Agent of Heaven

Chapter 13 The Killing of the Head of Shushan

Chapter 13 The Killing of the Head of Shushan
Night, Shushan.

Mu Feng and Xiao Tiangou were arranged by Shushan in a secluded small courtyard.The interior is spacious and clean, and the furnishings are simple, demonstrating the Taoist style of quietness and inaction, without seeking luxury.

Unexpectedly, after sleeping in the middle of the night, Mu Feng suddenly heard a dog barking next to his ears, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the Xiaotian dog standing beside his bed with its dog's head stretched out. "Shoutiangou, what's wrong?"

Roaring Sky Dog: "Wow, woof."

Mu Feng said: "You said you smelled the evil spirit from the Tiger Wing Demon Knife! Come on and take me there."

Mu Feng quickly put on some clothes, and followed Xiaotiangou out.After walking for a while, they came to a bamboo forest. Mu Feng found that he recognized this place, and this was the residence of Qingcang Taoist, the head of Shushan!How could the evil spirit of the white tiger appear here?

Mu Feng walked to the hut where Taoist Qingcang lived, and knocked on the door.

There was no response from inside the room.

Mu Feng found that the door was not locked, so he pushed the door and walked in, but was shocked by the scene in front of him!The head of Shushan is sitting cross-legged on the garden, but there is no life.After a closer look, he discovered that there was a black and red knife wound on his throat.

Just as Mu Feng was concentrating on observing the body of the master of Shushan, the Xiaotian dog started to bark at the corner of the wooden house.A black figure suddenly sprang out from the corner of the wooden house, holding a thin blade that shone with a cold white light, stabbing at Mu Feng.

Looking at the thin blade, Mu Feng felt involuntary tremors all over his body, and his hair stood on end.As if he was facing an ancient ferocious beast, his body didn't even have the ability to move.

At this critical moment, Xiaotiangou jumped up and bit the man in black's throat.The man in black had no choice but to turn around to dodge, took advantage of the situation to open the door, and rushed out.

When Mu Feng came back to his senses, he felt that he was in a cold sweat, and he was only a little bit close to reporting to Hades.Hurry up and chase the man in black with Xiaotiangou in the direction where the man in black is escaping.Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he collided with an old man.

The old Taoist had a beard, a burly figure, and was wearing a light green Taoist robe.He yelled at Mu Feng: "Who are you? What are you doing sneakily in my brother's room!" Soon the old Taoist discovered the lifeless corpse of Taoist Qingcang behind Mu Feng.

"Hey! The little thief dares to harm my senior brother! Take your life!" The old man roared angrily, and a fairy sword surrounded by green light appeared in his hand, bringing a sword light soaring into the sky, and slashed at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng pumped up his mana, crossed his hands, and gasped for the next flick of the sword: "Daoist, listen to me!"

"Hmph, the little thief has such powerful magic power. Come and try my move!" I saw the old master pinching the sword formula with his hands and muttering words, and the green flying sword was suspended behind his back, one turning into two, and two turning into two. Turn into four, turn four into eight, and finally turn into hundreds of flying swords!
Mu Feng watched the magnificent scene of the sword glowing soaring to the sky, and couldn't help sighing: "Shushan swordsmanship really lives up to its reputation!"

Xiao Tiangou also nodded his head.

The old Taoist pointed at Mu Feng and shouted: "Ten thousand swords kill demons!" The flying sword behind him turned into a huge torrent and shot towards Mu Feng.

but!Mu Feng suddenly snorted, and suddenly disappeared out of thin air!With this powerful move, he lost his target in an instant, so he had no choice but to strike towards the deserted ground!Under the huge mana installation, a mushroom cloud slowly rose on the ground.

The violent noise here has already attracted many Shushan disciples, and many people gathered around to watch.However, the mushroom cloud dissipated, and Mu Feng's figure appeared in front of everyone without any damage!The most frightening thing was that even the dog next to him didn't lack a single hair.

When the old Taoist saw this picture, the three corpses jumped out of anger, pointed at Mu Feng and cursed: "You little thief, what kind of magic are you using?"

Mu Feng replied: "This is not a sorcery." Of course it is not a sorcery, not only is it not a sorcery, it is also an authentic Tiangang 36 transformation, which was passed down by the old pig himself!
Mu Feng's method of dodging Lao Dao Feijian's attack is actually very simple, but he turned into a louse and hid in the hair of the Xiaotian dog.

This trick of the old Taoist priest to kill demons with thousands of swords is indeed very powerful, even the current Mu Feng dare not accept it.But for Xiao Tiangou, who has followed Erlang God for thousands of years and even dared to hate Monkey King, this power is really not even drizzle.

The old Taoist shouted to the Shushan disciples who were watching all around: "Shushan disciples! Formation of swords!"

The surrounding disciples from Shu Mountain responded in unison, holding long swords one by one, surrounding Mu Feng and Xiao Tiangou in the middle.

"Wait a minute!" A gentle yet powerful voice came, stopping this imminent battle.Mu Feng followed the prestige, and it turned out to be a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses who appeared to be well-mannered.

"Jiang Quan! This thief killed my senior brother who is the head of the sect, but you actually prevented us from capturing him. Could it be that the Ninth Bureau wants to make Shushan my enemy?" The old man yelled at Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quan was startled first: "Qing Cang is dead?" Then he quickly calmed down and asked: "Daoist Qingmu, did you see this little friend kill the head of Qing Cang with your own eyes?"

"It's not...but! When I went in, I saw him sneaking in the brother's room, and there was no one else in it! If it wasn't him, who else could it be?"

Seeing that he had the opportunity to speak, Mu Feng said with a feeling: "I didn't kill Daoist Qingcang, he was a man in black. When I arrived, Daoist Qingcang was already dead. Just as I was chasing the man in black I was entangled by Daoist Aoki for a while!"

Aoki said angrily: "Bah! You little thief, do you still want to say that I prevented you from chasing the murderer!"

Mu Feng said: "Yes, it is indeed you who prevented me from chasing the murderer."

Qing Mu said: "Hmph, I think you don't cry when you see the coffin, Shushan disciple sword array..."

Jiang Quan snapped back and said: "Daoist Qingmu wait a minute, little friend Mu Feng, you say you are not a murderer, so do you have any way to prove your innocence?"

Mu Feng glanced at Xiao Tiangou, and Xiao Tianquan nodded his head.Mu Feng said: "I can prove my innocence."

As soon as he said this, Jiang Quan smiled and cupped his hands at Aoki: "Daoist Aoki, it's better for us to find out the truth of the matter."

Aoki snorted coldly, but also put away the fairy sword in his hand.

Mu Feng said to the crowd again: "Come with me, I will take you to find the murderer."

Let's talk, let the roaring dog smell the remaining evil spirit of the white tiger on the ground, and everyone chases in the direction where the man in black is escaping.After walking for about a stick of incense, I arrived in front of an extremely huge pavilion, and saw a Taoist man in a black Taoist robe covered in blood running away from the crowd. From the looks of it, this person was Taoist Priest Qingyang, and He is being hunted down by a big man in black!Let's talk about the appearance of this big man in black:
His eyes were blood red like cinnabar, and his whole body was as black as rolling coals.With a beard like steel needles, a thick body like a black bear, and a big ax in each hand.The appearance is ferocious, extremely frightening.

When all the Shushan disciples saw their elder being hunted down, they all went to rescue him with swords.

Unexpectedly, this big man in black was extremely vicious, he grabbed the nearest Shushan disciple and he went up with an axe, splitting his head in half, leaving his brain mixed with blood all over the place.

The big man in black kept yelling strangely, swiping his ax at the Shushan disciples around him to cover them up, and from time to time, he saw countless heads flying into the sky.Others were directly chopped into four or five pieces by him, and the intestines and internal organs were scattered all over the floor.

Seeing this, Aoki and Jiang Quan rushed to take action, and they joined forces to block the big man in black, but within a few rounds they were almost unable to hold on.

Mu Feng asked Xiao Tiangou, "He is the Heavenly Killing Star? Why is he so cruel?"

The Roaring Sky Dog let out a long roar, and rushed directly towards the Heavenly Slaughtering Star.

Mu Feng wanted to step forward to stop him, but he was obviously not the opponent of Tiansha Xing, but when he saw the roaring dog flying towards him, he suddenly had an idea and changed into Yang Jian's appearance.Pulled out another vellus hair, turned it into a three-pointed and two-edged gun, held it in his hand, pointed at the killing star who was killing the sky, and shouted: "Wu Na Heisi, hurry up and catch him!"

The Heavenly Slaughter Star was just about to kill the old Taoist priest in front of him.But suddenly he saw the roaring dog rushing towards him, thinking in his heart: "Why does this dog look familiar?" At this moment, he heard Mu Feng's stern shout, and looked up, Yang Jian was holding a three-pointed and two-edged sword The gun stands there!At that time, Tian Sha Xing felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the Tianling Gai, his legs trembled, and finally he remembered, this dog is a roaring dog!The Heavenly Court actually sent Erlang God, the god of war, to arrest him!

Right now, Heavenly Killer couldn't care about anything else, he swung his two axes, knocking away all the opponents in front of him, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in a flash of black smoke.

The Heavenly Killing Star ran away, but the Shu Mountain in front of him was indeed a place full of bloody corpses, with limbs and arms broken.The smell of blood permeated the entire mountaintop, and it was no longer the scene of the fairy family's blessed land a few days ago.

Aoki clutched his bloody chest, stared blankly at the messy Shu Mountain and the head of the disciple who had rolled all over the ground. He looked up to the sky and screamed: "Don't take revenge! You can't be human!"

Mu Feng had already returned to his original appearance, but at this moment, he couldn't stand the miserable scene in front of him, and couldn't help feeling nauseated, and began to hide aside and vomited wildly.A tissue was handed to Mu Feng, and when he looked up, it was Jiang Quan.

"Thank you."

"You're you know who the murderer is?"

"I..." Mu Feng faltered, not knowing whether to say it or not, after all, this matter is related to the Heavenly Court.

Jiang Quan did smile and said, "I won't force you to say it's inconvenient, but you will deal with this person, right?"

Mu Feng nodded solemnly.

The Shushan faction spread the news, immediately closed the mountain gate, and canceled the birthday banquet of the head.The Shushan sect, a giant school for thousands of years, suddenly closed the mountain?This caused rumors to spread in the comprehension world for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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