Agent of Heaven

Chapter 117 Strange Demonic Qi

Chapter 117 Strange Demonic Qi
Driving on the road in Jiangzhou City, Jiang Xiaoyue opened the car window to take a breath of fresh air outside: "Finally I'm back."

Kui Mulang lost his spirits and said, "The air after the rain is really nice."

Mu Feng also smiled and said, "It's really good." Suddenly, he frowned, and carefully twitched his nose twice.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "What's wrong? Why did your face suddenly become so weird?"

Mu Feng said: "Don't you feel it?"

Jiang Xiaoyue: "What do you feel?"

The old pig interjected: "There is a strange evil spirit not far away."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What? Is it true? I don't feel it at all!" After finishing speaking, she used her mana a little, her eyes turned into a foggy expression: "I can feel it! This evil spirit is really strange , has a strong smell of blood, but also has a trace of human breath."

Mu Feng asked: "Can you find the location of the evil spirit?"

The brilliance in Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes flashed: "Go to the third street on the left and turn right for about 500 meters."

Mu Feng looked at the surrounding roads, and after confirming that there was no one there, he jumped out of the car window: "Okay, you guys go back first, I'll go and see what it is."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Be careful in everything, don't be rash and impulsive."

Mu Feng said: "Yes, Master." As soon as he finished speaking, his figure also disappeared.

At night, the spring is getting warmer, but the light rain has started to fall again.

Fang Jianhong walked alone in the silent night, like a lonely bat.

He gently stretched out his hand, wiped away the blood remaining on his lips, and then put his hand on the heart.

Here, it has stopped beating.

"Brother, I'm afraid the rain won't stop for a while. Do you need an umbrella?" Fang Jianhong was startled by a sudden voice. He turned his head and saw the flickering street lights. Standing next to him was an ordinary-looking young man with many umbrellas beside him.

At this time, there are still hawkers buying umbrellas on this road?

Fang Jianhong didn't pay attention to this suspicious peddler, he just walked away quickly, wanting to leave this place as soon as possible.

"You really don't need an umbrella?" The young man stood in front of Fang Jianhong.

"No need." Fang Jianhong said coldly.

"Then I think you must really need a cigarette." The young man suddenly took out a pack of Double Happiness from his pocket.


"No, you need it. Smoking a cigarette may not be a bad thing for a person who is in a bad mood." The young man actually handed over a cigarette directly.

Suddenly, Fang Jianhong stretched out his hand to take the cigarette.

The young man smiled and lit the cigarette for Fang Hongjian: "That's right, a person like you who is full of worries must need something to put on his back."

Fang Jianhong didn't speak, just smoked silently, and there seemed to be unresolved sadness between his brows.

The young man smiled and said: "It seems that you really have a story, if you don't mind, you might as well tell me."

Fang Jianhong threw the half of the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out, turned around and left without saying a word.

The young man didn't seem to be annoyed, he still smiled and said, "No matter what your status is, as long as you do what you do with no regrets, there is nothing to be depressed about."

Could this man have seen his identity!Fang Jianhong suddenly turned his head and said coldly, "Who are you?"

The young man smiled and said, "Since you don't want to tell me your identity, I naturally won't tell you mine either."

Fang Jianhong felt more and more that the young man who bought the umbrella was not simple, and he didn't want to get involved with such a person: "Anyway, thank you for the cigarettes." His figure gradually disappeared at the end of the alley.

"You don't need to thank me, just help when you see someone in need!" The young man's voice came from afar, but it entered Fang Jianhong's ears very clearly.

"What an inexplicable person!" Fang Jianhong wrapped his suit tightly, turning into a black shadow and quickly walking through the street.

What he wants to do now is to go home quickly. It rained all night, and there may be sunshine tomorrow morning.

Suddenly, a woman's screaming voice reached his ears: "Help!" A gust of fragrant wind hit, and a delicate girl with pale complexion stumbled and ran out from the darkness, chasing several black shadows behind her.

Seeing Fang Jianhong's voice, the girl showed hope, "Help me!" Then she staggered and fell into his arms.

It was only then that Fang Jianhong saw that those who were chasing after him were several foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes, and each of them was holding a long crossed sword similar to that used by Europeans in the Middle Ages.

"Oriental! Please hand over the woman in your hand to us." The leading foreigner said first.

When Fang Jianhong saw these foreigners, the veins on his forehead twitched violently: "Are you from the church?"

The foreigner said: "Yes, this woman is a heretic, we must take her back."

Fang Jianhong said, "Unfortunately, I can't give her to you."

The foreigner raised the crossed sword in his hand: "Why? Could it be that you are also a heretic?"

"Because someone gave me a cigarette just now and asked me to help someone in need. But now I feel that this girl needs my help, let alone..." Fang Jianhong smiled slightly, his fangs twitching At the same time, his eyes became blood red: "I am indeed a heretic!"

Several foreigners were shocked and surrounded Fang Jianhong: "You are a dirty vampire? Get ready to accept God's punishment!" The cross swords in their hands all emitted a holy white light.

Fang Jianhong smiled and said, "It's a pity that I'm also from China, and your gods can't punish us!" His figure flashed, and his shadow was all around him. The foreigners fell to the ground one after another.

Fang Jianhong picked up the unconscious woman: "No matter who you are, I will only save you this time. You must know that I am not a good person." After finishing speaking, he walked towards the place where he came go.

After walking not far, the strange young man who was still looking at the sword was still standing under the street lamp, and there were still many umbrellas beside him.

Seeing the girl in Fang Jianhong's arms, the young man smiled and said, "Sure enough, you didn't disappoint me. You still have a conscience."

Fang Jianhong put the girl directly in front of the young man: "I'm leaving."

The young man said, "You don't care about her anymore?"

Fang Jianhong said, "I have already saved her."

The young man said: "There is an old saying, it is called to save people to the end, and to send Buddha to the west."

Fang Jianhong said, "I'm not interested."

The young man said: "I'm afraid it's up to you."

Fang Jianhong bared his fangs: "What do you want?"

The young man just smiled lightly: "May I ask your name, Mr. Vampire."

Fang Jianhong's pupils narrowed slightly, and he paused each word: "My name is Fang Jianhong, may I ask who you are and what do you want?"

The young man smiled and said, "My name is Mu Feng."

(End of this chapter)

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