Chapter 15

Mu Feng opened his eyes, covered his drowsy head and sat up from the bed.He saw Xiaotiangou lying on his bed and dozing off.

"Why are you here? Heavenly Killer Xingjun!" Mu Feng was startled, his memory still stuck in the moment when Heavenly Killer Xingjun's ax was about to cut off his head?
Xiao Tiangou lazily shook his head, opened his mouth, and a golden light flew out and landed on Mu Feng's bedside.This thing is 24 sections long, with 84 seals written on it, covered with golden light, it is the magic whip.With this thing in hand, all the righteous gods of the heavens are under control, and the mere Heavenly Killing Star Monarch will naturally kneel down and bestow the head.

"You already brought the whip? Why so fast? How long have I been asleep?" Mu Feng felt that his body was fine, and the tendons injured by the Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun that day had all recovered by now. , but the thinking is still a little confused.

Xiao Tianquan said: "Wow."

Mu Feng said: "I've been asleep for three days? No, I have to go outside immediately." Mu Feng quickly got up, tidied up, opened the door and went out.

As soon as the door was opened, they saw two disciples of Shushan guarding the door with their swords. When they saw Mu Feng coming out, they clasped their fists and saluted, "Master Mu is awake? Please follow me to see Elder Qingyang."

Both Qingcang and Qingmu are dead, and now the person in power in Shushan has become Qingyang, who was originally the elder of the precepts.

Walking to the main meeting hall in Shushan, I saw Qingyang sitting in the hall in a red Taoist robe, discussing something with several elders beside him, after a long time no see, his face became even paler, and his complexion was extremely poor, as if he was dead.Indeed, after experiencing the Wanku Mountain change, and witnessing the master's sect suffered a catastrophe from the Heavenly Slaughter Star Lord, Qingyang seems to have already been mentally exhausted at this time.

"Young Master Mu, you are here." Qing Yang stood up and bowed to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng hurriedly returned the gift, and glanced at the other Shushan elders present, but saw that they looked at him very unkindly.Suddenly I was puzzled.

Qingyang seemed to see the doubts in Mu Feng's heart, so he said to Mu Feng: "Young master, please come with me." Say it, and took Mu Feng into the back hall.

As soon as you entered the apse, you saw a simple long sword suspended in the air. The sword body was translucent, and the sword energy was frosty. Looking at its veins, there was faint blood flowing on it, which made people feel frightened.

Qingyang said: "This sword is called 'Qingming', and it was cast by an overseas loose fairy 3000 years ago. It is said that by chance, he got an ancient demon soldier and recast this sword. After a hundred years, the sword At the time of completion, the Overseas Loose Immortal exhausted his internal energy, vomited blood and died.

His disciple entered the world with this sword and was almost invincible in the cultivation world for a while, but one day he suddenly became mad and slaughtered his comrades.He was killed by the Kunlun of Shushan at that time.

This sword conquered the master, and the four subsequent masters all died badly, so it was also called the demon sword.It was acquired by the head of Shushan Mountain thousands of years ago, and it will remain at the bottom of the Jiange forever. "

Mu Feng couldn't help but said: "What a strange sword!" As soon as the words fell, the Qingming Sword fell by itself and flew into Mu Feng's hands.

Qingyang said: "Yesterday, this monster sword broke the seal from the bottom of the Jiange Pavilion, and it has recognized you as the master."

Mu Feng: "Ah!" Confused, he quickly wanted to throw away the demon sword, but suddenly felt that the Qingming sword was very kind, as if he had known it many years ago, and couldn't bear to throw it away for a while .He thought: "Forget it, go back and find the old pig to recite the Buddhist scriptures for this sword a few times to save the sword. I am also a half-god after all, so I am afraid that I will be killed by a sword?"

Unexpectedly, with a thought in Mu Feng's mind, the Qingming sword disappeared from his hand!He only felt that there seemed to be something more in his dantian, and he closed his eyes and looked inside, only to find that Qing Ming was actually suspended in his dantian's sea of ​​energy.As long as you want to use it, you can directly summon this sword.

What a nice baby!Mu Feng finally understood why so many Shushan elders looked at him with the eyes of an enemy just now.Such a good thing has been hidden by Shushan snow for thousands of years, but in the end he picked it up cheaply.How can this make those elders who have long regarded the Qingming sword as the most precious treasure of Shushan not depressed?
Qingyang looked at Mu Feng with complicated eyes, then knelt down and saluted, "Master Mu, please help me get rid of the enemy in Shushan."

Mu Feng was taken aback by Qingyang's sudden salute, he hurriedly helped Qingyang up and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it, why do you have to?"

Only then did Qingyang slowly say: "That day, you fought against the black-clothed devil, and when we arrived, we saw you lying unconscious aside, and the black-clothed devil ran away with serious injuries." He said the black-clothed devil, It should be referring to the Heavenly Slayer Xingjun.

What Mu Feng remembered was that he was easily defeated by the Heavenly Killer Xingjun. As for the fact that the Heavenly Killer Xingjun was also seriously injured later, he didn't know.Could it be that someone rescued him?But the people in Shushan thought that they had injured the Heavenly Killer Xingjun.But at this moment, I already have the magic whip in my hand, it's time to get rid of the Heavenly Slayer Xingjun.

"I'm willing to help Shushan to bring down the devil!"

"Thank you, Mr. Mu, Pindao has already ordered his disciples to prepare the Myriad Swords Xuanyuan Great Formation. As soon as the black-clothed devil shows up, we will capture him! To sacrifice my two senior brothers, and the spirits of countless Shushan disciples who died tragically in the sky. "

Mu Feng stroked his chin and said, "Actually, I have a way to find him."

In fact, the way to find Lord Tiansha Xing is very simple, Xiao Tiangou has already smelled the smell of Lord Tiansha Xing, and everyone just needs to follow him to find him, even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he can find him.What's more, the Heavenly Killer Xingjun was seriously injured at this time, and he couldn't even break through the mountain sealing formation of Shushan, so he could only hide in Shushan.

Mu Feng took the lead and led the Shushan people and Jiang Quan to a valley.Looking down, there was a fire in the valley, and the Heavenly Slaughter King dressed in black was roasting something in front of the fire.

"What he's Senior Brother Li Shaobai who disappeared yesterday!" A Shushan disciple looked at the Heavenly Killer who was grilling meat below, and suddenly cried out in fright.

Mu Feng looked towards Tiansha Xing, and saw that there was indeed a corpse wearing a Shushan disciple's uniform beside him, but a large piece of flesh had been cut off from his thigh.This made him frowned fiercely, killing Xingjun this day, actually eating people!This fairy actually eats people?

Jiang Quan said: "Let me also use 'Yuqing Shenlei' to help Shushan." Let's talk, he pinched the method with his hands, and began to mutter.

The sky was originally blue and white, but suddenly it was cloudy, and lightning was faintly seen in it. There was a loud rumbling noise, and a bucket of lightning struck down and landed directly on the head of Tiansha Xingjun, who was eating meat. He staggered, bowed his head and fell to the ground.

"Disciple of Shu Mountain, Wanjian Xuanyuan Formation!" Qingyang came out holding the sword and shouted loudly.

The long swords of all the Shushan disciples came out of their backs one after another, forming a huge Taiji pattern in the sky, and slowly pressed down on the Heavenly Killer Xingjun who was lying on the ground.

Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun let out a roar, and pulled out the ax from his waist. During the swing, two ax beams crossed and flew out, colliding with the huge Tai Chi sword diagram.

"Change!" Qingyang shouted loudly, unsheathed the fairy sword in his hand, and flew into the air.Those scattered flying swords that had been hacked by the Heavenly Slaughter Star King's ax actually flew up again and merged into Qingyang's fairy sword.

Qingyang's fairy sword became bigger and bigger, and soon turned into a giant sword, which fell from the sky again, and stabbed at the head of Tiansha Xingjun.

Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun roared angrily, jumped with an ax in his hand, and collided with the giant sword.There was a loud noise, and the giant sword broke inch by inch, turning into debris and flying in all directions.

Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun floated in the air with his whole body soaked in blood, baring his white teeth, laughing and looking at the Shushan disciples who fell to the ground one after another because the formation was broken.After all, he is a star king from the sky, even if he is seriously injured, he cannot be provoked by these mortal cultivation sects, not even the Shushan sect!
But suddenly another figure rushed out from under the broken giant sword, he quickly approached the Heavenly Slayer Xingjun, and the sharp blade in his hand penetrated the Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun's shoulder with lightning speed.This figure is exactly Qingyang!

Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun let out an angry roar, and struck Qingyang head-on with an axe, but suddenly there was another thunder in the sky, and another "Jade Qing Divine Thunder" struck him down from the air.He turned his head in disgrace, and stood up like a kite. Regardless of the injuries on his body, he raised his ax and flew towards Jiang Quan, who was casting a spell in the distance.

"Damn Dare!" shouted angrily, and Mu Feng was floating in the air with a magic whip in his hand.

Seeing the magic whip in Mu Feng's hand, Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun remembered the weird things that happened that day when he was about to kill Mu Feng, and knew that he couldn't afford to mess with this person.He wanted to turn around and run away, but unexpectedly, the magic whip fell from the sky and hit him on the head, beating him until he was in bad shape, staring at his eyes.

"This is the first whipping that you disregard the rules of heaven and go down to earth without permission."

Mu Feng flew down, caught the magic whip, and hit the Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun again!This whip hit him on the chest, causing him to be in chaos, and blood spurted wildly.

"This second whip you kill innocents indiscriminately, bloodthirsty."

"Grandpa escaped! I have something to say!" Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun fell to the ground and began to beg for mercy. Facing Mu Feng who was holding a magic whip, he really had no ability to resist.

"This third whip is cruel and cannibal, like a demon!"

Mu Feng stepped on the head of Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun, unwilling to listen to his begging for mercy. He really hated this fairy, and finally hit his spine with all his strength, and there was only a click, and the spine broke. Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun lay on the ground and could no longer move.

Xiao Tiangou walked up to the Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun, raised his leg, and pissed directly on the Tianslaughter Xingjun's face.

(End of this chapter)

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