Agent of Heaven

Chapter 122 The Disappearance Case of the Cultivation School Disciple

Chapter 122 The Disappearance Case of the Cultivation School Disciple

Early spring, sunny days.

The sun shines on the peak of Tianmang Mountain, and it is already the season when all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, full of purples and reds, like a paradise.However, this luxuriant sea of ​​flowers is the guardian formation of the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect in the cultivation world, and ordinary people who are waiting will faint in it as long as they approach it.When he woke up again, he was already at the foot of the mountain.

With a flash of light, two figures appeared above the sea of ​​flowers.One was wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit and looked about 40 to 20 years old.The other is wearing the most ordinary casual sportswear, and looks like he is only in his [-]s.

Of course they are Mu Feng and Cheng Liang.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "The scenery of this sea of ​​flowers is quite unique."

Cheng Liang said: "This is the entrance of Wanhuamen, wait for me to inform you." He stretched out his finger and swiped a few times in the air, and a golden talisman appeared in the air, and with a whistling sound, it flew into the sea of ​​flowers disappeared.

After a while, two young men came out. They were all dressed as scribes, with long hair hanging behind their heads, and a writing brush hanging from their waists, which seemed to be their magic weapon.

"So it's Mr. Cheng! Please come in quickly." These two people obviously knew Cheng Liang, and directly made a gesture of invitation to them.

The two walked towards the sea of ​​flowers together, but as soon as they took a step, they felt that the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and after a while, an elegant manor full of pavilions, flowers, birds and waterside pavilions stretched out.

A middle-aged scribe with a long beard came out to welcome him, bowed to Cheng Liang and said, "Mr. Cheng is here, but I'm sorry to welcome you."

Cheng Liang said with a smile: "You are welcome, Master Dongfang, let me introduce you to an expert." He pointed at Mu Feng.

The middle-aged scholar bowed to Mu Feng and said, "I'm in Dongfang Yu, who is your Excellency?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Don't listen to Cheng Liang, I'm not an expert, my name is Mu Feng."

"Mu Feng!" Dongfang Yu's pupils shrank when he heard the words: "It turns out that your Excellency is Mr. Mu Feng who led Shushan Kunlun to conquer the world of cultivation in Dongying! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Many disciples around heard the words and started talking, and they all looked at Mu Feng with extremely admiring eyes.

Mu Feng's reputation in the world of comprehension is not what it used to be. He ruled the two factions of Kunlun and Shushan, wiped out the Ise Jingu of the Japanese kingdom, and fought against the old demon Xu Fu.Each of these things is unprecedented.

Therefore, the current Mu Feng is already recognized as the number one expert in the world of human cultivation and the two ways of righteousness and evil!

Mu Feng said with a smile: "The destruction of the Ise Shrine is all thanks to the great help of Kunlun in Shushan Mountain. I just tried my best. It's really nothing to worry about."

Dongfang Yu said: "Mr. Mu is too modest. I didn't expect Mr. Labor to come in person for this matter of our sect. Xiao Ke was very frightened."

Mu Feng said: "You don't have to be polite, Master Dongfang, and tell me what happened in your sect in recent days."

Dongfang Yu said: "About three months ago, a disciple of our school suddenly disappeared when he went out to collect medicine in the sea of ​​flowers. Wuyou, presumably he was taken away by someone. I sent my disciples around to search for him, but not only did not find him, even those disciples who were looking for him disappeared inexplicably. There are not many disciples in this sect. It's over." The natal jade tablet is an extremely common magic weapon in the sects of the cultivation world. The disciples of the sect can entrust a little of their true spirit in it, and they are usually placed in the sect.Once the disciple encounters an accident, the jade tablet will explode automatically.

Mu Feng lowered his head and thought for a moment, then asked: "Does your sect have any enemies?"

Dongfang Yu shook his head and said, "No."

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "Not one?" In the realm of comprehension, the major sects are fighting fiercely, and each sect may have many enemies.

Cheng Liang said: "Wanhuamen really has no enemies."

Mu Feng said: "Why?" If Dongfang Yu alone said that, Mu Feng would have wondered if he was hiding something, but now that even Cheng Liang said that, he couldn't help being a little curious.

Cheng Liang explained: "Wanhua Valley is a sect that specializes in practicing medicine in the cultivation world. It usually focuses on saving the world and helping people. Whether it is the righteous way or the evil way, they have more or less received the favor of Wanhuamen."

Mu Feng frowned and said, "If it wasn't for what the Chou family said, it would be a little strange. Take me to the place where the case happened!" For some reason, he had already linked this matter with the Church and the Dark Council in his mind.

In the past, China was shrouded in ancestral dragon energy, and they could not enter.Now that such a thing happened as soon as the ancestral dragon energy was lost, it really made people have to doubt it.

Dongfang Yu took the two of them to a valley outside Huahai.

I saw that in the valley, the fairy air is lingering, and there are countless exotic flowers and plants.People in human form participate in Polygonum multiflorum, which can be seen everywhere.From time to time, there is a smell of medicine.

Dongfang Yu said: "This is where our disciples of Wanhuamen usually gather medicine."

Mu Feng walked around these medicinal fields, frowning even more seriously: "If these medicinal materials are placed in any market in the cultivation world, I'm afraid they will be very valuable."

Dongfang Yu nodded and said: "That's right!" He pointed to the human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum in the medicine field and said, "This thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum alone may be a treasure that can be sold in the cultivation world. It’s not that he has been kind to people for thousands of years, I’m afraid this medicine field will not be able to keep it long ago.” This is quite modest, because strictly speaking, all sects owe favors to Wanhuamen.

Cheng Liang said: "There are so many treasures in this medicine field, and you don't marry any of them, but why do you just kidnap the disciples?"

Mu Feng said: "Two conclusions can be drawn. First, their main target is these disciples, and other things are not important to them. Another point is that they don't know these treasures of heaven and earth at all. .”

Dongfang Yu stroked his beard: "I really don't know when my disciples became so precious. What's more, how can someone who is a cultivator not know these treasures?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Maybe they are not cultivators?"

Dongfang Yu said: "If you are not a cultivator, how can you have the ability to steal my disciples quietly? What do you mean?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "I don't know China's natural resources and treasures, and I covet cultivators, so I dare not touch those big factions. The murderers can only be people from the Dark Council or the Church."

Dongfang Yu said: "The dark council or the church? They have never interfered with our Chinese cultivation world. Why did they kidnap our disciples for no reason this time?"

Cheng Liang said: "Master Dongfang, in fact, it's not just your Wanhua Sect that has disciples missing this time. There are also Kuntong Sect, Lingbao Sect, and Hundred Beasts Sect. They are all cultivation sects that are not good at fighting."

Mu Feng said: "I'm afraid that those ghosts really have the idea of ​​us Chinese cultivators this time."

Dongfang Yu flicked his sleeves angrily: "These barbarians! They actually bullied me in the Chinese cultivation world."

Mu Feng's eyes flickered with a terrifying light: "Don't worry, I will teach them a lesson they will never forget."

(End of this chapter)

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