Agent of Heaven

Chapter 129 Assassination of the Dark Speaker

Chapter 129 Assassination of the Dark Speaker
On a rainy day, in an old castle near the foggy city of London.Two young men in tuxedo costumes were walking in a long, bottomless corridor.

"Renly, I still want to confirm with you, did Andre really kill Sebastian?" The blond young man walking in front turned around and asked.

"Oh, Dracula, I understand that the death of the Duke is a blow to all of us, but we must face it bravely. The gang of church gods have betrayed us again, and they want to monopolize the East All benefits." Renly had a look of grief on his face.

Dracula sighed: "Let's go, I'll take you to see the Speaker, I hope he won't be too sad after knowing this."

Of course, this Ren Li who was in the headquarters of the Dark Council at this time was pretended by Mu Feng.The real Renly was too dead to be dead.

Passing through the deep corridor, he came to an empty living room. There were many oil paintings of figures hanging on the surrounding walls. For some reason, Mu Feng always felt that the eyes of these oil paintings were all staring at him.

"Lord Speaker, Renly has something to see!" Dracula saluted a huge stone coffin in the center of the living room.

The lid of the coffin began to shake non-stop, and a low and hoarse voice sounded like a wild beast: "If you need anything, just ask Sebastian, don't disturb my rest."

Mu Feng stepped forward and said, "I'm afraid I can't tell Duke Sebastian about this news."

The coffin suddenly stood up, and an old man with silver hair walked out of it: "What happened to Sebastian?"

Mu Feng nodded and said, "The Lord Duke died in battle."

The expression of the dark speaker was surprisingly calm: "Who did it?"

Mu Feng said: "It's Andre from the church."

The dark speaker said: "Oh? Andre's strength is only on par with Sebastian, how did he do it?"

Mu Feng said: "He used a strange drug before the battle. It is colorless and odorless in the air, but it can make us all lose our strength."

There was no joy or sorrow in the cloudy eye sockets of the Dark Speaker: "The drug was actually researched by them..." It seems that he also knows about the church's possession of this drug.

"Then Renly, how did you come back?" The dark speaker looked at Mu Feng, with killing intent suddenly revealed in his eyes.

Mu Feng pretended to be very scared, and tremblingly said: "Lord Speaker, please forgive me, I...I..." He began to make up a reason in his heart.

"You are hiding to watch the fun, and you don't want to rescue Sebastian at all!" The dark speaker helped Mu Feng give an answer.

Mu Feng thought to himself: "This old bat really thinks it's smart enough to make up an excuse for me." He pretended to be terrified that the matter had been discovered, and hesitated: "This... how dare I... ...It was His Excellency, it was His Excellency who asked me to report back."

Mu Feng's pretentious behavior made the dark speaker believe his guess to a small or eighty percent. It must be Renly who would not save Sebastian's death!But it doesn't matter, in his eyes, both Renly and Sebastian are just lackeys, and no matter which one dies, he will not feel a little heartache.

"Andre actually dared to kill the Duke of my Dark Council. It seems that the church wants to start a war!" The dark speaker's red eyes burst into a light of love for standing.

Mu Feng said: "Sir, please think twice!"

The dark speaker said: "What?"

Mu Feng said: "In addition to using that powerful poison, the current church also uses a strange spell, which seems to be able to summon angels to descend on mortals."

The dark speaker nodded and said: "I also know a little about this matter, but the body of an ordinary mortal cannot bear the power of an angel at all. Generally, a high-level paladin will die after being descended by a low-level angel once."

High-level paladins are equivalent to the masters of the Eastern cultivation world's transformation into gods. This kind of person can be counted on one hand in the entire Holy See.But they only need to endure the angel's arrival once, and they will die.

However, after Wei Ruosi was possessed by the majestic Archangel Michael, she just fell into a coma for a while, and there was nothing serious!No wonder the church was trying so hard to get Wei Ross back.How many people like this are there in the church?

"What are you thinking?" The dark speaker directly interrupted Mu Feng's thoughts.

"I'm thinking about how to deal a blow to the church and avenge Duke Sebastian." Mu Feng's face was full of righteousness.

The dark speaker sneered: "Who is showing this pretentious expression?" He continued: "I know that you and Sebastian are people who don't like each other. You should be very happy that he is dead. It is."

Mu Feng panicked: "This subordinate dare not."

The Dark Speaker said: "I've already said, don't use this trick in front of me! The church's killing of Sebastian is a matter of great importance, but they want to monopolize the interests of the East, which is unacceptable to us. .So... order to go on, my dark council will start a full-scale war with the church!"

Mu Feng showed an imperceptible smile, this is his real purpose here, to instigate two feuding organizations to fight, now it seems that this task has been completed.

"Dracula, step back first." The Dark Speaker waved to Dracula who was standing beside Mu Feng.

Dracula was ordered to retreat respectfully, leaving only Mu Feng and the Dark Speaker in the dark living room.

The Dark Speaker said, "Renly, have you finished what I ordered you to do?"

Mu Feng was startled, how did he know what the Dark Speaker ordered Renly to do?If this continues, I'm afraid I'm going to be exposed!What should I do?It seems like a good idea to kill the dark speaker and then wipe out the headquarters of the dark council...

"Hmph! You can't even catch a blood slave from the East? Thankfully, you're still an earl!" The voice of the Dark Speaker became angry.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Are you referring to the arrest of Fang Jianhong, that brat? Don't worry, I've captured him!"

The dark speaker said: "That's good, with his mana-rich blood, I can get the full power to survive in the sun, and I can even try to summon the great god Lucifer from the endless hell, so that even if the Holy See has mastered The way the angels descend, we don’t have to be afraid of them either. Where did you put that Eastern Blood Slave?”

Mu Feng said: "Sir, I will put him..." His voice became extremely quiet after he spoke.

The dark speaker said: "Where is it placed?"

Mu Feng continued: "I put him..." His voice became weaker and weaker.

The dark speaker really couldn't hear clearly, so he walked a few steps forward, came to Mu Feng and said, "You don't have to be so careful, this is the headquarters of my dark council, it is impossible for others to infiltrate."

"Really?" Mu Feng showed a strange smile, with a flash of silver light in his hand, the Black Iron Overlord Spear passed like a thunderbolt, directly passing through the dark chairman's vital point, the heart!
The Dark Speaker looked at Mu Feng with an incredulous look: ""

Mu Feng changed suddenly and returned to his original face: "I am not your Earl Renly, I am Hua Xia Mu Feng."

The dark speaker's expression became completely stiff in the mix of shock and anger, and the last thought in his consciousness was "What a fast gun!" The power of this oriental man far exceeded his cognition.

Mu Feng waved his sleeves, and took the dark speaker's body into the universe in his sleeve, and then transformed into the appearance of the dark speaker, walked out of this dark hall, and said to Dracula who was guarding outside the door: " Immediately summon all members of the Dark Council to prepare for revenge against the Holy See."

Dracula asked in surprise: "So the members?" There are actually hundreds of thousands of members of the Dark Council, and most of the time they are scattered all over the world.This time the speaker actually wants to convene all the members. Is he really planning to fight the church to the death?
Mu Feng's face was cold: "Is what I said not clear enough? Don't do it right away!"

Dracula immediately said: "Sir Speaker, please calm down, this subordinate will go now!"

(End of this chapter)

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