Agent of Heaven

Chapter 127 Archangel Michael

Chapter 127 Archangel Michael
Andre had fallen into a state of madness at this time, staring at Mu Feng with blood red eyes, like a wild wolf!As a red-clothed archbishop, he has an almost crazy belief in God, and he will never allow anyone to insult his God in front of him, even if that person is countless times stronger than him.

"Those who blaspheme will die!" Andre roared crazily. What Mu Feng said just now had violated the bottom line in his mind.

"Oh, I'm so scared~" Mu Feng stepped forward, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

In the next second, the top of Andre's head sank, and Mu Feng stood on his head: "Now I will trample you under my feet, can your god save you?"

Andre let out a roar, and stretched out his hand to attack the top of his head, but Mu Feng smiled and moved left and right, but he didn't fall off.

"God! Please punish this ignorant human being!" Andre knelt down directly, and prayed with his hands on his chest.

All the paladins around followed his example, kneeling and praying as if no one else was there.

This scene made Mu Feng feel very uncomfortable. He was a good young man in the new era who was born under the red flag and grew up after the reform.Seeing this kind of large-scale feudal superstition activities, it should be stopped.

But!At this moment, Andre suddenly tore the book in his hand, turning it into fragments of pages floating in the air.Every scrap of paper exudes a holy white light.

The white papers all over the sky are all scented by the same person, Wei Ruosi!

Wei Ruosi was surrounded by these pieces of paper, she was still exclaiming at first, but finally her voice became indifferent, as if it was another person.

"Who dares to violate my lord's majesty?" Wei Ruosi didn't open her mouth, but the voice came out directly.

"Master Michael! Someone dares to trample the preacher of God under their feet." Andre knelt directly in front of Wei Ruosi.

"Who is so presumptuous?"

"It's the black-haired and black-eyed Oriental." Andre pointed to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng touched his nose with a smile: "Hello, what's your surname?"

"Blasphemer, remember my name! Archangel Michael, the one who sent you to hell."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I've said it many times, the hell on our side is not in your hands!"

Wei Ruosi or Michael, heard that the originally cold face also showed an angry look, and the countless pieces of paper that were originally surrounding her radiated the holy light and arranged into a pair of wings, which spread out behind his back.

Mu Feng showed a solemn expression and said, "Could it be that Your Excellency is the legendary... birdman?"

"Presumptuous!" Michael shouted angrily, a red cross sword directly appeared in his hand, swung the sword and slashed at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng raised the black iron overlord spear and greeted him, the two weapons clashed for a good fight!As the archangel in heaven, Michael is naturally not weak in combat, and his swordsmanship is very strong.

But it's a pity that he met Mu Feng. The Overlord Spear in Mu Feng's hand weighed three thousand catties. Every time he swung it, he could make a whistling sound and force Michael back a lot.

Michael also tried to raise the cross sword to meet each other, but every collision ended with his own tiger's mouth cracking!
"This human being is so powerful, it is simply invincible!" Michael sighed inwardly.

Mu Feng thought in his heart: "To be able to fight me for so many rounds, it seems that this so-called Archangel really deserves his reputation." Although he didn't use his full strength, but Michael came down to earth with the help of a human body, so naturally he couldn't use his full strength Yes, so when he made a move, he was even more modest.

However, the sharp gun in his hand was too powerful, Michael's resistance was still very difficult, and he was about to lose. He suddenly raised his sword to block Mu Feng's Overlord Spear, and faced Ander regardless of the blood flowing from the tiger's mouth. Lie and the others shouted: "Believers, it's time for you to contribute your strength to God!"

Several light knights came over, raised their crossed swords and said, "We are all willing to sacrifice our flesh and soul for God." After speaking, they all stabbed the knight swords in their hands towards their chests.

A streak of blood-red rays of light poured into Michael's red cross sword, and his move this time was even comparable to Mu Feng's!
And those knights who stabbed their swords into their chests all fell to the ground and would never wake up again.

Mu Feng was also a little surprised that this method of relying on the blood and lives of believers to increase his strength was actually used by the archangel of the church who claims to cover the world with light, which made Mu Feng a little confused.

If this trick is performed by a vampire, I'm afraid Mu Feng will not be surprised at all, but isn't the teaching of your church be compassionate and kind?What kind of mercy is it to sacrifice one's own people at will?
Mu Feng said with a smile: "I never thought that in order to strengthen the strength, the people of the church could actually get along with the method of offering sacrifices. It is really worthy of the name of the Bright Church!"

Michael said with a smile: "Those who achieve great things don't care about small things! This is an old saying in China, don't you understand it?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I understand! It's just that I haven't thought that Michael actually has research on our Chinese culture."

Michael laughed and said, "I am the omniscient and omnipotent archangel, and you in the east are actually shrouded in the light of God, so naturally you should belong to my God!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You dare to open a dyeing workshop if you give you three points of paint?" The Overlord Spear in his hand stuck out like a poisonous snake, and he had already used eight points of his strength at this time.

Michael raised the red cross sword to deal with it with all his strength, but found that he was still able to deal with it. Unexpectedly, the power far surpassed him, but his own sword was full of gaps when he slashed down.As if before the power he was stronger!
"Come on!" Mu Feng yelled angrily, and shot mercilessly, aiming directly at Michael's forehead.

Michael was caught off guard, and was directly hit on the forehead, but he couldn't resist, and fell to the ground with his head up. After 30 seconds, he got up safely and soundly.

Andre said to Michael: "Master Archangel, please rest assured, we will definitely give you solutions continuously!

A few more Guangming people around actually came over, and stabbed their spears in their chests while roaring.

Michael held a red long sword in his hand: "I still need more power, which can help us level the mountains and rivers and completely conquer the East!"

The few remaining knights also stood up, piercing their chests with a wave of their hands, and an extremely strong smell of blood came to their nostrils.

The crimson long sword was only ten centimeters away from Mu Feng's forehead, and it roared forward.

More and more blood was poured into the scarlet long sword, making it emit a more sacred light.

Mu Feng sighed: "Oh!"

Michael asked, "What are you sighing for?"

Mu Feng said: "I'm sighing, I've given you enough time to prepare, I didn't expect you to look so vulnerable!"

"What did you say?" Michael said, "I'll let you know who is vulnerable."

"Of course you are vulnerable!" The spear pierced the sky, tore through the air and pierced the red cross sword.

With a "ding", the scarlet sword body broke and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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