Agent of Heaven

Chapter 119 The Story of Fang Jianhong

Chapter 119 The Story of Fang Jianhong
Fang Jianhong, before the age of 24, he always thought that he was just an ordinary Chinese.He has no father or mother and lives in an orphanage.After working hard, I was admitted to a university.

But just before he entered school, he suddenly received a letter.It was mailed by a foreign professor named Sean. In the letter, he told about his appreciation of Jianhong’s talent and was willing to pay for my study in the UK.

For a young man, this kind of thing is naturally agreed without even thinking about it.

After arriving abroad, he discovered that Professor Sean was actually a handsome young man.This man possessed the demeanor and elegance of an English gentleman.

But he never appeared during the day.

Professor Sheen is very profound, and his knowledge seems to be as rich as centuries of learning.He was also very rich, and Fang Jianhong lived with him in a luxurious castle.

In the castle, apart from Professor Sean, there is only one old butler who always has a straight face.He looks a little weird, and sometimes exudes a cold breath, like an entity that has been frozen for a long time.

With the help of Professor Sean, Fang Jianhong entered the best university in the UK and graduated with honors.

After graduation, Fang Jianhong had a long talk with Professor Sean all night, telling him that he wanted to return to China to display his talents.

Although Professor Sean was reluctant, he agreed to send Fang Jianhong away in three days.And took out some books from his collection as gifts.Although he had a lot of money, he didn't give it to Fang Jianhong because he knew that even if he gave it to him, this proud child would not accept it.

But just the day before departure, a man named Earl Renly came to visit Professor Sheen.

Lord Renly is an old friend of Professor Sheen for many years. According to the two people's conversation, they have known each other for "ten centuries".

Naturally, Fang Jianhong would not believe what the two old men said after drinking.After the banquet, he obediently returned to his room.

But in the middle of the night, the wind suddenly blew up.

Professor Sean broke into Fang Jianhong's room covered in blood, and told him, "Now, quickly hide in the cellar!"

Fang Hongjian found that Professor Sean's strength was surprisingly strong, but with a light push, he was unable to resist at all, and was pushed into the secret room hidden under the table by him.

"No matter what sounds you hear, don't come out before dawn!" These were the last words Fang Hongjian heard Professor Sean say to him.

Then Earl Renly's ferocious laughter and Professor Sean's screams came from outside.

Fang Hongjian clearly saw the Sheen Cult fell on top of the cellar where he was hiding, and dark red blood seeped down the cracks.

Earl Renly's leaving footsteps sounded, and after an unknown amount of time, the sky finally dawned.

Fang Hongjian pushed open the cellar, only to find a huge stake nailed to Professor Sean's chest.The roof of the castle was lifted, and the dazzling sunlight shone on Professor Sean's body, and his skin began to gradually become sandy and dry.

"I'm going to the doctor right now."

"No, boy, the doctor can't save me."

"Then how can I save you?" Fang Hongjian had gradually guessed that this Professor Sean might not be human, because human beings would never survive for such a long time after being nailed to the chest.

"Haha, no one can save me, but child, you don't have to be sad." Professor Sean had a relieved smile in his eyes.

"No! Professor, there must be a way to save you! Tell me!" Fang Jianhong's eyes were firm.

Professor Sheen said: "Okay then, you move me to my room first."

According to Professor Sean's instructions, Fang Jianhong moved him into the corridor in front of the room very quickly.As soon as it was out of the sun's rays, the skin on Professor Sean's body began to heal quickly again.Only the scar caused by the stake on his chest remained unchanged.

Fang Jianhong lived with Professor Sean for four years, but never entered his room once, and the two always met in Professor Sean's study.Today was the first time he opened the door of Professor Sheen's room.

He was stunned by the furnishings in front of him, because there were no tables and chairs in this huge room, only a black coffin was placed in the center of the room.

Professor Sheen smiled and said, "Put me in it."

Fang Jianhong didn't say much, but followed suit.

Sean lay down in the coffin, looking much better indeed.He smiled and said, "If you have any questions or doubts, you can ask them now."

Fang Jianhong lowered his head and said, "Who are you?"

Sean smiled, still smiling as kindly as before: "As you can see, I am a vampire."

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, Fang Hongjian was shocked and followed up and said: "Vampire!"

Sean smiled and said, "That's right, it's the kind of vampire in the movie, who lives by sucking human blood, lives in a dark castle, and can't see the sun."

Looking at Sean's warm smile, Fang Jianhong still felt that he was just a knowledgeable and gentle person: "Why are you being so nice to me..."

Xi En smiled and said, "You have an old saying in China, which is called 'a drop of water and a spring of gratitude'. I took care of you just to repay your kindness." Fang Jianhong asked doubtfully, "Repaying your kindness? Whose kindness?"

Sean smiled and said, "Naturally, it's the kindness of your parents."

Fang Jianhong murmured, "My parents... what kind of people are they?"

Sean recalled: "They are cultivators, and they are also called knights in Eastern culture. Thirty years ago, I was seriously injured when I was hunted down by the church. When I was dying, they saved my life." He Stretching out a hand, tremblingly said: "Stop blaming your parents, they also love you very much, and they have no choice but to leave you."

Fang Jianhong nodded and said, "Okay, I don't blame them."

"That's good." Sean nodded with a smile in his eyes.

Fang Jianhong said: "Then what happened today? Why did Renly want... Isn't he your friend?"

"Son, you are a descendant of Eastern cultivators. Your blood is the best potion for vampires to enhance their strength. This is enough to make him disregard his friends for many years... Fortunately, I kept a careful eye on your bed. A secret room is set up underground." Professor Sean said.

Fang Jianhong suddenly said, "Can my blood save you?"

Sean made a slight move, jumped up from the coffin, and bit Fang Jianhong's neck.

Fang Jianhong only felt dizzy for a while. When he woke up again, he felt that his body temperature was surprisingly low, but his limbs were filled with endless power.

However, Professor Sean has turned into a gray-haired old man, sitting in the coffin with a sluggish face. With his last strength, he said to Chien Hung: "My child, if you are a mortal, you will not be able to escape." Renly's pursuit. This is the last help I can give you... I hope you don't blame me in the future, and flee back to China! Only in that piece of land that the church and the dark council dare not touch, can you live go down."

(End of this chapter)

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