Agent of Heaven

Chapter 124 Attack of the Church

Chapter 124 Attack of the Church
Renly was seriously injured at this time, and fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, leaving only a weak gasp.

Big Bear lifted Renly up with one hand: "What about this guy?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "First use the chain to pierce the bone of the pipa, and abolish his cultivation."

A man in a Chinese tunic suit took out a chain with a faint glow, pierced Renly's lute bone with a chisel, and then stuffed the thick chain into it.

Renly, who had already passed out, had his eyes widened again from the pain, and screams kept coming from his throat.

Fang Jianhong walked over to Renly coldly: "Old thief, today I can finally kill you for revenge!"

Renly screamed, "No, you can't kill me, you absolutely can't kill me!"

Fang Jianhong ignored his pleading, but picked up the chain wearing Renly's lute bone, dragged it and started walking, leaving a long line of red bloodstains on the ground.

The chain was tied to the pole, Fang Jianhong said: "Professor Sean was killed by the sun, I will let you taste the feeling of being wiped out in the sun."

"No! You can't do this!" Renly screamed, trying to break free of his chains, his lutes began to bleed profusely again, but at this point he had lost his strength, and the struggle only made him weaker.

Fang Jianhong said: "When you killed Professor Sean, you should have thought that you would have such a day."

Renly begged, "Please, don't kill me...don't kill me!"

Fang Jianhong said, "I really have no reason not to kill you."

Renly said frantically: "There is a reason... Do you want to know who killed your parents?"

"What?" Fang Jianhong said, "Who is it! Tell me quickly." He wanted to know who it was that turned him into an orphan.

Renly said, "Let me go! Let me go and I'll tell you."

"Say!" Fang Jianhong looked like a mad tiger, grabbed Renly's neck with both hands, and lifted him up completely.

"Uh...let me go...I'll just say...otherwise you...don't even want to know..." Renly struggled to squeeze these words out of his throat. This is the only thing he can think of to save his life now Chance.

Jiang Xiaoyue walked over, and Jianhong said indifferently, "Let him go, I have a way to make him talk." Renly fell to the ground, coughing violently a few times.

Jiang Xiaoyue knelt down and said to Renly, "Look into my eyes." Her eyes began to turn into nothingness.

Ren Li subconsciously looked into Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes, and then his expression became blank.

"Who are you?" Jiang Xiaoyue asked.

"Renly, the Earl of Blood, the sixth member of the Dark Council." Renly answered in a daze.

"Why did you come to China?"

"China's luck is damaged. This is the best opportunity to invade China's cultivation world. I want to capture some Eastern monks and train them to become blood slaves, relying on their blood to enhance their cultivation."

"Why are you dealing with Fang Jianhong?"

"His parents are both extremely powerful monks, and his blood contains extremely powerful cultivator potential. As long as he is trained as a blood slave, I can use his blood to practice the magical oriental Taoism."

"Who are Fang Jianhong's parents?"

"His father's name is Fang Danyun, and his mother's name is Lin Yuan. They are both very powerful monks. I heard that they are disciples of the Great School of Eastern Cultivation, but the specific teacher is unknown."

"How did Fang Jianhong's parents die?"

"Fang Danyun's cultivation is as high as the sky, and Lin Yuan's is also close to him. With the two of them working together, even our Great Speaker is no match. We can only join hands with the church and besiege the two of them when Lin Yuan is pregnant and about to give birth. Later, Fang Danyun used the method of self-exploding Yuanying to severely damage both of us. Lin Yuan took the opportunity to escape and sent Fang Jianhong back to Huaxia.

Hou Linyuan attacked the Vatican, intending to avenge Fang Danyun, but fell under the siege of the Pope and our Great Speaker. "

Fang Jianhong's eyes almost dripped with blood: "The church...the dark are so vicious!"

At this time, a beam of light suddenly descended from the sky, illuminating the surroundings as brightly as day.A group of blond people with crosses on their chests descended from the sky.

"Church!" Fang Jianhong turned into a black shadow and rushed over, hitting the beam of light.The beam of light rippled like ripples, and Fang Jianhong flew upside down, crashing into a wall not far away.

Xiao Yan quickly rushed to Fang Jianhong, checked his injuries, took out a few pills from his bosom and stuffed them into his mouth, then raised his head and gestured "it's okay" to Jiang Xiaoyue.

Jiang Xiaoyue narrowed her eyes slightly. If Mu Feng is here, it can be seen that this is a sign of her anger: "Fathers don't practice well in the west, why come to my Huaxia Empire?"

The leading priest, wearing a red suit, should be the archbishop in red among the top church officials: "I am waiting to come to the east to preach."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You Western sects, what teachings do you teach in the East?"

The archbishop in red had kind eyes and kind eyes, and said with a smile on his face: "The world is shrouded in the light of God, and there is no distinction between things." He flicked his hands on his chest a few times, and the beam of light turned into a pair of radiant wings, and began to float slowly in the sky. Expand.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Really? It's a pity that the light of your gods can't cover my Huaxia!" The soul-suppressing bell kept swinging in the air, sending out bursts of sound waves, directly shattering the fluctuating pair of radiant wings. Turned into a feather.

The archbishop in red took out a book, turned a page and sang: "God is merciful to the world, but the world also needs to believe in God, otherwise it will go to hell!"

A huge cross lightsaber condensed in the sky, exuding a huge power and slashing down directly downward.

The soul-suppressing bell turned into the size of a bronze bell, flew up, and collided with the lightsaber!A violent fluctuation came, and the lightsaber shattered inch by inch, turning into spots of light and dissipating.The copper bell also changed back to its original form and fell into Jiang Xiaoyue's hands.

"There is no heaven in China, and hell is not under the control of your gods." Jiang Xiaoyue said coldly.

Many priests around showed angry expressions when they heard the words, and looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with the eyes of a sinner.

The archbishop in red still had a benign smile on his face: "Young Eastern monks, we will talk about missionary matters later. We are here now to ask you to hand over someone."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Who?"

The archbishop in red smiled and said, "A woman, her name is Wei Ruosi, should be living in the small building behind you at this moment."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What if you don't hand it over?"

The archbishop in red smiled and said, "No! You will hand her over." With a wave of his hand, hundreds of knights wearing armor and holding crossed swords poured out from all directions, surrounding the entire building.

Jiang Xiaoyue said angrily: "We Chinese people hate being threatened the most!" Many people in Chinese tunic suits came down from the surrounding buildings, men, women and children, and they were all members of the Ninth Bureau who lived here.

(End of this chapter)

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