Agent of Heaven

Chapter 14 Shushan Serial Murder Case

Chapter 14 Shushan Serial Murder Case

Shushan is closed.A huge sword formation enveloped the entire mountain range, and anyone who wanted to leave without permission would be attacked by countless flying swords.

Before closing the mountain, Elder Qingyang came to find Mu Feng and said that he could let him leave first.After all, Mu Feng has already proved his innocence, and he has shown kindness to Taoist Qingyang.No matter what Qingyang said, he was unwilling to let Mu Feng participate in the killing of the head of Qingcang.Because the enemy this time was too powerful, and more than half of the nearly one hundred Shushan disciples were killed or injured, they could not be left behind.

But Mu Feng said that he must stay and help Shushan.

Of course he wanted to stay, because it was his mission to capture the Heavenly Slayer Xing who descended from the mortal world.What he just didn't expect was that he would meet by chance when he went to Mount Shu this time.

Mu Feng paced back and forth in the room by himself, muttering to himself: "I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!"

"Haha, what can't you figure out, little friend Mu Feng?" Jiang Quan's clear voice came in from outside.

Mu Feng hurriedly opened the door to welcome Jiang Quan in: "Mr. Jiang is here." What Mu Feng did not expect was that Jiang Quan did not leave after the Shushan incident!He has already asked the disciples of Shushan, this Mr. Jiang is the head of the Ninth Bureau of the world!It stands to reason that he should be a master who manages everything.How could he be willing to stay in the closed Shushan Mountain?You know, once Shushan is closed, no one is allowed to enter or leave.

Jiang Quan smiled and said, "Let me guess what you can't figure out."

Mu Feng nodded.

Jiang Quan pushed his glasses and said, "You can't figure out what kind of enmity between that big man in black and the Shushan faction yesterday?"

Mu Feng said: "Exactly." He really couldn't figure it out, could it be that the Killing Star had some enmity with the Shushan faction, or why he took action against the head of Shushan, Qing Cang, and almost killed Qingyang.It stands to reason that the Heavenly Killing Star is the star king in the sky, so he shouldn't have any grievances with the mortal cultivation sects.

In fact, Jiang Quan had already roughly guessed through the identities of Mu Feng and Xiaotiangou that Tiansha Xing was not a mortal.He opened his mouth and said, "Sometimes, what you hear is not what you hear, and what you see is what you see. Sometimes, even what you see is not necessarily what you see."

Mu Feng wondered: "What does Mr. Jiang mean?"

Jiang Quan said: "Have you ever seen with your own eyes that the big man in black killed the head of Mount Shu?"

Mu Feng recalled the scene of fighting against the man in black in the wooden house that day. He couldn't see his face clearly from the beginning to the end. He hesitated and said, "Although I didn't see it clearly, I think it should be him." Because he Following Xiao Tiangou along the white tiger's evil spirit, he saw the big man in black really chasing and killing Elder Qingyang.

Jiang Quan said: "Before the matter is confirmed, you might as well try to overthrow the answer you think in your heart, look at it from another angle, and try to speculate again." After saying this, he said nothing more, turned around Leaving, leaving only Mu Feng who was still thinking where he was.

Mu Feng fell into deep thought, how about another way of thinking?If Taoist Qingcang was not killed by the Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun, who else could be the murderer?Who benefits the most after the death of Daoist Qingcang?After the death of Lord Qingcang, who was the fastest to grasp the power of Shushan?

Aoki's domineering face began to appear in front of Mu Feng.What a coincidence, indeed what a coincidence, why did Aoki suddenly barge in and fight with him indiscriminately just as he was about to chase after the man in black?No matter how it looks, it seems that Qingmu wants to let go of the person who killed Qingcang on purpose!Also, it was past midnight at that time, what was this Aoki doing in his senior brother's room in the middle of the night?
The more Mu Feng thought about it, the more suspicious things became.Could it be that this old Taoist Qingmu colluded with the Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun?Mu Feng shook his head and ended his long-time cranky thinking.He said to himself: "I'd better go to Qingmu to find out, anyway, he is not my opponent. If he really colluded with Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun, I will just catch him all at once. If not, I am not afraid of offending a mere Shushan Elder." Going ahead, he woke up Xiaotiangou who was sleeping soundly beside him.

"I want you to go back and get something for me." Mu Feng whispered a few words in Xiaotiangou's ear.Now that Shushan has opened the mountain sealing formation, only the roaring dog who is a divine beast can go out quietly. As long as the roaring dog brings what he said, even if the killing star has a great ability, he must be in Mu. In front of Feng, he obediently gave the head.

Mu Feng was not idle either, he transformed himself into a small insect, and flew towards Aoki's residence buzzing.

Qingmu is the elder of Shushan, his status is only under the head of the sect, and he lives in a relatively quiet palace.Mu Feng flew over without much effort, but just when he reached the gate, he saw two Shushan disciples who were guarding the gate for Elder Qingmu fell to the ground, and their backs were stained red with blood.

Mu Feng was so startled that he quickly revealed his real body, called out: "Elder Qingmu!" and pushed open the door to enter.

In the hall, Elder Qingmu sat cross-legged on the bed, with a bright red knife mark on his throat.

The state of death is exactly the same as Taoist Qingcang!
Mu Feng felt dizzy all of a sudden, Elder Aoki actually died too?

At this moment, a black figure flashed past the door. "Who is it?" Mu Feng chased after the figure.

Who would have thought that as soon as Mu Feng went out, he saw Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun with red eyes, and he was slashing at Mu Feng with two axes in his hand.Mu Feng groaned secretly in his heart, and summoned all his magic power to block it, but he was no match for Killing Xingjun today, and he was caught off guard by a surprise attack, and was thrown backwards by an axe, spitting blood.

Mu Feng said: "Heavenly Killer Xingjun! Stop!" At this moment, Mu Feng only felt that his veins were torn apart by this axe, and he couldn't even mobilize a trace of mana.

Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun sneered and said, "You actually recognize me? Then I won't let you stay!" Say it, and raised an ax to strike Mu Feng's head.

Seeing that he was about to lose his head, Mu Feng couldn't help mobilizing his mana with all his strength, but not only could he not mobilize his mana due to the shattered tendons, he even passed out from the pain!

Seeing Mu Feng fainted, Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun laughed and said: "You have no guts! Wait for Grandpa to dig out your heart and liver to make a bowl of hangover soup." Then he took out the sharp knife and stabbed it at Mu Feng's heart .

At this moment, a slightly mocking voice came from Mu Feng's body: "Hmph, you want to kill me?"

Mu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils turned golden yellow, and his forehead was covered with strange golden runes. He kept holding the sharp knife stabbed by Tian Slayer Xingjun.No matter how hard Tiansha Xingjun tried, he couldn't pull out the sharp knife.

Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun only felt that the person in front of him seemed to be very scary, and he didn't even have the courage to lift an ax in front of him. He trembled and asked, "You... who are you?"

"You're not worthy of asking my name!" A slap slapped Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun straight on the face, causing him to fly off the ground, turning into a stream of light and hitting the outside of the hall.

At this moment, a demon sword that had been suppressed at the bottom of the Shushan Jiange for thousands of years seemed to have heard the call of its master, and excitedly cut off all the chains that bound him, and turned it into a stream of light towards the place where Mu Feng was. direction to fly.

Mu Feng raised his head and saw a sword light flying towards him. When he reached out to catch it, he saw an ancient long sword appearing in his hand. He laughed loudly at the sword in his hand and said, "Old friend! It turned out to be you." , he held the ancient sword and lay down again.

(End of this chapter)

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