Agent of Heaven

Chapter 121 Liberating the Community

Chapter 121 Liberating the Community
Xiao Yan led Mu Feng and others into this seemingly ordinary liberated community.It was just morning at this time, and many people in the community had already come out for morning exercises.

Along the way, Mu Feng can always see many familiar faces, all of whom he met when he was working in the Ninth Bureau.When they saw Mu Feng coming, they all greeted him warmly.

"The humble house is right in front, go up to the second floor." Xiao Yan smiled and led Mu Feng.

Mu Feng looked at the passers-by around and said with a smile: "Actually, think about it carefully, your community is also a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger."

Xiao Yan smiled noncommittally: "Actually, the law and order is better than other places."

Mu Feng said: "I just didn't expect that your Ninth Bureau will arrange all the personnel to live together."

Xiao Yan said: "Jiang Ju said that this is called 'Great Hermit in the City'. In fact, apart from our special work, we are also ordinary people."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Ordinary people? The combined strength of the 'ordinary people' in your community, I'm afraid they can destroy a small country, right?"

Xiao Yan smiled: "Don't count me in, I'm just a medicine refiner now."

Everyone had already gone up to the second floor, Xiao Yan picked up the key and opened the door.

A gentle female voice came out: "Didn't you go down for morning exercise? Why did you come back so soon?"

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Sister Zhen'er, I brought guests back."

Xiao Zhen'er came out of the kitchen wearing an apron. At this time, she no longer had the crazy appearance she had when she was in Xiao's house, but the appearance of a good wife and loving mother.

Seeing that it was Mu Feng, she gave a slight salute: "So it's Mr. Mu! I'm sorry."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Miss Zhen'er hasn't seen you for a long time, but she still remembers me."

Xiao Zhen'er said: "Mr. Mu's kindness, our husband and wife will never forget it."

Mu Feng waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't mention it, but Brother Xiao and I don't even know each other."

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Now I can't beat you anymore, please sit down."

Mu Feng stopped exchanging pleasantries, and asked Fang Fang to sit on the sofa with Wei Rousi.

Xiao Yan bowed to Jianhong and said, "Xiao Yan, I am now a pharmacist in Bureau Nine. I don't know who you are?"

Fang Jianhong replied, "My name is Fang Jianhong."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "He is a legendary vampire."

Xiao Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked disbelieving: "Mr. Mu, stop joking. I haven't heard of a vampire with black hair and black eyes."

Fang Jianhong said helplessly: "My story is long, but I am really a vampire."

Xiao Yan still didn't believe it: "Brother Fang, don't joke with me, I'm not talented, but I also heard that vampires can't see the sun, and just now you walked all the way under the sun with us."

After being reminded by this, Mu Feng suddenly remembered, and asked Fang Jianhong: "Yeah, you don't seem to be afraid of the sun?"

Fang Jianhong said: "I don't know why. Although I feel very uncomfortable when I am exposed to the sun, it is only uncomfortable, but it will not be wiped out like other vampires.",

Mu Feng said, "Let me see." Then he stretched out his hand to rest on Fang Jianhong's pulse, and he was surprised to find that besides a feminine and ghostly power, Fang Jianhong actually had a kind of power in his body. Authentic Taoist mana fluctuated slightly in his blood.And the two gradually have a tendency to merge.

Fang Jianhong asked, "How is it?"

Mu Feng said: "I can't see why." He really didn't understand this strange phenomenon.

Xiao Yan looked at Fang Jianhong and Mu Feng's serious expressions, and said in shock, "Brother Fang, are you really a vampire?"

Fang Jianhong nodded and said, "Yes."

Xiao Yan suddenly showed an expression of ecstasy, and said to Jianhong a little embarrassedly: "Brother Fang, I have a merciless request."

Fang Jianhong said, "But it's okay to say."

Xiao Yan excitedly said, "Can I ask you to borrow some blood for an experiment?" He knew that his request might be a little too much, so his expression was slightly awkward now.

Fang Jianhong smiled and said, "It's okay for such a small matter." A little blood is actually nothing to him, because as long as a vampire is alive, the blood on his body is endless.

Xiao Yan excitedly said: "Great! Great! Come on, come with me to the lab now." His expression resembled the mad scientist in the movie.

Mu Feng coughed twice: "Now we still have something to do, I'm afraid Brother Xiao's matter will take a while."

Xiao Yan asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Mu Feng said: "This vampire brother and the beautiful woman next to him have no place to live. I came this time to find a place for them to stay. I have already notified Cheng Liang about this."

Xiao Yan laughed and said, "It's easy to handle. The entire community belongs to our Ninth Bureau, and the upstairs of my house is empty. Let him live there in the future."

Mu Feng continued: "There is one more thing, I want to take Brother Fang to find a way to make him no longer need to drink human blood."

Xiao Yan stood up, patted his chest and said loudly: "Leave this matter to me!"

Mu Feng said: "Leave it to you?" He originally wanted to take Fang Jianhong back and let Zhen Yuanzi think of a way.

Xiao Yan assured: "Don't worry, Mr. Mu, with my alchemy technique, I can definitely create a way for him to survive without relying on blood-sucking."

Cheng Liang's voice came from outside: "Xiao Yan is the only alchemist on the first day of our ninth round, and his guarantee is absolutely trustworthy." He walked in wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit.

Mu Feng got up and said hello: "Cheng Liang, long time no see."

Xiao Yan and Cheng Liang were obviously quite familiar, and the two seemed to have a good relationship, so they hugged each other vigorously.

Mu Feng then introduced the relationship between Fang Jianhong and Wei Rousi to Cheng Liang.

Cheng Liang said to the two: "Don't worry, since you've all come to Huaxia, you don't have to be afraid of any church or dark council. This community is definitely the safest place in Jiangzhou, and no one can touch you if you come!"

Fang Jianhong said happily, "Thank you, Mr. Cheng." For him, having a place to live was a luxury in the past.

Wei Ruosi also smiled sweetly, like a hundred flowers blooming, with a trace of innocence in her charm: "Thank you." She immediately attracted the attention of the three men present.

"Cough cough!" Xiao Zhen'er coughed, and Xiao Yan immediately turned around, sitting upright.

Xiao Zhen'er said: "Since everyone is here, let's have breakfast together."

Cheng Liang waved his hand and said, "No need, I still have a task to do today, so I'll come back next time."

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "What else do you have to do?"

Cheng Liang smiled wryly and said, "I don't know why, recently there are several small sects in the Jiangdong area, and their disciples have been missing frequently. They reported this matter to us, and now I'm going to investigate."

Mu Feng said: "Now the affairs of the cultivation sect are under the control of Bureau Nine?"

Cheng Liang said: "Naturally don't worry about other sects, but these sects are all attached to our Ninth Bureau, and many of their disciples are our colleagues, so we can't shirk it."

Mu Feng rubbed his nose and said, "A disciple of the Cultivation School is missing? Let me go with you!"

Cheng Liangxi said: "Really?"

Mu Feng nodded: "Let's go now." He had a vague feeling that there seemed to be some conspiracy behind this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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