Agent of Heaven

Chapter 126

Chapter 126
Andre looked at Sebastian with a smile and said, "In that case, then you can take the Eastern Blood Race you want back."

Sebastian snorted coldly: "Archbishop Andre, you have a big appetite!"

Andre's tone also seemed to be annoyed: "Duke Sebastian, what else do you want?"

Sebastian said: "I will take half of the Eastern cultivators here!"

"Old bat! Don't go too far! Do you know that there is a saying in China called 'greedy enough to swallow an elephant'!" Andre yelled directly at Sebastian.

Sebastian waved his hand and said with contempt: "Don't think that I don't know about the private affairs of your church. During this period of time, you have taken away the disciples of the Eastern Cultivation Sect! Give us half of the money here. , you still have a lot left, enough for you to go back and ask your Pope for credit."

Andre said: "No! Usually there are too many! These Eastern monks can only give you ten at most!"

Sebastian smiled and said, "Ten? Did you send the beggar?"

Andre said: "Is there one more!"

Sebastian covered his head and thought for a while: "Well, I'll give Renly to you! He's at least a Blood Earl, and if you take him back and give it to your Pope, it's not a small deal." Credit."

Andre thought for a moment and said, "Deal!" He took off the cross on his chest and inserted it directly on Renly's chest.

Renly's body was directly reduced to ashes by the scorching holy light, and only two sharp fangs remained, which Andre picked up: "There are 37 oriental monks here, you can take [-] of them." .”

Everyone in the Ninth Bureau lying on the ground was so angry that the three corpses jumped up. They were actually being used as goods by the two barbarians for trading.

What a shame!What a shame!What is the difference between this and the "concession" that their country divided China a hundred years ago?
Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You barbarians, don't be too happy!"

Sebastian fell down, looked at Jiang Xiaoyue's exquisite face with admiration and smiled: "Andre, this oriental woman is given to me, she is the type I like."

Andre sneered: "I advise you not to touch her."

Sebastian said: "What? You want it too?"

Andre said: "He is the daughter of Jiang Quan, director of the Ninth Bureau."

Sebastian snorted coldly: "Whoever she is! I haven't met a woman who suits my heart in thousands of years." He stretched out his pale palm, and was about to touch Jiang Xiaoyue's face.

It's too late, but it's fast.A bright silver spear, with the sound of howling wind, fell towards Sebastian's palm like a shooting star from the sky.

A stream of blood rose into the sky, and Sebastian's palm was directly broken, and was firmly nailed to the ground by the point of the gun.

"Presumptuous!" A young man wearing Taoist robes and sandals suddenly appeared, he looked at Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "Are you okay?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled: "It's good that you come."

Sebastian clutched his bleeding palm, and looked at the visitor with horror on his face: "You... who are you?" His voice was terrified, just because he suddenly discovered that the wound on his palm could not be touched. recovery.

"Mu Feng!" The young man replied in a daze.

Andre exclaimed: "You are Mu Feng! The No. 1 in the Eastern Cultivation World who led the Shushan Kunlun factions to completely wipe out the Ise Shrine?"

Mu Feng looked at Andre coldly: "Don't worry, this matter is over, I will go to the church myself."

Sebastian roared angrily: "I don't care who the hell you are, you dare to hurt me!" A black and red light flashed around him and rushed towards Mu Feng.

Mu Feng pulled out the Black Iron Overlord Spear stuck on the ground, and stabbed Sebastian's throat.

This move was neither fancy nor shocking, but it pierced Sebastian's throat directly.

Andre couldn't believe his eyes, the majestic Grand Duke of Blood, the second member of the Dark Council, couldn't even resist this young man's shot?

Seeing that their leader was killed so easily, the surrounding blood clans started to flee one after another without daring to have any other thoughts.

"Want to run?" Mu Feng sneered, and the spear in his hand flew out, turning into a stream of light in the air, piercing the throat of every blood race present with lightning speed.Then it automatically flew back to Mu Feng's hand.

Andre swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with a smile: "Honorable Eastern monk..."

Mu Feng chuckled and said, "Come on, a despicable and shameless person like you is simply worse than those vampires."

Andre smiled awkwardly: "Actually, we have known for a long time that the group of vampires coveted the blood of cultivators. Our church is God's agent in the world, and what we promote is love and justice. Those just now are just expedient measures..."

"Shut up!" Mu Feng interrupted him directly: "You treat me as a three-year-old child? Do you believe what you said?"

The book held in Andre's hand was opened by him directly: "God said, let there be light!" A huge fiery beam of light descended from the sky, covering Andre and the priests around him, and they flew into the sky together go.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's all in vain." He stretched out his hand and dug inside his nostril for a while, popped out a piece of booger, and hit the beam of light with a piercing sound: "I said, come down for me, sir! "

The beam of light was shaken by the impact, and it was covered with cracks like spider webs, and finally turned into fragments and collapsed, and a dozen magic sticks all fell down.

Jiang Xiaoyue frowned and looked at Mu Feng: "Can you stop being so disgusting?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "The words he said are more disgusting than anything else."

Andre fell to the ground and vomited blood, but he directly poured all his holy power into the book, and the pages of the book began to flip continuously until he reached the last page.

"God will send down a flood to destroy all heretics!" Andre roared.

The dark clouds in the sky began to cover densely, and the huge water flow actually rushed down directly in the clouds, like a river bursting its embankment, and it was out of control.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Too bad, he wants to flood Jiangzhou."

Mu Feng smiled calmly: "Don't worry, I'm here!" He leaped into the air, referring to the sword, and the sword energy of thousands of feet, like the scorching sun melting the sky, struck down towards the flood.

The flood collided with the scorching sword energy and collapsed directly, turning into white smoke and disappearing without a trace.Even the originally dense cloud in the sky was directly reopened by Mu Feng's sword energy, revealing the bright moonlight.

Andre said with an ugly face: "Impossible, impossible... This is a forbidden technique that I activated at the cost of 20 years of life."

Mu Feng sneered and said: "Don't talk about the forbidden technique you activated, even if your god comes in person, I won't be afraid!"

Andre looked at Mu Feng with vicious eyes: "You are so brave, you dare to blaspheme the gods!"

God?What would Mu Feng say about the fact that there are still four or five genuine gods living in his home?Mu Feng, a mere western god, really doesn't pay attention to him.

(End of this chapter)

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