Agent of Heaven

Chapter 118 The Vampire Fang Jianhong

Chapter 118 The Vampire Fang Jianhong
The young man in this business is of course Mu Feng.

As soon as he returned to Jiangzhou today, he felt a strange monster aura, a faint bloody aura, but also a human aura.So under the guidance of Jiang Xiaoyue, he searched for the source of the evil spirit.

When Mu Feng crossed three streets, and then walked another 500 meters, he saw Fang Jianhong who was hiding in a dark alley and had bitten a mouse dripping with blood.

From this person's fangs, blood-red eyes, and pale complexion, Mu Feng could make a preliminary judgment: he should be the legendary vampire.

But Mu Feng could not feel the smell of human blood from Fang Jianhong's body, only the bloody smell of a large amount of animal blood.

"A vampire that doesn't suck human blood but only eats mice must not be too bad." So Mu Feng didn't immediately get rid of the new vampire.

It was the first time for Mu Feng to see such a rare creature as a vampire in Jiangzhou.So Mu Feng didn't intend to let him go so easily.So he conjured up a bunch of umbrellas and disguised himself as an umbrella seller.Then, standing under the flickering street lights, I had a "chance encounter" with this melancholy vampire.

During the few conversations, Mu Feng was full of interest in this vampire, because in his impression, a vampire should at least be a blond foreigner, but this vampire is an unharmonious Chinese.

A Chinese vampire?There must be a story in it.

Just when Mu Feng handed Fang Jianhong a cigarette and was about to make a cliché, there were a few breaths of practitioners fighting fiercely not far away.He could also feel that none of these people should be Huaxia monks.

So he said that to Fang Jianhong, and Fang Jianhong did not live up to his expectations.This is a Chinese vampire with a conscience!
Fang Jianhong rescued the girl from several foreign monks.

When Mu Feng told Fang Jianhong his name, Fang Jianhong shook his head, he had never heard of this name.

Mu Feng said with a smile: "One of my favorite heroes once said a word called 'people live in the rivers and lakes, life is involuntary.' Now I will give this sentence to you."

Fang Jianhong said, "What do you mean?"

Mu Feng said: "I mean, the reinforcements for those people you killed just now are here."

"Ha~li~lu~ya!" As soon as the hymn sounded, a middle-aged priest holding a silver cross landed in the holy light that filled the sky.

"Both friends from the East, would you please give me the woman in your hands?" the priest asked with a calm and gentle smile.

Mu Feng didn't speak, but just looked at Fang Jianhong.

Fang Jianhong said: "If you bully a girl with your life, your church is still as shameless as ever."

The smile on the priest's face immediately turned into hatred, as fast as a chameleon: "Who are you? How dare you speak out to insult the holy church."

Fang Jianhong's eyes were bloodshot: "Who do you think I am?"

The priest took a step back, holding the cross on his chest and said, "Are you a dirty dark creature?"

Fang Jianhong said: "You are the dirty one! If it weren't for you bastards, how could I have become like this!"

The cross in the priest's hand radiated light and turned into a huge lightsaber: "Our church has recently signed an armistice agreement with the Dark Council, so I don't intend to do anything with you. As long as you don't obstruct our church's mission, I will I don't care about you."

Fang Jianhong glanced at Mu Feng who was hugging his shoulders and smiling without saying a word, and then said with a smile: "Okay, I don't care about the affairs of your church, I'm leaving now."

He felt that he was obviously being used by this man named Mu Feng, so now he planned to stand by for the time being.

Mu Feng also saw through Fang Jianhong's inner thoughts, he thought: "Do you want to stand by and watch? It's not that easy!" He quietly stretched out two fingers, kneaded them into swords, and said silently: "Phantom Heart Style!"

The priest said: "In this case, I will take this woman away... Hey! Why did you stand up?" He was surprised to find that the woman who should have fainted stood up and stood right in front of him.

"Hmph, Wei Ruosi, no matter what, you have to go back to church with me!" He stretched out his hand and grabbed the woman directly.

Fang Jianhong pulled back. For some reason, the priest suddenly called out the name "Wei Rousi" and launched an attack on his side.

The priest said: "Wei Rousi, your movement is a lot faster, but you can't run away, come back with me to see the bishop!" He swung the lightsaber in his hand and cut it down.

Fang Jianhong dodged the lightsaber sideways, stretched out his sharp claws, and grabbed at the priest.

The holy light shone all over the priest's body, and he directly spread Fang Jianhong's sharp claws: "Wei Rousi, your courage is getting bigger and bigger, and you dare to attack me. Do you think you can be lawless if you escape back to Huaxia?"

Fang Hongjian roared angrily: "Go to hell, ghost!" His body turned rapidly, like a whirlwind, hitting the priest's body continuously, destroying all the protective light, and finally biting on the priest's body with one bite. on the priest's neck.

The priest's face became gloomy, and he took out a wooden stake from his arms and thrust it fiercely at Fang Hongjian.

Fang Hongjian was nailed to his shoulders, and with a flash of holy light, he flew out.

Mu Feng quietly said: "Illusory mind pose, solve it."

The priest covered his neck and looked at Fang Jianhong with a shocked look: "Dirty dark creature, dare to attack me."

Fang Jianhong staggered up from the ground, he said angrily: "It's clear that you were the one who attacked me first for no reason, and now you're still turning black and white."

The priest's complexion became very gray: "I have been bitten by you, and my body has been attacked by dark forces. I am afraid that I will return to God's embrace early." He pointed at Fang Jianhong with trembling fingers and said: " But you! You dirty dark creature, you will be hunted down endlessly by the Church."

The cross in the priest's hand was suddenly inserted into his chest, and a fierce flame burned all over him: "My lord bishop will avenge me!" The flames reduced him to ashes, leaving only the cross in silver light Fly to the distance.

Mu Feng checked the unconscious woman's injuries: "Her injuries are not serious."

Fang Jianhong looked at Mu Feng and said, "You did it just now."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "What did you say?"

Fang Jianhong said: "Don't think I'm a fool, otherwise why would he attack me out of nowhere!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "What are you talking about? I did it."

Fang Jianhong said, "Why?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "No reason? I just help you do what you want to do but dare not do."

Fang Jianhong said angrily: "There will never be a next time!" He was about to walk away.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Maybe I have a way to make vampires not need to suck blood."

Fang Jianhong opened his eyes wide: "What did you say?"

Mu Feng said: "You obviously heard it very clearly, so I don't think I need to say it again."

Fang Hongjian said: "Your Excellency is indeed an expert in China. As long as you can help me, I can help you fulfill any conditions you ask."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Okay, I can help you, but you have to tell me how you became a vampire first."

(End of this chapter)

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