Agent of Heaven

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

March 29th, spring, the cold rain faded, and the moon was hazy.

The night is dark, but spring is still early.The breeze gently brushed the wind chimes in front of the window, and Liren was heartbroken to hear the bells.

Fang Jianhong paced in front of the window, staring at the seemingly peaceful Wanjia lights outside.Although it was the first day he moved in, this place already made him feel extra warm.

Xiao Yan walked over and smiled, "Are you still used to it?"

Fang Jianhong nodded: "Very well, I feel that I should belong here." Just because here he is no longer an outlier.

Xiao Yan suddenly said: "Do you have hatred in your heart?"

Fang Jianhong didn't speak, but just lit a cigarette for himself.This is the Double Happiness that Mu Feng gave him just now.

Xiao Yan said: "Actually, you are quite similar to me not long ago."

Fang Jianhong said, "Is your hatred over?"

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Of course it has disappeared."

Fang Jianhong said: "But I haven't taken revenge yet." He handed Xiao Yan one.

Xiao Yan shook his hand and said, "I don't know how to smoke." He smiled and said, "If possible, I hope you can let it go. Life will be much easier this way."

"Let it go?" Fang Jianhong gritted his teeth and said, "Never, I want to hate!"

Xiao Yan just sighed, he knew that a person who fell into hatred to this extent would not be able to listen to other people's persuasion.

The wind chimes outside the window suddenly became shrill.

A pale man in a suit suddenly appeared outside the window with blood-red pupils like a beast. He looked at Fang Jianhong and smiled coldly.

Fang Jianhong took a step back, frightened and angrily said, "It's you!"

The man in the suit sneered, "I finally found you, hehe."

Xiao Yan asked, "Who are you?"

The man in the suit said, "Blood Earl, Renly."

Xiao Yan looked at Fang Jianhong and asked, "Is he your enemy?"

Fang Jianhong said, "That's him!"

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Your Earl, are you here for trouble?"

Ren Li pointed to Fang Jianhong and said, "I'm just here to take this kid away."

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "It's easy to say, but do you have the ability?"

Renly said lightly, "I'll try!"

Suddenly, blood flashed!Ren Li stretched out his pale hand, and stabbed towards Xiao Yan's chest with his blood-red fingertips.Shot faster than a viper!More ruthless!
On one side of Xiao Yan's body, a golden flame emerged from the palm of his hand, shooting towards Renly's eyes.

Renly bent his body at an unfathomable angle and let out a scream that shattered all the glass around him.Under his control, the shards of glass turned into pieces of sharp blades, piercing towards Xiao Yan's whole body.

Just when those sharp blades were less than an inch away from Xiao Yan's body, Fang Jianhong's figure turned into a phantom and blocked in front of Xiao Yan, only to hear a few crisp sounds, the glass as fast as a sharp blade The piece fell to the ground.

Ren Li looked at the unscathed Fang Jianhong, his eyes sparkled with excitement: "It's really powerful, the product of the combination of the power of the Eastern cultivators and my great blood."

Fang Jianhong looked at Ren Li coldly, and put on a fighting posture: "I will kill you today to avenge Professor Sean!"

Renly laughed and said, "Kill me? No, no, you're still too young. The strength of our vampires grows with age. Although you are very talented, it's only been a few years since you became a vampire. And I have lived for 2000 years!"

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "According to your theory, the tortoise should be the strongest creature in the world."

Ren Li roared angrily: "Arrogance!" He turned into a blood shadow and rushed towards Xiao Yan.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Jianhong flew over, blocked Earl Renly, and fought with him.

The speed of both of them was very fast, Xiao Yan could only see two black shadows clashing constantly.However, Fang Jianhong's strength was obviously far inferior to Renly's, and he was kicked in the chest very quickly, breaking through the glass and falling downstairs.

Earl Renly didn't care about Fang Jianhong any more, but walked up to Xiao Yan with a smirk, "You are also an oriental practitioner."

Xiao Yan's expression was very relaxed: "Barely count."

Earl Renly said: "Then I will bestow upon you the supreme honor and make you my blood slave!"

A black shadow flew up from downstairs, Fang Jianhong hugged Ren Li's waist, and shouted at Xiao Yan, "Run!"

Ren Li stretched out his hand to hold down Fang Jianhong's head, with a little force, his head collided with the ground, shattering the ground, "Don't worry, you won't be able to run either!"

Xiao Yan suddenly said, "Lord Renly, I want to ask you a question."

Renly really didn't understand why this oriental cultivator could still act so relaxed at this time, he asked in confusion, "What?"

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Who told you that Fang Jianhong is here?"

Renly said: "It's okay to tell you, it's those gods of the church! Although I paid a lot for this, but this trip also captured you, an oriental monk, everything is worth it!"

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Let me just say, the person who brought you to this place must be your enemy!"

Renly's pupils shrank and said, "What do you mean?" He suddenly felt a little conspiracy.

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that you can't get out alive!" He clapped his hands and said, "Brothers, come out!"

A few people in Chinese tunic suits walked in abruptly.Each of them exudes a powerful monk's breath.Renly could clearly feel that none of these people was weaker than himself!
Ren Li was shocked and said, "What! Is there an ambush? Is this a trap set by the church and you Eastern cultivators?"

"Church?" Xiao Yan's voice was full of contempt: "They are not qualified to cooperate with us, it's just that you, a vampire, are too stupid!"

Renly said, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Yan said with a smile: "This is the base camp of our Huaxia Guoan Ninth Bureau. You just broke in like this. Are you too stupid? Don't look at me with such eyes, tell you clearly, I am in the Ninth Bureau It's just a pharmacist, the weakest kind. But you can't afford to mess with the others here."

Renly screamed, emitting a deafening sound wave, and when everyone in the room covered their ears, he turned into an afterimage and fled out the window.

But just as he flew out of the window, he heard a melodious bell ringing.The sound made his eyes go dark, his head became dizzy, and he fell straight down.

Jiang Xiaoyue came out wearing a moon-white dress, and the Soul Requiem Bell was floating in his palm: "Is it possible that you can come and leave whenever you want in my ninth game?"

A burly giant in a tunic jumped down the stairs and stepped directly on Renly's chest, crushing him into the ground.Then it hit Renly on the nose in a circle.

Renly's nose was bleeding, and he felt sweet, salty, sour, all kinds of tastes gushing out.Before he could resist, the giant man punched him directly on the socket of the eye and the brow.

Renly was beaten until his eyelids were cracked, black beads burst out red, black and purple: "Noble Eastern monks, please forgive me, I only offended you because I was deceived by the church. "

The giant man chuckled, "I'll spare you if I punch you again!" The thick fist fell again and hit Renly's temple.

Renly felt the sound of metal and iron clanging in his head, and he fell straight to the ground, unconscious.

Jiang Xiaoyue yelled: "Big Bear, don't beat me, let me live."

The giant man chuckled, "Good lady."

Jiang Xiaoyue took out her mobile phone and called Mu Feng: "You are right, the people from the Dark Council have indeed come, and I have captured them."

Mu Feng's laughter came from the phone in the distance: "Haha, it's exactly as I expected! But this time there may not only be a dark council, I'm afraid people from the church will not be able to hold back..."

(End of this chapter)

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