Agent of Heaven

Chapter 128 Andre's Death

Chapter 128 Andre's Death

As the crimson cross broke, the light around Michael also dimmed, and his expression instantly became sluggish.

But Mu Feng didn't let go of his plan, pinched his fingers into a sword, and pointed directly on Michael's forehead, and the surrounding golden light shone brightly: "Birdman, get out of other people's body!"

Following Mu Feng's loud shout, an incandescent and holy light shot out from Wei Rousi's body, and turned into a blond-haired seraph in the air.

"Eastern people, just wait for me, one day, the light of my god will shine on this land! At that time, I will definitely judge you and send you to hell!"

Mu Feng laughed and said, "Now I'll send you back to heaven." With a sweep of the long sword in his hand, a shocking gun light flew out like a crescent moon, and landed on Seraphim's body, shattering his body to pieces. Only a few feathers were left scattered in the wind.

Above the Western Paradise, Michael's real body suddenly opened his eyes and spat out a mouthful of blood: "What a strong Eastern monk, even if I go lightly, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent!"

The angel serving at the side asked: "Archangel, how should this matter be resolved?"

Michael said: "I'm afraid that person is also from the Eastern Heaven Realm. I can't decide this matter. I need to report it to Father God as soon as possible."

He stood up, didn't have time to take care of his injuries, and directly spread his wings and flew towards the seventh heaven.

In front of the gorgeous palace surrounded by angels, Gabriel was guarding the door. When he saw Michael who was hurriedly coming and was seriously injured, he said in surprise: "What happened? Who can hurt you like this? Is it the road?" Sifa and the others are back from hell?"

Michael gasped and said, "That's not the case. I sent down the true spirit to the world."

Gabriel exclaimed: "There is someone in the world who can hurt you?"

Michael sighed: "If I take a step back, maybe even the true spirit has been annihilated by him."

Gabriel asked, "Who the hell is that?"

Michael said: "It is the person I met in the mysterious east, it should be the person from the eastern heaven."

Gabriel said: "Eastern Heaven! Then this matter must be reported to Father God, after all, they are far stronger than us."

The two most distinguished Archangel Archangels in heaven entered that luxurious palace together.bow down before their great Father.

"Great Father God, when I came to the world this time, I encountered a very powerful oriental god." Michael knelt and kowtowed.

Sitting upright on the throne was an old man in white robes. He said with an ugly face, "The mighty Eastern God? Is it the one with the hairy face and the thunderous mouth?"

When Michael heard Father God's words, he seemed to recall something terrifying, and quickly shook his head and said, "It's not him! It's not him! If it was him, it's absolutely impossible for this subordinate to come back alive this time."

The old man also seemed to be relieved: "It's fine if it's not him! There are outstanding people in the East, and there are so many hidden masters. It's not surprising that you failed."

Michael said: "This time it's a young man with a spear. If the eastern gods are always in the way, I worry that the glory of the holy religion will never be able to cover the fertile land in the east."

The old man said: "This time our agent in the world has prepared enough flesh. Next time you seven archangels come to the world together, I don't believe it. You won't be able to deal with a mere eastern god."

Gabriel hesitated and said, "If we attack together, we will have no problem dealing with any of the Eastern Gods, but if we attack that ugly face..."

The old man coughed twice: "Ahem, you don't have to worry, we have already reached an agreement with the gods. That terrible monkey can no longer do anything at will."

Gabriel was overjoyed when he heard the words: "That's good, I hope the glory of my holy religion spreads all over the east as soon as possible!"

The old man waved his hands and said, "You all stand back." After saying this, his expression became a little weak, as if he had already felt very tired after talking so much.

Both Michael and Gabriel knew that it was because the old wounds of their father God had relapsed, so they resigned together.To this day, they still remember that a hundred years ago, they and others took advantage of the weakness of the Chinese Dragon Qi to break into it, trying to preach.There are tens of thousands of angels gathered in heaven, all of whom are brave and good at fighting.

But at that time, only a monkey holding a golden stick came down from the Eastern Heavenly Realm, and the entire heavenly army lost its armor and armor, trembling with fear, and even Father God suffered an incurable injury because of that battle.

But Father God actually said that the monkey can't do anything now.My own seven-day angel can still go down to earth with an army of angels, which makes the two of them full of confidence in this mission to the East.

The flower blooms at both ends, one for each.

Let's say that Mu Feng repelled Michael here, and looked coldly at Andre who looked desperate: "If you have any other moves, use them all."

Andre just muttered to himself: "Impossible, you can defeat Archangel Michael, absolutely impossible!"

Mu Feng spread his hands and said with a smile: "I know this will make you feel hard to accept, but the implementation has already happened after all, so don't continue to deceive yourself."

Andre trembled: "I know! You are Lucifer! You are the devil! Except that he failed to resist the great Archangel."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'm not Lucifer, but if Lucifer appears, I'm sure to fight him. Let me tell you at the end, whether it's your gods or angels, they are not invincible in this world. There are many people who can beat them!"

Hearing Mu Feng's words, Andre stepped back, his eyes widened and he fell to the ground without any movement, like a puppet that lost its soul.

Mu Feng no longer cared about the archbishop in red, but turned around and came to Jiang Xiaoyue's body, and began to detoxify her.

This toxin is very miraculous, like dust scattered in the tendons of the cultivators, it can block the route of their power, making them powerless in an instant.

Mu Feng used his magic power to probe in from the outside, and collected all the dust into his palm.After a while, everyone's injuries were healed, and a small handful of powder was collected in his palm.

Jiang Xiaoyue walked up to Andre, looked at him for a moment and said, "This man is dead."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Did you commit suicide after your belief was broken?"

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded, took out a small bottle from his arms, handed it to Mu Feng and said, "This is the poison you have been collecting just now."

Mu Feng took it with a smile: "This is a good thing, it will be of great use in the future!" After speaking, he picked up the cross on Andre's chest and inserted it on Sebastian's chest.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What are you doing?"

Mu Feng said: "There are so many people in the church. If we have to deal with them, it will be too much effort. It is better to let them and the Dark Council dog bite the dog." As soon as the words fell, his appearance turned into the appearance of Earl Renly .

"Not many of these two forces have invaded China, and almost all of them have been damaged here. This trip, I plan to go to their hometown to stir up trouble." Mu Feng showed a handsome smile like Renly, and looked at Fang Jianhong said: "How about I trouble you to go to Europe with Miss Wei Ross and me?"

Fang Jianhong looked at Wei Ruosi who was unconscious on the ground, and nodded after confirming that she was fine: "Okay, I will also take this opportunity to avenge my parents!"

(End of this chapter)

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