiang Xiaoyue: "Although he doesn't know who his eldest brother is, he looks really powerful. Why don't we go get to know him."

Gu Mei quietly leaned against Mu Feng, which would make her feel safe. After all, she is just an ordinary person, unlike Jiang Xiaoyue who also possesses extraordinary supernatural powers.

The bald head said fiercely to Mu Feng: "Go and cool off! These two beauties can go with me!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's a pity that I don't feel cool anywhere here."

The bald head came forward, he was half a head taller than Mu Feng, he grinned and said, "I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "That's great, I like fine wine the most."

With a bang, the bald head was thrown directly into the sea by Mu Feng, where he was thrashing non-stop.

Jiang Xiaoyue wrinkled her nose and said, "Let him go so easily?"

Gu Mei smiled and said: "It's just a punk, we don't need to kill them all."

A deep voice came from a distance: "Who is going to drive us all to death?" A short middle-aged man came over, his skin was very dark, and he walked with obvious horoscopes.

The little man was followed by a dozen or so big men, all of them with fierce faces, stabbing dragons and tigers behind their backs, and carrying murder weapons such as cricket sticks in their hands.When the people near the beach saw them coming, they retreated one after another, not even a single one dared to stop and watch.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "There's another fine drink."

The bald man who was thrown into the sea also swam up at this time, ran up to the black dwarf, and said out of breath, "Boss, that kid is not simple, he must have practiced before!"

The black dwarf walked up to Mu Feng, clasped his fists and said, "Xu Sudong! I don't know where the brother is from Yunhai?" He was watching from a distance just now, and seeing Mu Feng's extraordinary skills, he must be not an ordinary person.

Mu Feng said: "My name is Mu Feng, I'm not from Yunhai, I'm here to travel."

Xu Sudong then asked: "Then where are you from?" The so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the snake, as long as Mu Feng is not a gangster in the sea of ​​clouds, he has nothing to fear, so at this time he is already a little rude.

Mu Feng said: "I was born under the red flag and grew up in New China, not from somewhere."

Could it be that this girl is a red second generation?Xu Sudong was shocked and said: "It turns out that you really work for the government. I'm disrespectful." After speaking, he waved to the subordinates behind, and was about to lead them back together.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "No, you misunderstood, I am just an ordinary Chinese citizen."

Xu Sudong suddenly turned his head, and slammed the steel rod in his hand on the ground, raising a cloud of dust: "Huh, ordinary people, you dare to be so cruel? Do you think my second child, Xu, is made of mud?"

As soon as he said this, the gangsters behind him surrounded Mu Feng with a sneer on their faces.

Jiang Xiaoyue pretended to be delicate and hid in Mu Feng's arms: "Husband~ There are so many of them, I'm so scared."

Gu Mei was really scared, and hid behind Mu Feng with a pale complexion.

Xu Sudong glanced at the two beauties, and then said with a smile: "Give that man to me, and leave the two beauties behind. I'm going to play double fly today!" laughed.

But Mu Feng also laughed, and when he finished laughing, his eyes showed coldness: "Shuangfei? I'll teach you how to play!"

The dozen or so gangsters around were thrown into the sea one by one by Mu Feng.

He walked up to the lonely Xu Sudong, and said with a smile, "It's a pity that you are alone, and you can't play Shuangfei."

Xu Sudong was terrified: "Don't! Don't! Big brother, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore... Haha, die!" He suddenly swung the steel pipe in his hand and hit Mu Feng on the forehead.

Mu Feng didn't dodge, and was hit on the head by his steel pipe.

"Hahaha! Kid, do you think knowing kung fu is great?" Xu Sudong laughed wildly, but soon, his laughter stopped because he found that the steel pipe in his hand had been bent, and the head of the young man opposite him was bent. , but intact.

Mu Feng said: "Why don't you keep laughing?"

"Ah! I'll fight with you!" Xu Sudong roared, and the steel pipe in his hand fell on Mu Feng's body like raindrops.

Blood drips on the sand!Xu Sudong held his cracked right hand, and looked at Mu Feng with a look of monsters: "I know... I know... You must be a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple! Bell jar, iron shirt!"

This person can reason, but it's a pity that it's all wrong!Mu Feng stretched out his fist and shook it in front of Xu Sudong: "You hit me so many times just now, so I'll hit you once, how about it?"

Xu Sudong knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Master! I am willing to receive a punch from you. I only hope that after you finish beating me, you can make me your disciple!"

Mu Feng was stunned. He never expected that Xu Sudong would say such a thing. He didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, seven or eight ATVs drove over, and there was a pair of security guards wearing suits and headsets on them: "Second Xu! Our boss has warned you not to make trouble here in the future, and you are still so disobedient? "

"Hey, Captain, Second Xu seems to be kneeling there?"

"Yeah, all his men are still in the lake."

"No matter what, let's take them all down first!"

Soon, Xu Sudong and his gang were all arrested by the security guards here.Bringing the ATV, Xu Er Er was still extremely reluctant when he was dragged away, crying and calling for Mu Feng to be his master.

The security captain ran over and looked at Mu Feng with admiration on his face: "You are so powerful, the dozen or so people under Mr. Xu are all ruthless characters, and you are taking care of them by yourself!"

Mu Feng said: "I am a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple, I am laughing at you." Just now Xu Sudong had made up a very suitable reason for him.

The security captain said pleasantly: "So you are a master of martial arts! No wonder that Xu's second child just now was crying and shouting to worship you as his teacher."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'm not some kind of martial arts master, you're over-rewarding." He was telling the truth.

The security captain patted Mu Feng on the shoulder and said, "How can it be considered a compliment! Your skills are definitely the best I've ever seen! You don't have to worry about their retaliation on Xu's second side, our boss will naturally take care of them."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "That's very good."


In the restaurant, everyone gathered, and Mu Feng told Laozhu and the others what happened on the beach today.

The old pig laughed and said, "I was far away at the time, so I didn't see clearly." Later, he searched for beauties everywhere on the beach. "

Sitting next to Mu Feng, Jiang Xiaoyue pouted and said, "It's not interesting. If it were me, it would be more than just throwing those hooligans into the river."

Yang Jian said: "I agree with Miss Xiaoyue, the punishment you give Xiaomu is really too small for this kind of local bully."

Mu Feng put vegetables into Jiang Xiaoyue's bowl: "Okay, there's no need to get angry with that kind of hooligan."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Apprentice, you have a heart of benevolence, which makes me very gratified as a teacher."

Later, Kui Mulang and He Miaomiao also joined the discussion on that matter.

Kui Mulang said: "If this happens to me, I will definitely eat all those people!"

He Miaomiao smiled and said, "You know how to brag. Are you as good as Teacher Mu?"

No one noticed that Gu Mei was drinking silently by herself without saying a word.After today is over, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for me to see Mu Feng again!He and himself seem to be people from two worlds.

Gu Mei stood up suddenly, and said with a smile: "I'll go out for a while." She walked to the window sill with a somewhat unsteady gait, a gust of night wind blew by, and the spring breeze was so desolate.

She actually took out a Marlboro from her bag, lit it for herself, and took a sip.The dense smoke drifted in front of her, and finally dispersed slowly.

Inside the window, Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue were happily chatting about something, and there was a happy and warm atmosphere on the table.

Gu Mei stood alone under the moonlight, smoking a cigarette alone, she was a little drunk, and whispered to herself: "There are nine times out of ten unsatisfactory things in life, it seems that emotional matters are really not forced. "

(End of this chapter)

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