Agent of Heaven

Chapter 130 Arrival of the Angel Legion

Chapter 130 Arrival of the Angel Legion
In the boundless land, there are boundless killings and evils, disturbing the world one after another, and crimes are overwhelming the world.

The holy place of the church, the Vatican!

This was supposed to be the brightest city in the world.

But at this moment, he was shrouded in boundless darkness!

Although the cathedral in the city is still blooming with fiery and holy light, it still cannot resist the frowning dark parliamentary army!

Thousands of werewolves, vampires, and liches are constantly attacking the barrier covering the Vatican.At this time, the barrier was already covered with dense cracks.

The Pope stood alone on the peak of the temple, looking at the dark creatures that were constantly rushing towards the Holy Land like a tide, there was no fear in his eyes, but only boundless doubts: "What is that old bat in the Dark Council going crazy? Why did you put on a posture of wanting to kill me for no reason?"

A blood-soaked knight of light came up and reported: "My lord, the dark creatures are about to break through the barrier of the Holy Land. Please move to the church to avoid the danger."

The Pope waved his hand: "You step back."

The Bright Knight said anxiously: "My lord Pope!"

The Pope showed a compassionate and peaceful smile: "Don't worry about me, these overreaching dark creatures will end their filthy lives in my Vatican today." After speaking, he waved to the square behind the Vatican, The ground of the square suddenly collapsed, revealing a huge and luxurious laboratory.

There are many huge green glass water tanks standing in the laboratory, and in each of the water tanks is a human being filled with pipes all over his body.

At this moment, the barrier around the Vatican was finally broken, and countless dark creatures poured into the most holy gate in the world.

A large number of priests and light knights also emerged in the Vatican, fighting with the dark creatures.

"Don't worry, we are the spokespersons of God in the world, and these cursed people can't hurt us!" The pope showed an amiable smile to the bright knight beside him.

The Knight of Light saw his usual companions falling down one by one. At this moment, his eyes were filled with tears: "God, save your believers!"

The old Pope smiled and said, "God will hear your prayer!" He stretched out the scepter in his hand, and carved a huge six-pointed star symbol in the air.

The hexagram shone brightly in the air and continuously enlarged, finally emitting a dazzling light like a shooting star, covering the entire Vatican: "God who loves the world, your faithful believers pray that you will send down an army that can quell the heretics and the forces of darkness!"

The holy light fell down like a meteor, and ripples began to appear on the ground. The bodies kept in the glass cabinets started to move, one by one opened their pupils emitting the holy light, broke through the glass and walked out .

"The Archangel Caleb came to judge the sinners in the world!"

"The Archangel Gabriel has come to judge the sinners of the world!"

"The Archangel Raphael has come to judge the sinners of the world!"

"The Archangel Uriel is here to judge the sinners in the world!"

"The Archangel Raguel comes to judge the sinners of the world!"

"The Archangel Sariel came to judge the sinners in the world!"

"The Archangel Lemuel is here to judge the sinners in the world!"

The seven human bodies suddenly grew six golden wings, floating in the air, and announced their names.

Hearing the words, the old pope prostrated himself in the tunnel with tears in his eyes: "No. 70 Pope Magill welcomes the seven archangels."

Michael looked at the Pope and said, "You are God's agent in the world, and we are all servants of God the Father, so you don't need to be too polite to us."

Hearing the words, the Pope showed a grateful expression, kowtowed and said: "Three Archangels, please look, now the dark creatures have come to the city, I hope God the Father will be merciful and save us."

Gabriel smiled and said, "Very good, believe in God, and God will bless him!" Holding a golden long sword, he waved the sword towards the place where dark creatures gathered in the distance: "All angels obey orders and eradicate evildoers!" !"

All the glass water tanks on the ground were broken, and thousands of two-winged angels flew out of them, each holding a battle gun, and threw them at the dark creatures not far away.

The guns lined up in the air to form a huge six-pointed star symbol, pressing downwards.

How could these dark creatures be the opponents of the angel's gun? In the blink of an eye, there were already countless casualties. The remaining ones, seeing a large group of shining angels flying in the distance, lost their last surge and started Run away in all directions.

"No one is allowed to take a step back!" Dracula roared, trying to command the retreating army.He even took out the saber at his waist, beheaded two werewolves who were leading the escape in an attempt to stabilize the morale of the army.

"Dracula! Your vampires bully our wolves too much!" A huge wolf king with a black hair on his chest spoke, and he swung his claws towards Dracula and grabbed him.

Dracula was an officer before he became a vampire. Although he has made great achievements in battle, he is also known for his brutality. This time he relied on the warrant of the dark speaker to command the dark army, but at this time he has already retreated and the army is unstable. .No matter what measures he takes, there is no way to restore this situation.

At this time, he took the lead in beating the deserters, and some nearby people who had long been dissatisfied with his domineering followed the wolf king and attacked Dracula.

Dracula panicked: "How dare you..." Before he finished speaking, his throat was pierced by a silver spear. He didn't even see clearly who shot him before he died?
Two more silver lights flashed, and the leaders of the wolf king and the lich were also decapitated in disbelief.

Of course it was Mu Feng who made the move. In this place, the one who can make the move so quickly and so fiercely can only be Mu Feng!

Mu Feng had already recovered his original appearance at this time, held the Black Iron Overlord Spear in his hand, looked at the few dark creatures around him, and said: "God has the virtue of good life, and it is not appropriate to kill everything!" The gun greeted the Angel Legion chasing from a distance.


"Master Michael! It's not good!" A bloody angel flew back to the roof of the church where the seven archangels stood.

Michael said: "What's the matter? You speak slowly!"

The angel said: "Someone came here to kill. Three hundred of the thousand angels who descended to earth this time fell within a quarter of an hour."

Gabriel shrank his pupils and said, "How many of them are there?"

The angel said: "There is only one person..."

Michael asked in surprise: "What are you talking about, there is only one person? How is it possible?" He couldn't imagine that someone could kill three hundred angels in an instant by himself!
Another blood-stained angel with only half a wing fell from the sky in front of Michael and said, "Master Archangel, brothers have suffered heavy losses. Eight hundred angels have fallen!"

The seven archangels all looked at each other when they heard the words, and Gabriel suddenly asked, "Then is this guy with a rough face and a thunderous mouth? He is also holding an iron rod?"

The angel with broken wings said: "That's not the case, the person who came was this Taoist wearing sandals, carrying a bright silver gun!"

Michael said: "It's him! The Eastern God who hit me seriously last time!"

(End of this chapter)

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